Damage to the knee joints very often happens to athletes. As a rule, these are sprains and bruises, as well as strains and tears of ligaments. A knee injury should always be consulted with an orthopedic doctor. If necessary, he will recommend immobilizing the joint. Rehabilitation of a damaged knee joint can be started at home.
It is enough to stand badly. Then the calf incorrectly positioned in relation to the thigh does not allow to keep balance,knee"runs away" to the side and … the trouble is ready. Now it's all about luck. If the unfortunate step is taken abruptly with great force, the ligament(or several) may be torn and the menisci may be damaged. If it is gentle - probably the adventure will end with stretching or tearing ligaments or damage to the joint bag. With each knee injury, you need to go to an orthopedist, because even an innocent-looking injury can be dangerous. Before you reach the doctor, put ice on your knee. If you don't have one, buy a frozen meal such as soup or peas. Coolingof the knee jointreduces pain, partially eliminates swelling and inhibits the growth of the hematoma that forms in the knee joint in the event of an injury. Do not do a warming compress. Heating an injured knee causes the swelling to increase and the pain to worsen. It is similar after wrapping the knee with a vinegar or altacet compress and wrapping it with oilcloth. The heat of our body "heats up" the compress. The injured knee joints must be immobilized with a traditional plaster or a special bracing apparatus. The doctor will decide for how long.
Rehabilitation of the knee joint should be started as soon as possible
Rehabilitation of a damaged knee joint is best started at home, while the leg is still immobilized. The best results are achieved with simple isometric exercises that involve contracting the quadriceps muscle (just above the knee). For example, several times a day, first straighten your foot with your toes pointing towards your knee, then gently lift your leg up, not too high. Properly performed exercise does not cause pain. The sooner you start moving, the more effectively you will protect yourself against muscle wasting from the so-called. After the immobilization is removed, start exercising more intensively. Don't be afraid to damage the joint again. It won'tif you keep moderation and adjust the effort to the possibilities of your pond. The exercises are simple and do not require specialist knowledge. Start by slowly stretching the muscles that allow your leg to bend freely.
ImportantIn the rehabilitation of the knee joints, the most commonly used:High-frequency electromagnetic field . Applied to the skin, the heads of the device generate an electromagnetic field that reduces swelling and pain in the joint.Interference currents- this is a special type of current overlapping one another deep inside the body. The current from 4 electrodes applied to the diseased area has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.Iontophoresis . Two electrodes are placed on the knee. One of them is impregnated with a drug (e.g. anti-inflammatory). After activating the device, an electric field is created between the electrodes, which through the skin, straight into the sick place, as if forcing the drug.Sonophoresis- a procedure similar to iontophoresis; uses ultrasound. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.Cryotherapy . The nitrogen vapor emitted from a special nozzle, cooled to -160 ° C, cools the diseased tissues, eliminating pain and inflammation. exercises without weight, with weight, in the pool).
Improving a damaged knee at home and under the supervision of a physical therapist
Initially, only bend your knee as much as you can. It gets better each day until you are fully operational. Do not forget about the rehabilitation of the quadriceps and knee muscles. Do the first exercises without straining your leg. It's nothing hard. Sit on a high stool or table and slowly lift your extended leg up. Hold on and count to five. Repeat several times. If your knee joint is not yet bending normally and you are unable to fully straighten your knee, exercise while lying on your stomach. But beware: this is not just a swing of your leg. If gymnastics is to be effective, it must be done carefully. Exercise until you feel a slight pain in your muscles. After each flexion and extension of your leg, rest. Do this several times a day. Over time, exercise your leg with a little load, e.g. by placing a long bag or a sock filled with sand over the ankle (not too much of it so that it flows freely in the bag, leaving only the material in the middle). Be patient and accurate when practicing on your own. Here you can only deceive yourself, while assuming responsibility for later ailments and disability of the knee. Also use home physical therapy, gently warming the joint with an electric pillow, hot water bottle, taking alternating baths in moderately warm and cold water. If you have not managed to improve the damaged knee yourself at home, you will need the help of an orthopedist and a physiotherapist who, after examining the joint, will recommend the best treatments and exercises for you. You will do these in the gym under the supervision of an experienced therapist. Exercise in the water brings great results. We feel light in the pool, but with sudden movements we feel the resistance of the water, which is currently used during rehabilitation. For example, if you move your leg faster, you have to overcome stronger water resistance - the exercise is more intense. If you move slowly, the exercise is gentler, less stressing the knee joint. The water in the pool has a temperature of about 32 degrees C, so it has a relaxing effect, reduces muscle tension, thanks to which you exercise effortlessly, you do not feel pain even when the gymnastics is very intense. . You need to bend and straighten your leg while the therapist hangs more weights on it. This is called resistance exercises.
Rehabilitation of the knee joints can take many months
Too short or incomplete treatment or interruption of rehabilitation with all types of injuries to the knee joints can have very unpleasant consequences. The disease will continue to progress. There will be permanent swelling, exudation and finally destruction of the joint due to the formation of permanent degenerative changes causing pain and significantly limiting the mobility. Rehabilitation of the knee joints after injuries can take many months. Despite your weariness, you must not give up exercise. It is worth knowing that tears and strains of ligaments heal one hundred percent without leaving any permanent traces. More severe knee injuries continue to be felt after many years. Unfortunately, modern medicine is not able to eliminate permanent damage to the knee joints. Therefore, during therapeutic sessions, you need to exercise patiently to protect your joints from permanent degenerative changes that cannot be removed, even surgically.
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