When a heart attack occurs at work, the most important thing is to recognize the symptoms of the heart attack and to behave properly before the ambulance arrives. Therefore, it is worth knowing a few rules of safe management in the event of a heart attack.
People suffering from cardiovascular diseases are particularly vulnerable to cardiac complications, such as a heart attack. The sick person's colleagues should be aware of the risk of such a situation. It is good to know the place where the patient keeps his medicines and the phone number of the person who can help or provide the necessary information about the patient's he alth (doctor, family). Correct proceeding during the incident may save the victim's life.
- The behavior of colleagues should primarily reduce the patient's stressful stimuli. They should support him mentally, talk to him so that he does not lose contact with the environment. The most important thing is that all ad hoc actions are performed in a proper and thoughtful manner, until the arrival of an ambulance - explains the expert of the "Heart Again" program, prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Gaciong.
Heart attack - first aid
- Ambulance.Do not ignore any symptoms that signal your heart is abnormal. An ambulance call is the first and basic activity that should be performed if pain symptoms appear, such as: prolonged, strong, choking and crushing or burning pain in the chest, often accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, feeling anxious and in danger.
- Medications.If the patient is conscious, he should take medications containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) to thin the blood and prevent vein clots. The dose recommended by doctors is approximately 150-235 mg in an uncoated tablet. Such drugs should be in the office first aid kit or in the personal belongings of the patient.
- Correct position.If the person is conscious, lie down comfortably. An unconscious person should be placed in the so-called safe position while waiting for medical attention. The patient should limit his movements as much as possible so as not to increase the return of venous blood to the heart and thus not to burden the heart muscle even more.
- Fresh air.If possible, open the windows and open the door. Accessfresh air will facilitate breathing and relax the patient. For the injured person's breathing it is good to loosen his tie, undo his shirt and belt.
- Reanimation.In the event that the patient loses consciousness, the heart beats and breathing stops, and we are still waiting for the arrival of a paramedic, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be performed, i.e. artificial respiration and heart massage. You need to clear the airways (tilt the victim's head back, check that there is nothing in the mouth), and then perform cardiac massage, alternately pumping air into the lungs until vital functions are restored.