Masturbation is not only a way to replace having sex, but it can also be a complement to intercourse. More and more studies prove that masturbation has a he alth-promoting effect, and at the same time increases sexual skills. Already in the 1950s, the famous expert in the field of sexology, Alfred Kinsey, claimed that the best lovers are … masturbators.

Masturbationis the stimulation of your own sexual organs in order to achieve orgasm. For centuries,masturbationwas considered a sin, and numerous parenting guides have suggested how to eradicate this harmful habit in teenagers. There were views that masturbation, among others, leads to blindness, causes mental disorders and even infertility.

Modern research on human sexuality has dispelled a number of myths aboutmasturbation , the behavior also known asmasturbation , masturbation, self-arousal or self-satisfaction. It turns out that masturbation can have a he alth-promoting effect - it reduces stress, pressure, increases pain resistance or protects against cardiovascular diseases.

Masturbation: truths and myths

Masturbation is still a taboo subject in our culture, which does not make it easier to straighten out false information about it. Therefore, we have looked at the most common misconceptions about masturbation behavior to see what is myth and what is fact.

  • Masturbation only applies to adolescents.

Not true. It occurs at all stages of psychosexual development, from infancy to old age, although significantly in adolescence, such behaviors are more common (they concern about 90% of boys and 60% of girls) and are closely related to the specificity of this period. masturbation, depending on age. For example, in earlier periods, masturbation is mainly associated with discovering pleasure when touching genital areas (however, in infants it is an extra-sexual activity), in later periods, masturbation may be an expression of a substitute form of satisfying sexual needs.

  • Self-stimulation is the domain of men.

Not true. The fact that men do it more often (or, more likely, do it more oftenadmit), does not mean that women do not do it often and willingly. Approx. 50 percent girls have her firstorgasmis experiencing right now while masturbating.

  • All men masturbate.

Not true. There are some, though few, who at least not consciously do so. For various reasons, such as deeply held beliefs that it is a sin or disease, or a variety of sexual prejudices.

  • Masturbation leads to infertility or impotence.

Not true. The diseases attributed to masturbation do not exist, as long as it is a complement to your sex life or one of the ways to explore your own body. If, on the other hand, it replaces and not complements sex, it is a disturbing signal. Unless it is in old age or in the absence of a partner, when such a substitute form is perfectly normal.

  • Excessive self-stimulation leads to prostate cancer in men.

Not true. There is no such dependency. Neither hypertrophy nor prostate cancer have anything to do with masturbation. It is quite the opposite: in 2015, at the American Urological Association congress in New Orleans, the results of a study on a record sample of people (32,000 men followed for 18 years) were announced, which proved that increased sexual activity (including masturbation) reduces the risk of prostate cancer . In respondents who declared an average of 21 ejacations a month, the risk was 20% lower than in those who declared 4-7 ejacations a month.

  • Any masturbation behavior is correct.

Not true. Onanism can sometimes take the form of deviation (e.g. when sex is associated only with this form of self-satisfaction).

Masturbation may also be a threat to he alth and even life, when stimulation occurs by means of, for example, electric current, hanging, putting bags on the head, tightening the epiphyses with rubber bands, etc.


5 reasons why you should masturbate

  • Such a session alone relieves tension and makes it easier to fall asleep. It is a sedative and sleeping pill at the same time, the better because it does not cause any side effects.
  • This is safe sex!
  • Masturbation is a time of pleasure only for you, you can focus completely on your pleasure, not caring about the pleasure of your partner or partner.
  • Since an orgasm from masturbation is just as valuable as it is otherwise achieved, you can think of it as a free visit to the beauty salon. Your skin will bethen it has better blood supply and thus much firmer.
  • The more you masturbate, the easier it is for you to orgasm, both with and without your partner.
  • Masturbation cannot give real and proper sexual satisfaction.

Not true. The satisfaction may, and often is, greater, especially when the partners have yet to get along. This is especially true for women who have a clitoral orgasm.

  • Masturbation is evidence of weak character and mental immaturity.

Not true. However, in some cases this may be the case, although the reasons should rather be sought in character traits or family circumstances.

  • Masturbation should stop as soon as you start having sexual intercourse.

Not true. From the research of the sexologist prof. Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz shows that approx. 11 percent. husbands and 7 percent. wives continue this behavior, being absolutely satisfied with sex. This confirms that masturbation can be a great complement to intercourse.

Worth knowing

The He alth Benefits of Masturbation - What Does Research Say?

  • according to research by Dr. Tierney Lorenz from the Kinsey Institute, regular masturbation increases pain resistance and lowers physiological markers of anxiety and stress;
  • known sexologist prof. Barry Komisaruk of Rutgers University conducted an experiment that found that 70% of women were masturbated to relieve migraine headaches;
  • According to a study by Dr.Breanne Fahs of Arizona State University, a large number of women masturbate every day because the orgasm obtained this way relaxes them, de-stresses and calms them down;
  • masturbation can raise self-esteem and be helpful in the treatment of sexual disorders - this is confirmed by a survey published in the Journal of Sex Education and Therapy. In the survey, married, masturbating women rated their relationship as giving them more satisfaction and had higher self-esteem than married women who did not satisfy themselves.
  • Self-satisfaction leads to nervousness and unnecessary stimulation.

Not true. On the contrary (provided, of course, that it is natural, physiological and not deviant, pathological masturbation). For example, in the majority of adolescents, masturbation helps to relieve tensions or fears. It looks similar in old age.

  • Onanism promotes the development of abnormal sexual reactions, e.g. achieving ejaculation with an incomplete penis erection.

Yes and no. As indicated by prof. Lew-Starowicz, in the statistical majoritydemonstrating masturbatory activity, it has no negative consequences in sexual life. But for people who made masturbation into a way to have sex under any circumstances.

  • Masturbation always requires treatment.

Not true. Only in cases of pathological causes and forms of this activity, an onanistic complex, obsessive thinking about masturbation and pathological guilt.
