Sex is not possible because the partner's vagina is too tight? Theoretically. In practice, the source of the problem does not lie in a woman's build, but in her psychological sphere. The problem has its professional name - vaginismus. What is this ailment and how to deal with it?

From an anatomical point of view, the vagina should not be too tight. Nature has constructed it in such a way that not only the male member can fit in it, but also the nascent child. So why can't some ladies have sex because of an apparentlyvagina that is too tight ?

Vaginismus: symptoms

When a woman suffers from vaginismus, when trying to introduce a male member into her vagina, the entrance to the vagina involuntarily tightens, and the muscles of the vagina even contract. The muscles tighten so much that it sometimes results in squeezing the legs and bending the spine. This is even though the woman wishes to have sexual intercourse. However, attempts to insert a penis into the vagina are not only doomed to failure, but are usually painful for a woman. Vaginismus, also known as vaginism, affects a small group of women, only 2%, but usually they even want to conceive a child, even if they have already given up satisfactory sexual intercourse. Do women suffering from vaginism have a chance to deal with their ailment? It turns out that it is, although it requires patience and determination in both sexual partners.

Causes of vaginismus

The causes of vaginismus are rarely physical - these include painful changes in the genitals, e.g. abrasions, inflammation, and a woman having a very thick hymen.

However, usually the causes of vaginismus are psychological. A woman who suffers from this unpleasant ailment may suffer from it because of: the pain of defloration, the psychological trauma of rape, fear of pregnancy, lack of trust in a partner, fear of intercourse, and even a lack of good conditions for a sexual act. Some psychological theories also mention orthodox religious upbringing, disorders of identification with the female role, and conflict relations with the father as the causes of vaginismus. However, these theories are not sufficiently covered by research.

It is true that one ofthe most common causes of vaginismus are various types of anxiety related to the sexual sphere.

How to deal with vaginismus?

Loving partners should be patient and try to break the psychological and physical resistance of a woman. However, do not be under the illusion that it will happen very quickly. It is worth starting and continuing slowly, focusing at the beginning on the experiences of the woman and making sure that each sexual contact takes place in favorable conditions, with full protection (if the woman is paralyzed byfear of pregnancy ) and slowly strive to the goal. The word SLOWLY is very important. It is worth for the partners to set a goal first - getting to know their bodies, reducing shame. It takes caresses, time and great delicacy on the part of a man.

However, a lot also depends on the partner - it is worth trying to tame her body herself. It's good if she looks at herself - also from the intimate side, she will renounce the shame in front of herself and allow herself to get to know her own body not only by sight, but by touch. When it turns out that she herself is able to insert a finger or two into her own vagina, she may approach her partner's treatments with less fear.

A woman with vaginismus should also exercise the vaginal muscles - using a training that is the opposite of the known Kegel exercises. In this case, it should focus on relaxing the vaginal muscles as much as possible. When partners manage to start a relationship, they should choose positions that promote closeness (e.g. missionary) and build trust, as well as physically help the woman to relax.

Vaginismus - when do you need to see a sexologist?

When time goes by andvaginismusremains unfazed, it's time to go to a sexologist for help. He or she will recommend a gynecological examination to rule out any physical causes of vaginismus. If it turns out that one of the causes of this dysfunction is, for example, too thick hymen, he can remove the obstacle by surgery. Pain medications, antispasmodics and anti-anxiety medications can also help.

The sexologist will probably also propose functional training involving the woman's skillful control of the vaginal muscles, penetration with appropriately selected gadgets, up to intercourse with a partner. In many cases, psychotherapy may be necessary. It may be especially necessary for women whose vaginismus is the result of sexual abuse.
