Freezing feet in winter is a phenomenon that affects almost half of the population. The feeling of cold and pinching is annoying, especially during walks, standing at a bus stop or practicing winter sports. In the meantime, you just need to try a few simple home remedies for cold feet to get rid of the problem forever.
The problemcold feetoccurs not only in winter. People who suffer from such ailment know very well how it can be burdensome. Very often, despite wearing warm socks, the feet are still cold. The discomfort caused by cold feet has its justification. Permanently cold feet are a signal that something disturbing is happening to the body. However, there are many home remedies for dealing with cold feet.
How to deal with cold feet?
First of all, it is important to ensure that your feet are properly warmed, outside and indoors. When the temperature drops, you should make sure that the footwear has a thick sole, does not let the cold in and does not get wet. At home, it is essential to wear slippers and socks. The best ones are made of high-quality wool.
Do not overheat your feet as this leads to excessive sweating. Treat your feet like a radiator - keep warm as much as needed to keep them from getting cold. If you feel it is getting hotter then air your feet.
Foot warmers, hot water bottles, electrically heated blankets and slippers will also bring relief to cold feet. It's best to invest in undersuits, which additionally provide micromassage that improves blood circulation.
Home remedies for cold feet
- Foot massage
Performfoot massagewith special rollers and massage devices to stimulate blood circulation. Foot massage accessories can be found in a pharmacy, rehabilitation store, or even in a regular drugstore. The massage should be repeated every time the feet are cold or prophylactically, e.g. at bedtime.
- Foot brushing
One of the most effective ways tocold feetis to brush themregularly . You will need a natural fiber brush or a sisal glove for this treatment. This type of massage is better to do while bathing, because it is skinit is then hot and less susceptible to irritation.
Brushing the feet and legs with dry skin can irritate it, and then the treatment will be painful. Brushing should be started from the back of the feet and, in a circular motion, all the way to the buttock - on the outside and inside of the feet.
- Warming bath
Warming bathof the feet or the whole body will effectively warm up and relax. Just add a few drops of oil with warming properties to your bath, e.g. pine needles, ginger, cinnamon, sage, cloves, orange, rosemary, pine.
- Alternate bath
A quick, but quite extreme way to warm your feet is alternating bath . Pour cold water and very warm water into two bowls in turn. Take your feet in cold water, and then in warm water, one by one. Feet must be immersed in each bath for a few minutes (no more than 4-5).
- A way to warm the feet for the comfortable ones
Apply the warming ointment on your feet (it may be the one you use for colds). Then put on warm socks and tuck your feet under a blanket or duvet. Complete the entire heating process with tea with raspberry juice, ginger and lemon or honey.
The more desperate can warm up from the inside with a little liqueur or mulled wine. It is worth remembering that this procedure will only warm up your feet for a short while, and the problem will return quickly.
What causes cold feet?
There can be many causes of cold feet - from completely natural thermogenic phenomena in the body to chronic diseases that require treatment. However, the most common causes are not dangerous to he alth and they can be easily de alt with at home.
Freezing feet often affects thin and tall people. The heating of the internal organs is then carried out at the expense of the peripheral parts of the body. Emotionally overactive people may also experience increased cold. Excess catecholamine secreted in their body causes strong contraction of blood vessels, which is the cause of the feeling of cold.
Stress and anxiety are also causes of peripheral blood circulation disorders. People under stress feel not only cold, but also excessive sweating of the upper and lower limbs.
Another reason for the constant feeling of cold feet isa sedentary lifestyleand working in front of the computer. This condition is especially dangerous for people who have a shortage of exercise at the same time.
Slow circulation causes feet to freeze excessively, but it canalso lead to more serious cardiovascular diseases.
One of the serious causes of peripheral circulatory disorders issmoking . Smokers feel cold and are more prone to frostbite feet in cold weather. A prosaic reason that should not be underestimated are compression socks or knee-high socks, which make it difficult to transport blood and oxygen to the limbs.
Problemcold feetshouldn't be alarming when it occurs sporadically and home remedies are enough to get rid of it. However, if freezing feet become a chronic ailment that causes discomfort, and the methods of warming up do not bring any relief, then you should go for a medical examination.
Recipe for a foot warming mixture
Heat the mixed together: 2 tablespoons of grape seed oil or olive oil, 2 drops of rosemary oil and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil. Rub the warm (not hot) mixture on your feet, make vigorous movements with your hands to additionally stimulate the circulation.
Then put on some warm socks. You can also add cinnamon oil to the oil or olive oil. Then the warming effect will be stronger, but the oil can also irritate the skin.
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