Vaginal burning is a condition that, regardless of its cause, causes considerable discomfort. The burning pain of the vagina makes it difficult to function every day and prevents you from enjoying sex. And although it is not always caused by intimate infections, it requires gynecological consultation. Check what the burning of the vagina shows.

Vaginal burningis a condition for whichcausescan be very different.A burning vaginal painmay be the result of an allergic reaction to cosmetics or a reaction to a change in contraceptive methods.

However, the experience of gynecologists has shown that burning, usually accompanied by an itching sensation, is most often one of the symptoms of vaginal mycosis. Unfortunately, this is not the only disease that may be indicated by burning vaginosis.

Vaginal burning: vaginal mycosis

Stinging pain in the vagina may be caused by vaginal mycosis. It is also indicated by redness, swelling and itching of the vulva and vagina.

Vaginal burning and other symptoms usually worsen after intercourse or before menstruation. However, the most characteristic of this disease is vaginal discharge, which resembles granular cheese and adheres to the vaginal walls.

Vaginal Burning: Venereal Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as

  • chlamydiosis
  • genital herpes
  • genital warts
  • trichomoniasis
  • gonorrhea

can cause vaginal burning and itching. Its redness and swelling is also characteristic.

If you suspect a venereal disease, pay special attention to the consistency, color and smell of the discharge. The yellow-green, foamy ones indicate vaginal trichinosis. Then, pain, itching and burning in the urethra and pollakiuria may also appear.

  • Urethritis - causes, symptoms, treatment

Soreness can also be annoying when urinating and having intercourse. Symptoms of urinary tract infections are also characteristic of gonorrhea, during which yellowish or bloody discharge can be observed. In turn, purulent-mucous vaginal discharge indicates chlamydia.

Vaginal Burning: Vaginal Inflammation

Vaginitis is caused by an imbalance in the microbial flora of the vagina. The most common cause of disorders in the vaginal ecosystem are yeasts, which are responsible for vaginal mycosis.

The diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (bacterial vaginosis, BV) is also common, a disease caused by anaerobic bacteria.

The disease manifests itself with burning, pain when urinating, as well as watery, green or gray discharge with a very unpleasant, fishy smell.

  • Dysuria - pain and burning during urination

Another cause of vaginitis may be infection with protozoa or, less commonly, viruses.

Vaginitis can also appear, for example, after irradiation of the pelvis, removal of appendages or chemotherapy. Then there is also discharge of abnormal color and smell, burning pain and itching of the vagina, pain during intercourse and urinating.

Vaginal Burning: Vulovaginitis

Atrophic (atrophic) changes in the vulvovaginal epithelium are associated with estrogen deficiency, which is why menopausal women struggle with them.

In the course of the disease, the epithelium becomes thinner and the fatty tissue of the labia disappears. Then there are, among others vaginal dryness ,vaginal burning and itching as well as contact spotting and yellow discharge.

Vaginal burning in pregnancy

Pregnancy hormones change the vaginal pH to alkaline, which promotes intimate infections. Therefore, vaginal mycosis is most often diagnosed in pregnant women.

There is also a risk of identifying a much more dangerous bacterial infection, which can even lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

That is why a pregnant woman who struggles with vaginal burning and itching, as well as with vaginal discharge and other intimate ailments, requires a gynecological consultation as soon as possible.

CHECK: How to prevent vaginal infections during pregnancy?

Vaginal burning: allergic reactions

Burning and severe itching of the vagina, as well as redness, swelling and vaginal discharge may indicate an allergic reaction to the hygiene products used, e.g. perfumed pads, deodorants for intimate hygiene, as well as to products in which underwear is washed, i.e. bubble bath, bleach or soaps.

Vaginal burning can also be caused by wearing dirty or windproof underwear.

FIND OUT MORE About allergies in intimate places

Vaginal Burning: Drug Response

Some medications, especially antibiotics, upset the balance of the bacterial flora. InAs a result, protozoa, yeasts of the typeCandida , bacteria or viruses that are responsible for the symptoms of vaginitis may multiply.

Vaginal burning: contraception

Oral hormonal contraception may be the cause of vaginal burning. The burning pain in the vagina can also bother women who use spermicides, vaginal contraceptive discs and caps.

On the other hand, those whose partner uses latex condoms may complain of vaginal burning during intercourse.

Read also: Home remedies for vaginal itching: effective and dangerous

Vaginal burning in girls

A girl's vaginal burning , if accompanied by itching, redness of the vulva and vagina, and pain during urination, may indicate poor intimate hygiene or irritation with chemicals ( e.g. contained in soaps, bath lotions, etc.)

Also, vaginal discharge, usually with an unpleasant odor, and intermenstrual spotting, which may indicate a foreign body in the vagina (most often toilet paper), should attract attention.

Disturbing symptoms are also burning, itching, vaginal discharge, as well as redness, swelling of the intimate parts and painful urination. These may indicate a fungal (cheese discharge), staphylococcal or streptococcal (yellow discharge) infection.

Pain in the vulva and vagina, burning, smelling bloody vaginal discharge, combined with changes in behavior, may indicate sexual harassment.
