Hypoestrogenism, i.e. an excess of estrogens - female sex hormones - estrone, estradiol, estriol and estetrol, produced only during pregnancy - in the body of a woman or a man causes a number of metabolic and biochemical disorders in the body. What causes and symptoms of hypoestrogenism? What treatment is used in the case of excess estrogens?
Hyperestrogenism , orexcess estrogengives unpleasant symptoms, and what is worse, its effects can be very serious, even dangerous. The dangers of hyperestrogenism are primarily related to the functions of estrogens in the body.
Estrogens: structure and metabolism
Estrogens are steroidal hormones made from cholesterol. The substrate for their production is androstenedione and testosterone, which are converted into estrogens with the participation of the aromatase enzyme.
Estrogen synthesis takes place mainly in the ovary, but also in the placenta, adipose tissue (estrone), bones, and the brain. In men, estrogens are produced in the testes and the adrenal cortex. In plasma, they are bound to proteins (albumin or sex steroid binding globulin - SHBG). These hormones are metabolized in the liver and excreted in urine and bile (some are excreted in the faeces and some are reabsorbed in the intestine).
Plasma estrogen concentration varies depending on the phase of a woman's cycle. It is lowest in the period of menstruation, then it increases until the period of ovulation (the highest concentrations occur in the periovulatory period, usually on the 12-14th day of the cycle), because it drops again during the luteal phase.
Estrogen functions
Estrogens affect the functioning of the entire female body. Beginning with fetal development, when they are responsible for the formation of female genital organs, also after birth, and during the formation of third-order sexual characteristics (hair type, body structure) and fourth-order - psyche, sex drive.
They are responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle - in phase I and II, they stimulate the growth of the uterine mucosa, thus preparing it for embryo implantation, stimulate the glands of the cervix to secrete mucus, and the increase in their secretion ends the menstrual bleeding.
They regulate the lipid metabolismby increasing HDL cholesterol, lowering LDL - the so-called "bad cholesterol".
They prevent osteoporosis by regulating the calcium metabolism (they increase the deposition of calcium in the bones).
Estrogens increase the production of proteins in the body, including those that bind and transport other hormones in the plasma. In addition, they increase blood clotting, stimulate the growth of smooth muscles, endometrial cells and breast epithelium.
Hyperestrogenism: the effects of excess estrogen
The excess of estrogens, as well as their deficiency, causes a number of metabolic and biochemical disorders in the body.
Excess estrogens occur in diseases associated with their excessive production (e.g. ovarian cancer) and when taking too high doses of drugs containing these hormones (iatrogenic).
In addition, the excess of estrogens is responsible for:
- menstrual disorders, as estrogens play a very important role in the menstrual cycle, and their excess will cause endometrial hyperplasia
- a significant increase in the risk of thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, which is associated with an excessive increase in blood clotting
- edema formation due to water and ion retention in the body (by increasing the secretion of vasopressin and aldosterone hormones), which results in an increase in body weight
- stimulation of the mammary glands will cause breast enlargement
- abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, is one of the risk factors for cholelithiasis
These hormones are also one of the possible causes of migraines and, in excessive amounts, they cause nausea, vomiting, and a general deterioration of well-being.
Exogenous estrogens may contribute to the development of estrogen-dependent neoplasms - breast cancer, endometrial cancer.
Drugs containing oestrogens, used during pregnancy, are teratogenic and embryotoxic.
Hyperestrogenism and PMS - PMS
One of the effects of hyperestrogenism (relative or absolute), in combination with progesterone deficiency in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, a few days before menstruation, is PMS.
Estrogens, by retaining water in the body, lead to generalized edema and related ailments. Venous stasis in the pelvis and fluid retention in the uterus feel like pain in the sacrum area of the spine and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. There are swelling around the ankles, hand edema, skin changes. The result of fluid retention in the body is also swelling and soreness of the breasts andhypersensitivity of the nipples.
Intestinal swelling is manifested by a feeling of abdominal distension, flatulence, as well as constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
Possible weight gain of 2-3 kg usually subsides in the first days of menstruation.
Emotional fluctuations, which may lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, also become an important problem. In such a case, a detailed interview and gynecological examination are essential in order to exclude other possible causes of the reported symptoms.
Hypoestrogenism: treatment
There are various ways to mitigate the above mentioned. symptoms:
- from relaxing baths, aromatherapy, ensuring physical and mental comfort (avoiding stress, conflict situations, excessive physical exertion)
- through a properly balanced diet, avoiding strong spices, coffee, bloating products
- for topical or systemic medications (rectal / vaginal / oral progestogens, topically progesterone gels are applied to the breasts to reduce swelling, periodic or continuous antidepressants)
In the case of observed symptoms of hyperestrogenism, especially those that occurred suddenly, careful diagnosis is important in order to exclude important diseases and determine the appropriate treatment.