Even a small wound can be extremely dangerous as it can damage internal organs. Therefore, each wound requires decontamination and dressing. Haemorrhage can be extremely dangerous, if it cannot be stopped, a doctor's help is needed. How to give first aid in case of wounds and bleeding?

Every skin damage should be washed with an antiseptic preparation that will reduce the risk of infection, or at least with clean water to clean the wound. If the wound is bleeding, cover it with plaster.

If the wound is small and the bleeding stops spontaneously, it should not be sealed. The formed scab is the best protection and the lack of a plaster allows for favorable air access to the tissues.

First Aid: Dressing Wounds

In the case of a larger wound, it is worth contacting a doctor who could suture the wound or protect it with a special plaster surgical, replacing suturing.

Unless absolutely necessary (or not possible), use a sterile dressing after decontaminating the wound. Before that, however, the edges of the wound must be gently dried with a cotton pad, and the dressing applied so that the edges of the wound are as close together as possible (it will be easier with the plaster).

Dressings are best changed daily. You can moisten the old dressing with water - it will make it easier to remove it, so as not to damage the scab that forms.

Injury with a knife or other sharp instrument is extremely dangerous, even when the wound is minor. Blood vessels may be damaged. Rapid contact with a physician is then absolutely necessary to stop the vessel haemorrhage.

First aid: stopping hemorrhages

About 5 liters of blood constantly circulate in the human body. Losing less than 10 percent of this volume is imperceptible - losing more of this may result in decreased blood pressure, shortness of breath, general weakness, drowsiness, and the skin turns pale and moist. If the haemorrhage is not stopped, you may lose consciousness.

Therefore, in the event of a haemorrhage, immediately apply a dressing compressing the wound. In the case of a very strong haemorrhage, a tourniquet must be put on above the wound and the patient must be transported immediately to thedoctor. During transport, injured arms or legs should be raised (or placed) high.

First aid: nose bleed

In case of nosebleeds, sit down with your head tilted forward, use your hand to pinch both nostrils for 5-10 minutes and breathe in your mouth during this time. You can put a cold compress on the bridge of the nose.
