New methods of treatment mean that cancer is more and more often treated like any other chronic disease. Contemporary forms of therapy inspire great optimism, give hope, but most of all allow the patient to live a normal life. Marcelina Dzięciołowska talks about the impact of new forms of cancer therapy on patients with psycho-oncologist Adrianna Sobol

  • Marcelina Dzięciołowska: Receiving a cancer diagnosis is a huge shock for the patient, but what next?

Adrianna Sobol, MSc:Usually, when the dust “settles” after receiving a cancer diagnosis, there is a great need for action right after that.

  • M.D. The need for action also gives a task, the goal the patient is striving for?

A.S.:This need for action, if the patient has a guide in the form of a doctor or medical facility who shows him that this disease can be treated, the patient, despite appearances, is afraid at first getting into this therapy, at the moment of entering the process, he has a feeling that he is in something specific, that he has a goal.

Read other materials from the series of interviews with psychooncologist Adrianna Sobol:

  • Psychooncology: the path to cancer acceptance
  • Psychooncology: emotions in cancer and their impact on treatment
  • Psychooncology: is there life after cancer?
  • M.D .: Even if the patient knows at the start that he will not fully heal?

A.S.:Even if the patient has an advanced disease, even if the disease cannot be cured 100% or even if the disease has no intention of curing it, but is intending to maintain quality of life the patient, extend his life at the best possible.

  • M.D .: What if the patient does not have such a person as a personal guide?

A.S.:Then there are stairs and real difficulties. Even if the patient finds someone like that, he often hears from the doctor that he cannot offer him anything more.

  • M.D .: What does that mean exactly? That the patient is to return home because no form of treatment for this particular form of cancer has been invented?

A.S.:This "nothing more" does not always mean that the stage of the disease or thethe patient does not allow treatment, but some therapeutic forms are simply not reimbursed.

  • To put it bluntly: there are treatment options, but not everyone can afford them? What do the doctors say?

A.S .:Working in the hospital every day, I talk to doctors and I hear that they have a huge problem with it, they are frustrated that they cannot offer their patients modern forms therapeutic. This is sadness, regret, or the inability to do your job at the level you would like.

  • M.D .: What does this mean for the patient?

A.S.:For the patient, it often means hopelessness, because the forms that are not reimbursed often involve huge costs that the patient cannot afford. On the other hand, over the course of several years of work, I can see how much has changed, it can be seen in the example of breast cancer patients who have won a lot for themselves and it gives us great hope. Currently, there are many ultra-modern therapeutic forms available, for example in hematooncology the treatment of hemato-oncological diseases, the so-called CAR-T, only such therapy, unfortunately, costs about one and a half million zlotys.

  • M.D .: It is a very modern treatment, but very expensive… Which does not mean that you should give up right from the start. I heard about a young football player with cancer who managed to get this treatment …

A.S.:Yes, for example, on the example of this young boy who was seriously ill, the whole town mobilized to obtain funds for his treatment. He was a very young boy in a serious condition, and now he is a man who can stand on the field again and pursue his passions.

  • M.D .: This is a story worth passing on because it gives us so much hope that everything is possible!

A.S.:I am fascinated by medicine itself and how much has changed in its area.

  • M.D .: And still changing!

A.S.:Yes, we observe not only huge advances in medicine, but it is also amazing how people are able to mobilize themselves socially in such difficult situations.

  • M.D .: How does this mobilization look like? How can such large sums be raised?

A.S.:These are various types of collections, patient organizations, donations, the possibility of donating 1% of the tax, workplaces organize donations for the treatment of the patient and this is extremely touching.

  • M.D .: Are all modern forms of therapy so expensive today?

A.S.:Absolutely not. What's more - not all modern forms of therapy are exclusively paid. Currently, there is really a lot of innovative forms available.

  • M.D .: And what is this innovation about?

A.S.:First of all, it is about the form of drug administration - we have subcutaneous forms, immunotherapy, which is used, for example, in lung cancer - these are all huge steps that make the Overall, when we think about cancer treatment, it has really changed.

  • M.D .: How do these innovative treatments translate into the quality of life for the patient himself?

A.S.:First of all, nowadays the patient does not have to be bald, thin and vomiting - we can safely put this image of a cancer patient on another shelf. As I mentioned in one of our interviews - I have a patient with an advanced form of breast cancer with liver and bone metastases. She is a patient who, faced with the disease, without the intention of being cured during palliative therapy, moved to Spain, because she dreamed of having a view of the sea from her apartment. He comes to Poland once a month for chemotherapy in tablets.

M.D .: Cancer did not dominate her life! She allowed herself to live on her own rules, and this form of treatment (which is not as absorbing as the one in the form of drips) allowed her to pursue her dreams, it's beautiful!

A.S.:That's right. This is what shows how these modern forms of therapy affect the emotional state of the patient.

The president of the OnkoCafe Foundation, with which we are creating the foundation, said that her treatment lasted 18 months - one and a half years of infusions, which constantly reminded us of the disease …

  • M.D .: Fortunately this is changing now …

A.S.:Today, women who have the same type of cancer as the president of the Foundation often receive treatment in the form of subcutaneous injections (injections).

  • M.D .: Thanks to this, they can lead a fairly normal life?

A.S.:Yes, it is something that allows these women to return to work earlier, but also lowers the level of anxiety, fear and the constant burden of dealing with the neoplastic disease.

  • M.D .: Although there is still a lot to be done, we can already talk about huge progress and successes?

A.S.:Of course - there is still a lot to do in this area, many reimbursed drugs are already available. It can also be said that in many cases we already haveEuropean and even world standards in the treatment of neoplastic diseases.

  • M.D. Why is it worth talking about it?

A.S.There are many situations (whether in prostate cancer or in hematooncological diseases) where forms of treatment are still available that are not reimbursed in Poland.

  • M.D .: Which does not mean that obtaining such treatment is impossible, as evidenced by the example of our footballer, right?

A.S.:Exactly. It also does not change the fact that oncological treatment is a huge therapeutic progress, which is really reflected in patients, people and their stories, and we should speak about it loudly.

  • M.D .: Why?

A.S.:Because the worst that can happen is when the patient enters the treatment process and thinks that there is no chance that it doesn't make sense. That is why it is also so important that apart from the method of communication about cancer and awareness of the availability of cancer therapies, it is also important to provide inter-patient support.

  • M.D .: We already know that an oncological patient is often a good therapist, what is the support between patients?

A.S.:It is the basis of how the patient will perceive the disease - whether it will be an insurmountable obstacle or a challenge that they will decide to take while maintaining the current rhythm of everyday life . Patients associating on internet forums or in the times before the pandemic - in the corridors of oncology offices - have great power because they share real experiences and knowledge about what forms of help can be helpful for them. Of course, it is extremely important that you consult your doctor for any such advice as the choice of therapy is an individual matter. On the other hand, the exchange of information on innovative therapies, as well as methods of financing them, is a very important element of the patient's final decision regarding the choice of the therapeutic path, and it is a key decision. As we managed to establish earlier - innovative therapies sometimes radically change the patient's quality of life, and it determines the general attitude of the patient and his mental well-being.

ExpertAdrianna Sobol, psycho-oncologist, lecturer at the Medical University of Warsaw Psycho-oncologist and lecturer at the Medical University of Warsaw at the Department of Oncological Prevention. He works at the LuxMed Oncology Cancer Hospital in Warsaw. She is a member of the Management Board of the OnkoCafe Foundation - Razem Better, a psychotherapist and founder of the Support CenterPsychological Ineo. Has created an online training platform He alth Begins In The Head. Author of numerous publications in the field of psycho-oncology and he alth psychology. Co-author of the book "Tame cancer. Inspirational stories and a guide to emotions" (Znak, 2022). She acts as an expert in television programs, co-creates campaigns and social campaigns. He conducts numerous trainings and workshops in the field of psychology and personal development.AuthorMarcelina Dzięciołowska Editor for many years associated with the medical industry. He specializes in he alth and an active lifestyle. A private passion for psychology inspires her to take up difficult topics in this field. Author of a series of interviews in the field of psycho-oncology, the aim of which is to build awareness and break stereotypes about cancer. He believes that the right mental attitude can work wonders, therefore he promotes professional knowledge based on consultations with specialists.
