On vacation you want to catch up due to a sedentary lifestyle? It exposes the muscles to injuries, promotes bruising and overstraining the muscles, and causes pain.

Unprepared for greater physical exertionmuscles ,jointsand tendons more easilyinjured . Therefore, before you go on a sports holiday, work a little on your condition: run, do stretching exercises. Start at least a week before departure. And remember about the obligatory warm-up before playing volleyball or strenuous cycling.

Bruises are the most common holiday injuries

Bruises are very common injuries and are most often caused by a fall or impact. At the time of injury, small vessels under the skin burst. The blood in them spills out into the surrounding tissues, which causes the skin to swell and turn blue. The skin above the bruise is not damaged, but changes its color. Initially red, then bluish, then yellowish or pale green. The discoloration of the diseased area is the result of slow absorption of damaged blood cells into the bloodstream.
Most often bruises heal spontaneously within 7-10 days. However, it is worth speeding up this process and relieving the pain. Immediately after the accident, apply a cold compress to stop internal bleeding and reduce swelling. After a day, put a warm, moist compress on the bruised place. This will dilate the blood vessels so your body will absorb blood from the damaged vessels faster. Healing bruises is accelerated by an ointment containing arnica or horse chestnut seed extract.

Remember! If the bruise is extensive and swollen, hurts a lot and doesn't heal, see your doctor. A strong contusion of the head can cause internal hematomas or even damage to the bones of the skull. If the headache persists and is accompanied by nausea, a concussion may be suspected. Falls on the hip, knee or bottom are also dangerous. In the spine, the vertebra may be crushed, broken or displaced. The pain will come periodically with certain movements. A contusion of the knee may result in meniscus damage or the so-called water in the knee, i.e. the exudation into the pond.
Bruises and injuries caused by alcohol are dangerous. If we have had too much drinking, we have memory gaps and a headache in the morning (butnot because of a hangover), leg or elbow, better to see a doctor. The "anesthesia" we have subjected the body to may mask serious injuries.

You must do it

Sometimes a seemingly trivial injury may turn out to be dangerous. So don't underestimate the prolonged pain or recurring ailments.

Muscle overload

Muscle overload can be mild or severe. The first occurs when the muscle has been overstretched, e.g. with an unexpected jerk or long overload, e.g. as a result of hard physical work, intensive training. The symptom of muscle overload is pain that passes after a few days. It appears because the muscles lack electrolytes and water due to overexertion. This promotes the retention of metabolic products in them, which causes the formation of lactic acid. A hot bath and muscle massage bring relief, because they stimulate blood circulation and accelerate the removal of toxins.
Acute overstrain is accompanied by loss of strength, limited movement, swelling and internal stroke.

Remember! Acute muscle overstrain is easily mistaken for a sprain, so it's better to ask your doctor what to do. In both cases it is necessary to stop intense exercise.

Where to go for help

999- ambulance service
112- mobile emergency telephone number
When calling an ambulance, please provide specific information, speak calmly so that the rescuer can understand well:

  • what happened
  • how much time has passed since the event
  • what is the patient's condition
  • is she breathing
  • Is there a palpable pulse in the carotid artery
  • is he reanimated
  • what help has been provided so far
  • where is (place, characteristic points, etc.)

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