Passiflora is a flower for those who love to travel to the Mediterranean basin - no other will give us such a substitute for Italy or the south of France on our windowsill. However, it is better to be careful with passion fruit, because its leaves are poisonous. What are the symptoms of poisoning in passion fruit?

Passiflorais a flower that, according to believers, represents the instruments of Jesus' passion on the cross, therefore its second name is "the flower of the Lord's Passion". This is where its Latin name comes from:passiois suffering, andflos- flower.
Passiflora has its roots in thetropical regions of Central America , and it didn't reach Europe until the 18th century. It was discovered by missionaries who, together with the Spanish conquistadors, came to America to convert the indigenous peoples of these areas to Christianity. They associated the cap with a crown of thorns, the stamens - with the wounds of Christ, and the posts - with the nails with which he was nailed to the cross.
However, all this fancy construction has a different task - it is a landing strip for pollinating insects ,batsandhummingbirds , which has an unusualshapeand a veryintense smell .
In nature it is a very numerous genus: it includes about five hundred species, most of which are vines, shrubs and trees.
Passiflora: undemanding flower
Passiflora can grow at home, on the terrace and in the garden (it can withstand temperatures down to minus 5 degrees Celsius).
In pots it usually grows up tometer high , on a terrace - if allowed to grow unhindered - it can even be5-6 meters long.
Although passion flower is grown in pots at home, it often takes the form ofdense climbersy, which during the flowering period, i.e. practically all summer, are covered with beautiful flowers. These, depending on the type of passion flower, can be:
- white,
- pink,
- red,
- blue,
- purple,
- and even in several colors.
Because passion fruit grows quickly, it needs a trellis to climb over it.
Passiflora: edible fruit
It is worth knowing that some species of passion flower, including purple, which is also callededible passion flower ,is grown on plantations. Its edible fruit -passion fruit- is valued for its tasty flesh and precious oil, and you can also squeeze refreshing juice from it.
In turn, thepassion flowerproducesinfusions and tinctures , which have been used for centuries in the folk medicine of South American Indians as a remedy calming and analgesic.
What is poisonous in the passiflora?
Although passion fruit is edible, its vegetative parts, including leaves, as well as young, unripe fruits, are poisonous - they contain a high concentration ofcyanogenic glycosides , i.e. one of the most dangerous toxins, which can even cause fatal poisoning - during decay, they releasehydrogen cyanide .
These compounds are quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and cause suffocation at the cellular level, as they prevent the cells from using the oxygen that reaches them.
A lot of course depends on the dose. In the course of studies on animals, it was observed that passion fruit extract is lethal when its amount reaches 15 g / kg of body weight.
Smaller doses trigger:
- paresis of limbs
- convulsions
- sleepiness
- disturbance of consciousness
- ventricular tachycardia
Therefore, it is better not to grow this plant in homes with small children or animals.
If it is believed that your toddler has chewed passion flower leaves, induce vomiting and go to the hospital as soon as possible.
The same applies if a cat or a dog has chosen the passion flower: it is necessary to induce vomiting and quickly visit the vet.
Be sure to check out:
Other poisonous houseplants:
- Croton spotted - cute poisoner
- Dieffenbachia: a poisoner from Brazil
- Narcissi: all poisonous
- Tulips: edible petals, stems and leaves, poisonous
- Monstera: as beautiful as she is dangerous
- Dracaena: dangerous to children, toxic to animals
- Spurgeons: poisonous beauties
- The star of Bethlehem, or the beautiful spurge
- Peaceflower: decorative but poisonous
- Common ivy (hedera helix) - poisonous, although healing
- Cyclamen: poisonous beauty
- Anthurium: challenging and dangerous
- Kliwia - rich in poisonous alkaloids
- Hoja full of toxic juice
- Ficus - poisonous ficus
- Amaryllis: poisonous belladonna
- Common oleander - is oleander poisonous?