Ginkgo, although it is called Japanese, comes from China. The local medicine has been using its remarkable properties for centuries, and is also appreciated by drug and cosmetic manufacturers around the world. Ginkgo nourishes the skin, prevents strokes and improves memory. Ginkgo extract has an advantage over Viagra.
Ginkgo biloba( ginkgo biloba ) is a relic of the distant past - it survived on Earth almost200 million years ! The oldest growing ginkgo trees are over 3,000 years old! It was possible because this mighty tree developed effective defense mechanisms.
Ginkgo tolerates wellradiation , also ionizing. Interestingly, the ginkgo trees growing at the epicenter of the Hiroshima atomic bomb blast survived, fully recovered.
This extraordinary plant can also cope with manymicroorganismstransmitted by e.g. insects and birds (it spontaneously destroys pathogenic fungi, bacteria, viruses and insects that attack it), it is also resistant toindustrial contamination . This extraordinary strength is due to the we alth of strongbioactive substances- ginkgo extract contains over 60 of them.
- flavonoids,
- biflavones,
- terpenes,
- steroids,
- hydroxy acids.
In the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industriesGinkgo extractsare used in the production of preparations intended for both internal and external use.

Ginkgo for cellulite
When fighting cellulite, it is worth usinglotionscontaining ginkgo extract, because the set of flavonoids contained in it strongly stimulates skin microcirculation. It improves the condition of blood vessels and tissue nourishment and - which is very valuable - stimulates the process of breaking down fats.
Ginkgo for erectile dysfunction
Ginkgo biloba extract hasadvantage over Viagrapreparations that work only temporarily. An erection is a psychological, nervous and vascular reaction at the same time. In men, sexual arousal, perceived by the brain, releases nitric oxide into the cells of the penis - its smooth muscles relax, blood flows in and an erection occurs.
Regular use of ginkgo extractincreasesavailability of nitric oxide andallowsto relax smooth muscle vessels , which increases the chance of spontaneous intercourse with your partner. Therapy with the use of preparations containing the extract ofginkgo bilobais particularly effective in the case of erectile dysfunction resulting from the use of antidepressants.
Ginkgo biloba: ingredient of cosmetics for couperose skin
The presence of numerous flavonoids makes ginkgo extract a very desirable ingredient in cosmetics intended forcouperose skinandskin around the eyes . Flavonoids have a beneficial effect on skin microcirculation andstrengthen the walls of blood vessels , thus preventing telangiecthesias (dilated arterial and venous vessels visible under the skin as "spider veins").
Additionally, by protecting hyaluronic acid and inhibiting the release of histamine, flavonoids help to seal the blood vessels. Therefore, they help to eliminate not only dark circles under the eyes, but also puffiness.
Ginkgo delays skin aging
Flavonoids and terpenes are irreplaceable substances in the fight against skin aging. Flavonoids are extremely strong antioxidants, they also protect against the harmful effects of UV rays.
They inhibit the activity of enzymes that are harmful to the skin -collagenoses(breaks down collagen) andhyaluronidases(breaks down hyaluronic acid).
In addition, they increase the synthesis of fibroblasts in the skin, and by protecting ascorbic acid (vitamin C) against oxidation, they increase collagen synthesis and improve the stability of connective tissue. On the other hand, terpenes inhibit the activity of the factor that activates allergic reactions and releases free radicals. Ginkgo biloba cosmetics can therefore be very helpful in the fight againstwrinkles .
Does ginkgo improve memory?
Ginkgo biloba leaf extracts are commonly known asmemory supplements . However, the opinions of scientists on this topic aredivided . Some scientists claim that ginkgo biloba leaf extract improves memory, others that it has no effect on brain function.
The first ones argue that ginkgo contains substances that improve blood circulation in the cerebral vessels, thanks to which the cells are better oxygenated and nourished. As a result, neurons transmit nerve impulses more effectively, the processes of thinking, remembering and the ability to concentrate improve. Ginkgo biloba extracts canfacilitate the absorption of knowledge . They also recommend them to people with Alzheimer's disease. There are many studies confirming thatGinkgo extract prevents the build-up of betaamyloid, which damages nerve cells in people with this disease and can slow it down. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract is also supposed to have a protective effect on the nervous system, slowing down the aging of the nervous tissue, which is reflected inimproved memory .
Their opinions are not shared by, inter alia, Dutch scientists from Maastricht University¹. They tested the effectiveness of ginkgo leaf extract in elderly patients - 214 participants with dementia (including Alzheimer's disease) or with age-related memory impairment. Placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel-group studies were conducted for 24 weeks. Patients received the preparation once a day in doses of 240 mg or 160 mg and a placebo. The authors did not find statistically significant differences in the groups. They observed only a slight positive effect of preparations containingGinkgo bilobacompared to placebo. According to the authors, the results of the research do not confirm the general statement that ginkgo has a beneficial effect in dementia and in memory disorders caused by the aging of the organism.
Scholars from the University of Iowa² have a similar opinion. They analyzed several dozen reports in the literature (86 clinical trials) on the effect of the extract on the central nervous system. They express the view that the extracts have only a beneficial effect on maintaining the optimal function of brain cells in he althy people. However, they do not serve, as shown by numerous clinical trials, for the treatment or prevention of any specific pathological conditions of the central nervous system.
Ginkgo biloba prevents stroke
High blood cholesterol and high blood pressure make you more likely to have a stroke. That is why doctors often recommend that people exposed to such danger take preparations with ginkgo. They reduce the tension of peripheral blood vessels, increasing their capacity, and inhibit platelet aggregation. In addition, some studies have shown thatginkgo bilobaextract prevents ischemic damage to brain cells due to embolism in the cerebral vessels.
Ginkgo alleviates menopausal symptoms
The flavone glycosides abundant inginkgo bilobaextract are not only powerful antioxidants but also slow down the progressive degeneration of nervous tissue that begins during menopause. Therefore, regular use of ginkgo preparations soothes the variabilitymoods, memory impairment, dizziness, balance disorder. Therefore, it is worth agreeing such a therapy with your doctor.
Ginkgo delays aging
The substances contained inginkgo leaf extract , especially flavonoids, have very strong antioxidant properties - they neutralize free radicals that damage cells and tissues of the body. In addition, they inhibit the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is excessively secreted in inflammation, which also contributes to cell and tissue damage. They also improve their nutrition, because ginkgo extract improves blood circulation. All this makes the aging process of the organism slower.
1. Ginkgo for Elderly People With Dementia and Age-Associated Memory Impairment: A Randomized Clinical Trial,
2. Ginkgo biloba extract: review of CNS effects,
2. Bodalski t., Karłowicz-Bodalska K., Ginkgo biloba L. - ginkgo biloba (chemistry and biological action), Postępy Phytoterapii 2006, No. 4