It would seem that no one needs instructions on this matter. And yet - this activity, although as natural as possible, is only apparently simple. It's good to know how to have a he althy bowel movement, if only to avoid constipation or hemorrhoids.
Each of us visits the toilet 5-6 times a day on average. However, the frequency of bowel movements is an individual matter - it depends, among other things, on from diet. That's why some people do it once every few days, and some even twice a day.
And everything is normal until the toilet stays painless - and this can arise when there are problems such as constipation or hemorrhoids. What should a visit to the toilet look like so that it brings relief, not discomfort, every time?
Don't hold the gases
Most of us give them 20 times a day - some, due to intolerance or allergies, do it more often.Suppressing this reflex when we are in the company may have a negative impact on the excretory system, and thus indirectly on the defecation process.
The holding of gases may also lead to their reabsorption by the intestines and excretion of some of them with the breath, some studies suggest may also be related to the development of diverticulitis. So if you feel you need to farther, go to a secluded place and just do it.
Avoid the position of a skier in the public toilet
The "skier" position that we instinctively adopt when using the public toilet may disrupt the urinary tract and increase urinary incontinence, this position also reduces the rate of urine flow by as much as one fifth, and in addition, a large amount of it remains in the bladder, despite that we no longer feel the pressure.
Experts assure that sitting on the toilet seat in a public toilet is not a threatbecause in this way you cannot get infected with an intimate infection or sexually transmitted diseases (the bacteria that cause these diseases die after leaving its natural environment) - however, it is usually dirty, which does not encourage sitting down.
So let's carry handkerchiefs for disinfection, disposable toilet covers (available in pharmacies) or simply cover it with toilet paper.
Get in the right position
For proper bowel movementsthe best is the crouch position- the one used by the inhabitants of Asian countries (where there are almost no problems such as hemorrhoids, constipation or diverticulitis).
This position allows you to defecate quickly and completely, which is made possible by the fact that when we squat, the anus is at the optimal angle for defecation.When we sit during a bowel movement, the muscle around the intestine pulls it in such a way that it forms a "knot" similar to what is sometimes formed on a garden hose, making it difficult to empty completely.
If you do not want to crouch over the toilet, just place a footrest or a low stool (reaching half of its height) next to the shell and rest your feet on it while defecating.
Do not shorten or extend
Spend exactly as much time as you need in the toilet.If you rush too much, you will overload the abdominal press by tightening your muscles during defecation- the veins in the area of the anus stretch, which makes them less and less flexible. And that's a straightforward way to hemorrhoids.
Sitting in the toilet is also not beneficial: sitting overloads the veins around the anus and can also lead to hemorrhoids.