Men still complain about monogamy, but women should give it up once and for all. Ladies in long-term relationships have much less desire for sex than those who change their partners every few years. Where does this decrease in libido come from?
It takes four years for a woman'slibidoto decrease by more than a half. It gets worse with each passing year. After twenty years of being with one man, only 15-20 percent. women still feel anysex drive . Such surprising conclusions can be drawn from research conducted by scientists from the German hospital of the University of Hamburg-Eppendorf. Interestingly, a constant relationship only lowers sexual desire in women. Men's desire forsexusually remains unshakable even after 25 years in a relationship. Sometimes it only moves to another representative of the fair sex.
Libido of women and men
In the case of women, as much as 60 percent in the initial period of being with a partner. of them regularly want sex, but after four years this percentage drops to less than 50%, and after 20 years - only to 20%. Initially, women use their libido to form a strong bond with their partner. When they think that the bond is strong enough, they get bored and routine, and libido rushes to the head. This state of affairs is evidenced by interviews conducted by German researchers in a group of 530 men and women. - It turned out that while women only serve a stable relationship in the first stage, then it is unlikely to serve them, so men basically don't care, explains Dr. Dietrich Klusmann, the research psychologist. - Regardless of the duration of the relationship, the libido levels were about the same.
Find out how to increase libido
ImportantLibido, sex drive or just passion and lust. Theoretically, it is only to satisfy the need for rapprochement, physicality, physical contact with another human being. In practice, it is a force that can do as good as bad. For Sigmund Freud, libido was a form of energy that governed the basic functions of the body. In a word, everything started with sex and it was supposed to end with sex.
Libido in women: guilty evolution?
DoctorKlusmann believes that gender differences in libido are largely due to differences in evolution. The constant and unshakable level of libido in men is to protect them against possible rivals. In turn, decreasing libido in women may also be a deliberate game aimed at greater efforts of the partner. Besides, both sexes expect something different in a relationship. While most women care about tenderness and security, men place tenderness far behind carnality and devotion. In addition to the duration of the relationship, the female libido is also influenced by age. During menopause, most women either do not want sex at all or, on the contrary, experience extreme sexual hunger. A decrease or increase in libido is a very individual feature, primarily related to the hormonal economy, but also to the general approach of a woman to sex and her own body.
Libido - caffeine rescue?
Scientists have been looking for a miraculous elixir for years, which would keep the libido at a constant level. A few years ago, a group of researchers led by prof. Fay Guarraci of the University of Southwestern announced that sex drive increases significantly, and significantly a few cups of coffee. More precisely, the compounds contained in caffeine. Prof. Guarraci observed that giving caffeine to female rats significantly increased their libido. It is worth noting that the effect of caffeine in various concentrations was investigated, i.e. the one found in strong espresso and delicate cafe latte. Regardless of the dose and strength, however, the rats were extremely eager to have intercourse. However, as emphasized by prof. Guarraci, do not expect identical results in women. The mice tested with caffeine never had anything to do with it, so it's no wonder their bodies reacted violently. Any effects would only be possible for women who have never drunk coffee or indulged in it extremely rarely.
Libido - testosterone fluctuations
The latest research by German researchers is also confirmed by the British. Their research shows that married women have much greater sexual problems than single women or widows. Dr Catherine Mercer of University College London surveyed 11,000 British women and men between the ages of 16 and 44. It turned out that problems with libido and sexual intercourse were much more common among married women. Women in a stable relationship felt the need for intercourse less often and more often admitted that they had other issues with their husband, and that sex was practically non-existent. When it comes to men, according to British scientists at Northumbria University, the constant relationship also affectsunfavorably. The male hormone, i.e. testosterone, responsible for charm and masculinity, but also for aggression and rudeness in single men is definitely higher than in married ones. Interestingly, upon divorce, testosterone levels begin to gradually rise! The child is a total catastrophe for masculinity, at least in terms of hormones. Evolutionary psychologist Dr. Nick Neave says that single people just care more about pleasing women, while those who are already in a long-term relationship don't.