Erotic dreams everyone has from time to time, but not always aware of it. Erotic dreams can be an expression of unmet sexual needs and an echo of bed experiences. Is it worth considering their meaning? Or maybe it's better not to attach importance to dreams of sex?
Witherotic dreamsis just like all other dreams: they may or may not have a deeper meaning. Usually they do, but what's in them should be read carefully. For example, the triangle you just dreamed of does not necessarily mean you are promiscuous, and a dream in which you are in love with a person of the same sex does not mean that you are a non-heteronormative person.
Sexologists divide erotic dreams into those with universal content, such as love, partner's person, intercourse, culturally conditioned, and therefore understandable only within a given culture, and individual, i.e. possible to be decoded only by the dreamer.
Erotic dreams also vary by gender. The males are dominated by sharper content, there is more aggression, conquest, domination. The dreamer usually does not know the people who appear in these dreams. On the other hand, women more often dream about people they know and usually these are unlikely dreams that are unlikely to happen when they are awake. When it comes to literal associations, the so-called sexual symbolism, i.e. what is associated with the sexual organs, here both genders dream and associate in the same way - and so, for example, a snake symbolizes the penis for both a woman and a man.
How to read erotic dreams?
With a slight distance, and even with a slight grain of s alt. Erotic dreams can be a reflection of past or present experiences, dreams, expectations and needs. According to the sexologist prof. Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz can express repressed and repressed sexuality, unsatisfiedsexual needs , existing difficulties and problems in sexual life.
Sometimes they can be so suggestive that they end quite physicallyan orgasm . Such "tangible" reactions are called "angel visits at night" by sexologists. In some African tribes, nocturnal orgasms experienced during sleep are equated with a woman or a man visiting a dreaming person.
Most of this type of "angelic visit" is experienced by men in late adolescence and early maturity, whilewomen - between 30 and 50 years of age. Nocturnal orgasms while sleeping can also occur in men with spinal cord injuries.
Erotic symbolism in dreams
The correct interpretation of erotic sleep requires certain skills, and if you do not have them, it is worth asking a specialist (sexologist) for advice or forgetting about the dream. You should definitely not jump to conclusions. A very promiscuous erotic dream can be a consequence, often quite distant, of, for example, remembered erotic scenes from movies, pornographic publications, which only have a glance at, or an overheard conversation.
What do erotic dreams mean?
Reading dreams, not just erotic ones, can be fun and that's how it should be approached.
- Amputation (amputated part of the body, amputation process) - fear of losing attractiveness in women, fear of castration in men
- Arbor - a sign of secret, sinful love
- Armata - sexual debauchery, inexhaustible desire for sex
- Balcony - symbol of women's breasts, repressed sexual needs
- Banana - symbol of a penis in female dreams, suppressed sexual needs, in male dreams - fear of sex, loss of potency
- Aries - a symbol of great potential
- Wine barrel - need for sexual contact
- Weapon - sexual immaturity, especially in the dreams of young men
- Melee weapons (sword, sword) - fear of sex in women, but also longing for it, in men - sexual aggression
- Shoes - in women's dreams great unmet sexual needs
- Taurus - a sign of potency
- Cigar, cigarette - primitive sexual needs
- Daktyl - the need for tenderness, romantic love, not necessarily sexuality
- Tree covered with flowers - strong, so far suppressed sexual needs
- Beans - a symbol of masculinity (male testicles)
- Flute - longing for sex, member symbol
- Impotence - low self-esteem in men's dreams
- Castration - repressed sexual needs
- Sausage - materialistic attitude to sex, willingness to experience sex for money
- Rooster - in women - the desire to experience hardcore sex, in men - vanity
- Bed - sexual needs that cannot be met while awake
- Baldness - high potential, but it can also indicate disorders in this area
- Hammer - not reckoning with your partner
- Mouse - anxiety in the area of sexuality
- Scissors - fear of sex and castration in men
- Spider - strong sexual needs
- Money - great sexual opportunities
- Car - strength and potency
- Sexual intercourse - the desire to experience something new, exciting, not necessarily with a regular partner
- Vagina - a lot of creativity in sex
- Root vegetables (beetroot, carrot, turnip) - strong suppressed sexual needs
- Snake - symbol of drives, primal instincts
Check what your sleeping position says about you

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