Cabbage heals hangovers, joint diseases and all kinds of tumors. It prevents anemia and swelling, increases immunity and provides beautiful hair, skin and nails. Plus, it's low in calories. According to legend, the heads of cabbage were made from the tears of Lycurgus, whom the god of wine Bacchus punished for destroying the vineyard.
Cabbagehas a reputation for being difficult to digest, not very he althy and common, bad taste. Undeservedly. This image is influenced by traditional additions, these knuckles, bacon and sausages. They make cabbage dishes high in calories and hard to digest. And yet the healing properties of cabbage have been known for years. Cabbage relatives include broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale and Brussels sprouts.
Cabbage - nutritional values
Even people with a strained liver can eat cabbage. It is low in calories - 100 g has only 40 kcal. There is as much vitamin C in it as in lemon (30-36 mg in 100 g, and even more in depth). In addition, cabbage contains a set of B vitamins essential for he alth, a lot of vitamin A, some vitamins E, K and routine.
While cooking, you can feel the presence of sulfur, which improves the appearance of your hair, skin and nails. There are also minimal amounts of arsenic in cabbage, which are essential for he alth. But its greatest treasures are calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Iron and folic acid are the most abundant in the outer green leaves. Let's not throw them away. They can be chopped and added to soups or salads.
Cabbage and juice - cabbage juice to drink and wrap
Cabbage juicehas special healing properties. Drinking it strengthens immunity, helps with anemia and swelling caused by excessive fluid retention in the body. After three weeks of a daily glass of juice, the latter disappear without a trace.
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Cabbage juice is also a medicine recognized by medicine for stomach ulcers. In folk practice, sap or leaf compresses are used to treat rheumatic and neuralgic pains, and to treat wounds and ulcers. There is more and more talk about the anti-cancer properties of cabbage - the chemical compounds (indoles) contained in it help in the prevention of hormonal cancer: ovarian, breast, prostate and testicular cancer.
The specific smell of boiled cabbage is caused by sulfur compounds contained in it. It can be neutralized by adding bread crust or walnut to the water. In the case of lovebirdsit is especially advisable, because we have to cook them covered, which increases the unpleasant smell.
Cabbage for joints - in the form of a compress
We reduce the pain of arthritic joints with a compress of cabbage leaves. Take 2-3 of the largest outer leaves, lightly break them with a pestle so that they soften, but are not full of holes. Wrap them around hot water pipes or put them on a radiator for a few minutes. We cover the sick joint with warm ones, wrap it with a bandage or a towel so that the compress does not lose heat, and leave it for a quarter of an hour. Compresses can be repeated many times a day. They will also help with sprains.
Sauerkraut - properties
In the 17th century, loads of sauerkraut protected ship crews from disease. Back then, people did not know what vitamins, antibiotics, beneficial enzymes or bacteria were, but they intuitively ate them in the form of silage. It prevented scurvy and frostbite, strengthened the immune system, and the juice compresses helped with rheumatic pains and ulcers.
It is a great source of calcium and potassium, and above all a natural antibiotic that regulates the digestive system. Thanks to the bacteria that produce extra ascorbic acid during fermentation, it has more vitamin C than raw. Another product of this process - lactic acid - perfectly cleans the digestive tract of putrefying bacteria, but it creates ideal conditions for the multiplication of beneficial intestinal bacteria.
Recently, red sauerkraut has appeared on the market. It has a slightly more delicate flavor and is he althier than white, because it has a lot of antioxidants, such as selenium and vitamin E.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreWhite and red cabbage - properties
Who doesn't like young cabbage? We wait for it throughout the winter, because its taste and appearance are second to none. Its structure has been changing since August. The later the variety, the more compact the heads, they need to be cooked much longer and require more flavorings.
The most delicious iswhite Amager . Compact, but it has brittle leaves, short depth and a lot of sugar. It is suitable for pickling and for salads. It is sensitive to frost, so it must be stored in cold stores or in mounds at temperatures above freezing. She is more resistant savoy cabbage . Withstands up to -15 degrees C.
Red CabbageHas all the healing benefits of white cabbage, but a lighter structure, so it's perfect for stuffing. Its aroma is more pleasant, which is why it is more often added to soups and broths. It owes its color to anthocyanins, which are the strongest antioxidants. It is exceptionally rich in thiamin, i.e. vitamin B1. It has as much as 77 mcg in 100 g, while white has over 20 mcg less.
Red cabbage is an excellent addition to roast dark poultry and beef rolls. Remember aboutChinese cabbage(called - giant white, celery), from China. It has no unpleasant smell, no cholesterol, but a lot of fiber. Perfect for salads, for Chinese dishes, and stuffed like stuffed cabbage rolls.
To boiled and stewed cabbage dishes, it is worth adding herbs that will prevent flatulence: cumin, savory, coriander, juniper, bay leaf. You can also drink an infusion of ground cumin or fennel after eating cabbage, or eat a teaspoon of ground cumin and wash it down with water.
Cabbage for breastfeeding mothers
Babies are not born in cabbage, but cabbage has something to do with newborns: it protects the mother against breast inflammation. About two or three days after giving birth, the breasts become heavy, hard as stones. If your baby sucks poorly, he will not be able to cope with such a hard breast and will not express his milk thoroughly.
The woman is then at risk of having mastitis. Cabbage helps. Its leaves need to be kept in the refrigerator to keep them cold (some even put them in the freezer for a while), then break them a little and make a poultice. Take a hot bath after half an hour. Then the breasts will soften, even milk will flow from them. The baby will be able to suckle, the danger will pass.
Cabbage - who shouldn't eat it?
A diet high in cabbage - and other cruciferous vegetables - is not recommended for people suffering from thyroid conditions. The goitrin and progoitrin contained in it hinder the absorption of iodine from meals, which may lead to a deficiency of this element in the body.
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