The cervical cap and vaginal membrane (diaphragm) are mechanical contraceptives intended for women. The undoubted advantage of the cap and diaphragm is the lack of interference in the woman's hormonal balance, which makes these methods suitable for people who, for various reasons, cannot or do not want to use hormonal contraception. Learn about the operation and effectiveness of the cervical cap and the vaginal membrane.
Neck capsandvaginal membranes( diaphragms ) are methods of contraception dedicated to women. They work in a similar way as male condoms, i.e. they constitute a mechanical barrier against sperm getting into the genital tract. They are placed deep in the vagina so that they tightly cover the cervix.
What does the neck cap look like?
The neck cap(also similar to the vault cap) is made of silicone or rubber and resembles a thimble, although slightly larger than the traditional one. The vaulted cap looks a bit different because its shape is similar to the cup. Both caps, however, have the same task - to tightly cover the mouth of the cervix. Neck caps are put on the cervix, while those with flatter shapes should not only cover the cervix, but also fit close to the vaginal walls.
Neck caps can be used multiple times. However, the purchase of this form of contraception can be a big problem, because it is hardly available in Poland. It is also not cheap, because its price is almost PLN 300.
What does the vaginal membrane (diaphragm) look like?
The vaginal membrane , otherwisediaphragm , is a contraceptive with a long history. It was very popular even before hormonal methods of contraception gained fame. It is usually made of rubber, and its shape resembles a hemisphere, the edges of which are a coated metal ring susceptible to bending. The specific form is to facilitate the introduction of the membrane into the vagina and prevent it from falling out. The reservoir in the form of a concave membrane is also used to fill it with a spermicide, e.g. a gel, to increase the contraceptive effectiveness of this method.
The membrane is available in several sizes with different diametersthe ring. Contrary to neck caps, diaphragms are cheap means - their prices start from a dozen or so zlotys.
Cervical cap and vaginal membrane - action
The way both contraceptives work is similar. The purpose of their use is to prevent sperm from entering the cervix and thus preventing fertilization. Due to the tight barrier formed by the caps and membranes, the semen does not come into contact with the cervix, which is the only way to the egg.
Both the cap and the vaginal membrane should not cause any discomfort after wearing. If they are perceptible, it means that they have been misplaced.
Neck cap - how to use?
The contraceptive cap and diaphragm are vaginal preparations. However, they differ in their vaginal placement.
The cervical capis placed over the cervix and should fit tightly against it. For this reason, this form of contraception must be selected by a gynecologist. There are several sizes of such caps, the size of which should correspond to the anatomical details of the vagina. The effectiveness of the hood depends on the selection of the appropriate size.
After choosing the size, the woman should learn to put the cap around her neck and take it off. It is not a simple task and requires some practice. The cap is put on by inserting it upside down into the vagina. The index finger is used for this. The cap should be pushed deep enough to reach the cervix, and then, by maneuvering the finger, put it over the cervix so that it fits tightly.
A characteristic feature of this form of contraception is that the cap can be put on for several hours before intercourse (up to a maximum of 6 hours), but it cannot be removed quickly either. It is recommended that the cap should remain on the neck for up to 8 hours after intercourse or longer, so that when removing it there is no risk of delayed fertilization. If a woman has several intercourse in a row, she should additionally use a spermicide before each intercourse, without removing the cap from the vagina.
Vaginal membrane (diaphragm) - how to use?
The selection of the sizeof the vaginal membraneshould be left to the physician to decide which diameter is most appropriate. Before using the diaphragm, you should practice putting it on, because it is not the easiest thing to do. The membrane should be inserted before intercourse, up to 6 hours in advance, and left in the vagina for another 6 hours after intercourse. If there are several intercourses in a row, the film is not removed, but must be applied before each intercoursevaginal spermicide. The vaginal membrane should be used simultaneously with spermicide, as there is a risk that it will not fit tightly to the vaginal walls and block sperm from entering the cervix.
The placement of the vaginal membrane looks a bit different than with the cervical cap. After the spermicide is applied to the membrane, it is inserted into the vagina, squeezing the ring with your fingers and pointing its edge towards the vagina. The ring should be placed behind the cervix - this is where its back edge should be. The front edge of the ring must be positioned behind the pubic symphysis. After inserting the vaginal membrane, you should feel the hard opening of the cervix through the membrane, which is evidence that it is completely covered.
Diaphragm is a reusable contraceptive. It can serve up to two years. However, it is necessary to control whether the size of the vagina does not change during this time, because then it is necessary to adjust the new size of the membrane. However, this should be decided by the gynecologist.
Cervical cap and vaginal membrane - effectiveness
The effectiveness of the described methods of contraception is largely based on their correct application. Proper placement of a cap or vaginal membrane, as well as compliance with other guidelines provided by the manufacturer, is a guarantee of protection against pregnancy.
The most common reason for the reduced contraceptive effectiveness of the cap is that it slips off the neck after it is put on. In the case ofcervical cap , the Pearl Index for contraception isfrom 4 to 20 . In addition to protecting against unplanned pregnancy, cervical caps minimize the risk of many diseases such as: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, pelvic inflammatory disease, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.
The vaginal membranealso protects against these diseases. The effectiveness of the diaphragm rangesbetween 6 and 16according to the Pearl scale. The slightly higher contraceptive effectiveness of the diaphragm results from the obligatory use of additional protection in the form of a spermicide during sexual intercourse.
The effectiveness of the vaginal membrane or the cap may be reduced by the parallel use of vaginal agents that can damage the membrane. These are, among others some moisturizers or preparations for vaginitis.
What should you know about contraception?
Neck cap and vaginal membrane - for whom is it recommended?
A cervical cap and a diaphragm is a contraceptive recommended for women who, for various reasons, cannot usehormonal. Caps are a good solution for women with weak vaginal muscles, suffering from recurrent cystitis, characterized by poor shaping of the posterior edge of the pubic symphysis, i.e. also those who cannot use a diaphragm. Contraindication to the use of this method of contraception is, among others. past toxic shock syndrome or hypersensitivity to the material from which the caps are made. It is also not a good method for women who are not able to learn how to put on their caps properly.
Cervical cap and vaginal membrane - contraindications for use
Diaphragms cannot be used by all women. Contraindications are, among others. birth defects in the structure of the vagina, weakened muscle tone of the vagina and perineum, recurrent inflammation of the urinary tract, inflammation of the vagina and - as in the case of caps - allergy to the material from which the membrane is made or a woman having experienced a toxic shock in the past.
Worth knowingCervical cap and vaginal membrane - advantages and disadvantages
Both forms of contraception have many advantages and disadvantages, therefore the selection of these measures should be preceded by comparing the following aspects.
• these methods do not interfere with the hormonal balance and the woman's monthly cycle;
• the use of these measures does not have to disturb the atmosphere of intimate intercourse (wearing a cap or a membrane is done long before intercourse);
• minimize the risk of many diseases, such as cervical neoplasia, pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted infections;
• caps and membranes do not adversely affect the woman's he alth (if a woman is not allergic to the material from which they are made, there is no risk to her he alth);
• they are characterized by quite high efficiency for mechanical, non-hormonal contraception;
• They are affordable in relation to the fact that these resources are reusable and the cost is one-off for an extended period of time.
• these are hardly available contraceptives in Poland, they usually have to be ordered from a foreign supplier;
• are difficult to use and you need to remember to put them on and take them off in good time;
• caps and membranes may slightly affect the sensation of cervical irritation;
• there is a risk of an allergic reaction to a component of the material from which these agents are made;
• are less effective in terms of protection against pregnancy than hormonal agents;
•during intercourse, the partner may experience discomfort as a result of sensing a foreign body;
• may cause an increased risk of inflammation of the urinary bladder (applies to the vaginal membranes).