Vaginal (contraceptive) sponge combines the features of mechanical and chemical methods of contraception. It is a barrier that prevents sperm from getting into the genital tract, and is additionally soaked in spermicidal fluid. See how to use a vaginal sponge and how effective this type of contraception is.

Vaginal sponge , also known ascontraceptive , has the form of a round sponge approx. 5 cm in diameter with a small hollow to which a string is attached for easy removal later. It is placed deep in the vagina, where it acts as a barrier preventing sperm from entering the genital tract. It is made of polyurethane material and additionally soaked with a spermicidal substance - nonoxynol-9 or benzalkonium.

See what the use of a vaginal sponge is for, for whom it is recommended and how effective it is.

Vaginal sponge - how to use it?

The vaginal sponge is put in just before intercourse. She should stay in the vagina for about 30 hours. You can have intercourse several times during this time. However, it is important not to remove it earlier than 12 hours after the last sexual contact (exact guidelines vary depending on the manufacturer - they can vary from 6 to 24 hours). The sponge is disposable and must be thrown away after use.

How do I put a vaginal sponge?

The vaginal sponge should be placed as deep as possible to cover the entrance to the cervical canal.

The contraceptive sponge is inserted like a tampon. It is most convenient to do this while standing with one leg resting on the edge of the bathtub or a chair. First, wash your hands thoroughly (some manufacturers recommend that you moisten the sponge with water before application to activate the spermicide effect). Then we insert the foam disc into the vagina with the depression facing the uterus. The sponge is well positioned as it touches the cervix and covers it completely. Inaccurate application may reduce the effectiveness of this contraceptive method. When the sponge is correctly placed in the vagina, it should be completely undetectable. Its removal should be easy - just grab the sticking out string with your thumb and forefinger and pull it like a tampon.

Vaginal sponge - effectiveness

Despite the use of two methods of protection - barrier and chemical - a vaginal sponge is not the most effective contraceptive. The Pearl Index for her is 6-24, which means that even every fourth sponge sex can end in pregnancy.

It is worth adding that the effectiveness of this method differs depending on whether the woman gave birth or not. The failure rate for women who were previously pregnant is 24%, and for nulliparous women - 12%. It probably has to do with a change in the structure of the uterus after giving birth.

To reduce the risk of conception, it is better to use a vaginal sponge with other methods of contraception - for example, a condom or additional spermicides.

Contraception - what you should know

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Vaginal sponge - where to buy and how much does it cost?

Vaginal sponges are rarely available in Polish pharmacies. In the West, it is a much more popular contraceptive and is available at almost any pharmacy without a prescription. In Poland, you can buy a contraceptive sponge online, e.g. through foreign auction portals. It costs around $ 10 for 3 pcs.

Vaginal sponge - who is it suitable for?

Although a vaginal sponge does not offer any protection against pregnancy, it may be better for some women than more effective contraceptive methods. The undoubted advantage of the foam disc is that it does not interfere with the natural functioning of the body. The sponge is therefore recommended for women who cannot take hormonal preparations or have concerns about them. It is also suitable for people who rarely have intercourse and have a permanent sexual partner.

A vaginal sponge reduces the risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases, but does not rule it out - so it is not an appropriate method of contraception for people who have intercourse with multiple partners.

Vaginal sponge and period sex

There are vaginal sponges that are not designed to protect against pregnancy but to allow intercourse during your period. These two products should not be confused, because the contraceptive sponge must be worn in the vagina for a minimum of several hours. If it becomes soaked with blood during this time, toxic shock may occur. For sex during menstruation, only use special sponges designed for this purpose.

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Vaginal sponge - advantages and disadvantages


  • does not affect the body's hormonal balance;
  • imperceptible during intercourse;
  • a vaginal sponge is used ad hoc beforeintercourse, so you do not need to remember about it, as well as to take contraceptive pills regularly;
  • it will last for the whole day and you don't have to change it between relationships with the same partner.


  • it is an ineffective form of contraception;
  • is not recommended as a precaution against venereal diseases;
  • the spermicide used to soak the sponge may cause allergies;
  • if you forget to take the sponge out, a toxic shock may occur after several hours;
  • vaginal sponge is hard to find in Poland.
