In a few months old babies it is quite easy to choke. Most often it happens when an infant puts an object in its mouth that will obstruct the flow of air and thus breathing. Therefore, to avoid the extremely dangerous effects of choking, learn about the rules of providing first aid in such cases.
Don't panic, act! First of all: always in the event ofchokingby an infant call forhelp- call the ambulance as soon as possible - tel. 999 or 112 (cell phones).
Before professional help arrives, first check to see if there is any foreign body in the baby's mouth that may make it difficult to breathe. If so - try to remove them in one move with your little finger. When this is impossible, do not try again and never try to pull the item out blindly - you will almost certainly risk pushing the item deeper!
Then listen carefully to whatbabycoughs out:
- if it is an effective cough - loud, clear,babymay draw air into the lungs, cry and react to your signals - hold them upside down in your hands and encourage them to independent "coughing" of a foreign body from the respiratory tract;
- if it is an ineffective cough - quiet, silent, the child cannot breathe, cry, turns blue - you must help him.