The first symptoms of pregnancy are often misinterpreted by mothers-to-be. They can be confusingly similar to the symptoms of food poisoning. This is especially true for the symptoms of pregnancy in the first weeks. Find out how to recognize a pregnancy and when its earliest signs appear.
The first symptoms of pregnancyare very similar to the symptoms of some medical conditions.The symptoms of pregnancyin the first days and weeks may resemble poisoning or a cold, therefore they are ignored by expectant mothers. Equally often, women misinterpretearly pregnancy symptoms , especially when trying to conceive.
When do the first symptoms of pregnancy appearand how to recognize them?
Pregnancy symptoms:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Amenorrhea
- Dizziness and fainting
- Change in appetite
- Breast pain
- Fatigue and sleepiness
- Abdominal pain
- Sensitivity to odors
- Frequent visits to the toilet
When do the first symptoms of pregnancy appear?
Pregnancy symptoms in the first week
In the first few days after conception, the signs of pregnancy are usually imperceptible. The body is just adjusting to the changes that await it.
Pregnancy symptoms in the 2nd and 3rd weeks
After 10 days, the symptoms of conception may be noticeable, but are usually mild enough to be overlooked.
Pregnancy symptoms at week 4
In most womenthe first symptoms of pregnancydo not appear until about4-6 weeks after conception . During this time, implantation bleeding caused by the implantation of the embryo in the uterus can be observed. However, the greatest worsening of symptoms occurs at the end of the first trimester, i.e. around9-12 weeks of pregnancy .
It's good to know that some women don't have any symptoms of pregnancy during the first month of pregnancy. On the other hand, women who have irregular periods may not realize that they are pregnant until a few months later.
What are the first symptoms of pregnancy?
1. Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting usually bother pregnant women in the morning or in the evening (less often around the clock) and last up to several hours.Women who are pregnant for the first time complain about them more often.
Morning sickness and vomiting are the result of high levels of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced during pregnancy by trophoblasts (the cell layer of the outer membrane - chorion).
Psychological factors also affect the intensity and frequency of vomiting and nausea. According to research, these symptoms are more common in women living in anxiety and stress.
2. Amenorrhea
The first symptom most strongly associated with pregnancy is the lack of menstruation at the scheduled date.
Some sources say that the first symptom of pregnancy is also spotting, i.e. implantation bleeding, which is caused by the implantation of a fertilized embryo in the uterus.
However, not always spotting, scanty and unusual menstruation is associated with implantation. This is quite typical of an ectopic pregnancy. It can also be a symptom of a miscarriage.
However, it should be remembered that the lack of a period does not have to be the most characteristic symptom of pregnancy.
- It happens that menstruation occurs even 4 months after becoming pregnant. Of course, it is shorter, has a slightly different course, but the patient, confused by this fact, does not feel that she is pregnant - says gynecologist Dr. Grzegorz Południewski.
3. Dizziness and fainting
Dizziness is the result of changes in blood circulation that cause blood vessels to widen. Thanks to this, blood flows more efficiently to the baby. Then, the mother's blood pressure lowers and less blood reaches the brain, resulting in dizziness and fainting.
Dizziness can also be a consequence of poor eating habits. If a pregnant woman does not eat meals at regular intervals (every 3-4 hours), blood sugar levels can drop rapidly, which often causes dizziness.

4. Appetite change
Increased appetite, which often occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, is probably caused by changes in the hormonal balance, and not, as is commonly believed, the developing baby's need for nutrients.
Some women may have an aversion to the dishes they like so far.
5. Breast pain
Sensitive, aching and enlarged breasts are the result of hormonal changes in the pregnant woman's body. Sometimes the veins on the breasts become more visible and the nipples darker.
But there are other causes of breast pain as well.
6. Fatigue and sleepiness
Sleepiness in pregnancy is the result of a sharp increase in progesterone in the future bodywe have.
In addition, the body of the pregnant woman may be exhausted with nausea and vomiting.
Fatigue is sometimes the result of poor appetite early in pregnancy.
The stress and anxiety experienced by the pregnant woman are also of great importance.
7. Abdominal pain
One of the symptoms of pregnancy may also be abdominal pain or pain in the lower abdomen. It usually resembles the pain you experience in the first days of your period.
It also happens that the expectant mother experiences flatulence and constipation.
8. Sensitivity to odors
An early symptom of pregnancy is sensitivity to certain smells, such as:
- cigarette smoke
- coffee smell
- cosmetics (especially perfumes)
9. Frequent visits to the toilet
The first symptom of pregnancy is frequent urination, which is caused by the pressure of the enlarged, pregnant uterus on the bladder.
Ectopic pregnancy symptoms
An ectopic pregnancy in the first weeks has the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy, but over time you can observe alarming signs of which there are three:
- abdominal pain
- irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting
- tumor of the appendages (determined by the doctor)
Characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy is that all the symptoms occur together.
Pregnancy calculator
For every expectant mother it is important to know which week of pregnancy she is in. If you want to calculate the week of pregnancy and due date, use our calculator.
What you want to know:
Symptoms of imaginary pregnancy
An imaginary pregnancy has the same symptoms as a real pregnancy.
A woman who is convinced that a child is developing in her may feel:
- morning sickness
- breast pain
- fatigue
- her belly may get bigger
- stop your period
- lactation
Symptoms of an imaginary pregnancy, however, can be easily verified by undergoing a gynecological examination.
Check also:
- Can I be pregnant? 10 frequently asked questions
- When is the best time to do a pregnancy test?
- When and how does fertilization occur? All about fertilization
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Our expertBarbara Grzechocińska, MD, PhD, obstetrician gynecologist, assistant professor at the 1st Department and Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical University of Warsaw