One careless step is enough to sprain the ankle or bruise the knee. How to alleviate the effects of sudden injuries?

Injuries: contusion of the hip and tailbone

In a sudden fall, the hip joint or the tailbone may bruise, and the muscles in this part of the body may be injured or even torn. With such injuries there is a sharppainmaking it difficult to walk and stand. It worsens over time, and a bruise often appears.The bruiseof the coccyx is very painful, and the pain gets worse when climbing the stairs.

What to do: Apply an ice pack to the painful area as soon as possible. The low temperature will cause the vessels to contract, which will reduce internal bleeding and swelling. Take a painkiller. When the swelling is gone (usually 2-4 days after falling and applying cold compresses), apply warm compresses at least once a day. High temperature will cause small vessels to expand and this will facilitate healing. Nutrients supplied with blood accelerate tissue regeneration. If the pain becomes worse or becomes unbearable, see your doctor.


Walking without a hat and gloves can end badly. And you don't need a strong frost at all. A few degrees and humidity in the air is enough to make the skin on the ears, cheeks and hands dry or reddened. First it stings, then it hurts, then it turns gray-yellow, it burns, and is completely numb. The pain wears off over time, but blisters may appear.

What to do: Do ​​not rub the frostbite with your hand or rub the snow. Coverfrostbitewith a scarf, hat, and loose gloves. Go to a warm room as soon as possible, but do not sit close to a radiator. Warm frostbitten places. Put your hands to the radiator, and then to your ears, for example. You can also warm the towel. Do not put any hot water bottles or hot water bottles. Do not pierce the blisters - there is a risk of infection. Well-warmed skin becomes pink. Drink warm drinks, eat hot soup. Don't drink alcohol. If the skin turns a bluish color, report to the emergency room.

Knee injury

It's very easy to get caught. You can hurt yourself not only on skis, but also in your own home, hitting your knee on a piece of furniture ortipping over on freshly polished or wet floors. Damage to the bones or knee joint is indicated by pain which, with the slightest movement, radiates to the thigh and lower leg. If the leg in the knee has a different shape than usual, you cannot move it (the joint is blocked) or you hear crackling and swelling with every movement, the meniscus is probably damaged. If you can't move your leg at all, a ligament inside your knee may have ruptured. Pain that is aggravated when standing on a straight leg may suggest a meniscus rupture. Depending on the type of knee injury, the symptoms may appear 6-12 hours after the accident.

What to do: If the pain is severe or you are unable to move independently, call an ambulance. Before reaching the doctor, apply cold compresses to the knee. With minor trauma, it will be effective in reducing internal bleeding. You can take a pain reliever such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

Injuries: sprains

It is enough for your leg to slip off your home slipper or slide down the step. The leg does not hurt so much that you cannot step on it, but it does not allow you to walk freely.
Joint sprain is the overstretching of ligaments. It is rare for them to break completely. The most susceptible to such injuries are: ankle, knee and wrist.
There is a sharp pain in the joint, which intensifies when moving, swelling and pain when touched, the skin turns blue or even black.

What to do: Apply a cold compress or ice pack for 12-24 hours to reduce swelling. If you are applying ice, wrap it in a cloth. If it is placed directly on the skin, it may cause frostbite. Place your arm or leg above your heart to minimize internal bleeding. You can immobilize the joint with an elastic bandage or a special band or orthosis. If the acute pain does not go away after 2 days, see your doctor.

Injuries: sprain

Most often we are to blame for ourselves, because we carelessly tread stairs, wear shoes with high heels or slippery soles. You can also dislocate a joint during a fall. Then there is swelling, sometimes distortion of the joint, pain when moving, discoloration of the skin, sensitivity to touch and light pressure.

What to do: If the joint looks unnatural, do not position the bones dislocated as this can seriously damage the nerves and blood vessels. Immobilize your arm or leg, call an ambulance or go to the hospital. Injured limbs should remain in the same position until the doctor's arrival.

Injuries: shoulder contusion

Happens quite often when we suddenly fall down. It is then difficult to move the shoulder, the joint is deformed, swelling and bruising appear. Such ailments after a bruise may herald a tearing or rupture of the joint ligaments.

What to do: Apply a cold compress to reduce internal bleeding and swelling. Call an ambulance or go to the ER. During the journey, the arm should be fastened in a sling or a triangular sling. Take a pain reliever or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug - they will relieve pain and swelling, such as Ibuprom or Paracetamol.

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