Spermicidal gels and foams are contraceptives belonging to the spermicides. They work by immobilizing sperm before they reach the woman's genital tract. Both gels and spermicidal foams are characterized by relatively low effectiveness, so it is recommended to combine them with a condom or other barrier methods of contraception.
Gelsandspermicidal foamsis an emergency methodof contraceptiondesigned for women. Both types of remedies work in a similar way and are used in the same way. They differ in consistency and duration of action (gels usually retain their contraceptive properties longer).
Read about the use of spermicidal gels and foams and how effective they are in preventing pregnancy.
Spermicidal gels and foams - principle of operation
Contraceptive gels and foams contain the same type of spermicide, i.e. a spermicidal agent - nonoxynol-9. This chemical creates a barrier in the vagina against semen. On contact with sperm, nonoxynol immobilizes and then neutralizes the sperm contained in it. This way, they are unable to get into the woman's genital tract and cause conception.
It is worth noting that spermicide does not damage the genetic material of the sperm. Therefore, even if the sperm passes the barrier and is fertilized, the fetus will continue to develop properly. There is therefore no risk of fetal malformations or miscarriage with the use of contraceptive gels and foams.
Spermicidal gels - appearance and application
Spermicidal gels are transparent, viscous substances, usually odorless. They are not greasy or dirty. You should give them just before intercourse. They are placed deep inside the vagina with the applicator included in the package - it is a kind of long tube with a plunger that allows hygienic application of the agent. The gel is squeezed into the tube, inserted into the vagina and pressed on the plunger so that the substance penetrates as deeply as possible into the genital tract. After use, wash the applicator with soap and water.
Spermicidal gel can also be used in combination with a diaphragm or a contraceptive cap. Most manufacturers even recommend this combination because it increasesthe effectiveness of both methods of contraception. Then the diaphragm or the cap is smeared with gel and inserted deep into the vagina.
Spermicidal foams - appearance and application
Contraceptive foams are sold in a pressurized container with an attached applicator. They have the form of a white, initially compact, foaming substance. They may have a slight odor, they are not greasy. The method of application is similar to that in the case of spermicidal gels - the foam is squeezed into a tube, which is inserted deep into the vagina and pressed against the plunger causing the agent to penetrate into the genital tract.
A certain difficulty associated with the use of spermicidal foams is their very quick dissolving to a thin consistency, which makes it easy to get dirty. The advantage of this contraceptive method is that it works immediately - you don't have to wait for the foam to take on its contraceptive properties. The substance works up to 1 hour after application.
How long do sperm live?
Spermicidal gels and foams - where to buy and what is the price?
In Poland, spermicidal gels and foams can be purchased in online pharmacies and through auction portals. As these are still not very popular methods of contraception, their price is quite high - it is about PLN 80 (one package is enough for about 13 applications).
Spermicidal gels and foams - effectiveness
Contraceptive gels and foams have a similar effectiveness - according to the Pearl Index it is between 6 and 26, where the first value refers to the standard use and the second to the average use. This means that during a year of using spermicides, up to 26 out of 100 women become pregnant.
The way to increase the effectiveness of spermicidal foams and gels is to combine them with barrier contraception. The most common option is a male or female condom, but spermicide can also be applied to the diaphragm or the contraceptive cap, thereby strengthening the barrier against sperm.
Spermicidal gels and foams - side effects
Quite a significant disadvantage of contraceptive gels and foams is the risk of irritation associated with their use. After application, both a woman and a man may experience an allergic reaction in the form of burning, itching, redness of the genital area. In this case, the affected areas must be washed as soon as possible. If symptoms do not improve within 48 hours, see your doctor.
Another downside to using spermicides in the form of gels and foams is the lack of protection against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS. Moreover, the chemical ingredients of the preparations may irritate the delicate wallsvaginitis, cause microtrauma and thus facilitate the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. For this reason, spermicides are not recommended for people who have an intense sex life and change partners frequently (unless they use gels and foams in combination with a condom).
Spermicidal gels and foams - advantages and disadvantages
- they do not contain hormones, therefore they do not change the natural functioning of the body;
- are available over the counter;
- works immediately after application (this applies to most foams and gels on the market, but some manufacturers may have different recommendations, so always read the leaflet before use);
- their application can be an element diversifying foreplay;
- the gel also has moisturizing properties and facilitates intercourse;
- can be used during breastfeeding (but not pregnant!).
- are not very effective;
- can sensitize;
- do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases;
- foam can be difficult to apply and dirty the environment;
- some women complain of vaginal leakage;
- are quite expensive;
- can cause an unpleasant taste in the mouth during oral sex;
- if used more than once a day, they can irritate the genitals and increase the risk of contracting HIV or any other sexually transmitted disease.
- The spermicidal gel and foam should be inserted into the vagina before EVERY intercourse. They remain active for 1-3 hours after application.
- In the case of using spermicidal gels and foams, it is not recommended to take a bath immediately after intercourse - water may rinse out spermicide, which is still working.