The pelvic floor muscles are responsible for keeping the urine in the bladder. If they are strong, even when you feel the urge to urinate, you can hold off. Even if your pelvic floor muscles are weak at the moment, you can improve it.

Ifyour floor musclesare weak, you feel a pressure (and you need to run to the toilet quickly), or you let go as soon as your abdominal pressure increases (e.g. when sneezing, coughing or laughing)

How to locate pelvic floor muscles?

Sitting on the toilet with your knees wide apart, start urinating and stop urinating completely while trying to feel which muscles are working. Warning! This type of urinary retention is only intended to help you understand your pelvic floor muscles. Withholding frequently, urine may become stuck in the bladder.

Exercise your pelvic floor muscles every day

The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the muscles through contractions. To begin with, practice lying down on your back with your legs bent at the knees, and when you get used to it, also sitting and standing.

Try to keep your muscles contracting longer and longer, but relax your muscles after each contraction (the interval between contractions should be 2 times longer than the contraction itself at the beginning). Do 10 repetitions in one set, 3 times a day.

  • It is only about compressing and lifting the pelvis, make sure that your buttocks and thighs are relaxed during contraction.
  • Don't tighten your abs!
  • Take care not to hold your breath while exercising. Inhale before contracting, exhale for a long time.

The first effects appear after about 6 weeks of intense exercise, but it all depends on the stage of the disease. If you feel improvement, you can reduce the frequency of exercise to 1-2 times a day.

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