Hypertension affects every third adult Pole, i.e. 10.5 million people in our country. Why is this disease considered typically "male"? What to do to avoid it, and when it occurs, not to lead your body to a catastrophe?
Hypertensionis a problem for many Poles. The most common non-specific symptoms ofhypertensioninclude, among others dizziness, fatigue or nervousness. Accumulation of these symptoms or their persistence for a long time should prompt us to visit a doctor.
Hypertension - non-specific symptoms
Some symptoms of hypertension may also appear in other diseases, therefore they are called symptoms not specific for hypertension. Which of them are the most common?
- pressure in the head - occurs occasionally and usually has the character of a dull pain. There may also be a sharp and short-lived pain, such as a prick with a pin. The most characteristic symptom of developing arterial hypertension is the morning pains that occur at the back of the head (around the back of the head)
- dizziness - usually it is very short and does not cause loss of balance. But they are often accompanied by annoying tinnitus and spots in front of the eyes that can be "seen" for up to several minutes
- fatigue - this characteristic of hypertension may appear sporadically or constantly, regardless of the length of rest. In addition, you can also observe a general decline in physical and mental fitness, often associated with a lack of concentration
- nose bleed - is the body's natural defense against high blood pressure. However, we rarely associate them with a disease of the circulatory system. Usually, such bleeding is explained by a general weakening of the body.
- sleep disorders - occur in various forms and with varying frequency. Sometimes we have difficulties falling asleep, which is explained by stressful work. In some people, high blood pressure may appear as premature waking. Sleep deprivation significantly affects the development of chronic fatigue and lack of concentration
- nervousness - manifested by over-arousal, constant irritability and nervousness, and even unjustified outbursts of aggression. Ignoring such symptoms quickly worsensdiseases
- heart ailments - with high blood pressure you can feel a clear pounding of the heart, a feeling of pressure or tightness in its area. Sometimes the sick person is disturbed not only by matching clothes, but even by the blanket they are covered with. Such ailments may be short-lived or may persist for days or even weeks
- shortness of breath - attacks of breathlessness usually occur during physical exertion, at a time of severe nervousness or mental experiences
How to lower the pressure? Home remedies
According to an expertDr. Bogumiła Pałubicka-Elmasri, cardiologist from the Unikardia Center for the Treatment of Heart and Vessels in KrakowIt is very important to pay attention to the smallest symptoms of the disease. These include headaches and dizziness, nervous hyperactivity, sleep problems, easy fatigue, palpitations and pains around the heart, shortness of breath and tinnitus. Such symptoms should not be underestimated, but should be clarified with your doctor as soon as possible. However, they also appear relatively rarely, so the disease may go unnoticed. Sometimes the only way to detect it early is to perform preventive examinations. Unfortunately, a heart attack may have a similar asymptomatic course. In the case of the so-called The course of the disease is completely painless and the patient is not aware of what is happening in his body at all. Most often, however, the seriousness of the situation is signaled by chest pain.
ImportantHypertensive emergencies
Rapid increases in blood pressure may be accompanied by headaches and dizziness, visual disturbances, seizures, and symptoms of heart and kidney failure - these are hypertensive sudden conditions that urgently require immediate medical intervention, conducted in parallel with diagnostics.