Raspberry is a popular term for a mark on the skin left by a passionate kiss. In moments of excitement, we let our partner "stamp" us like this, and when we get down to earth, we wonder how to hide this evidence of love … From a medical point of view, a raspberry is just a hematoma, similar to a bruise. Is it dangerous? The body usually deals with it without a problem. It happens, however, that a raspberry can pose a threat to human he alth and even life.
Raspberryis a romantic seal that the lover leaves on the body of his other half. For some people, this is part of a love game - intended to mean that the 'sealed' person is busy. Mostly, however, this sign is hidden from the world and no stranger has a chance to see it. However, for the owner or owner of the raspberry, it is certainly a memento of a passionate meeting.
- What is a "hickey"?
- How to make a raspberry on your neck, stomach, breasts?
- How to get rid of raspberries?
- Is the raspberry dangerous to your he alth?
What is a "hickey"?
Leaving all the romance aside, the raspberry is an ordinary, small hematoma, bulging, resulting from local damage to blood vessels and tissues. Extravasated blood enters the subcutaneous structures, which shows a dark, purple-red mark, similar to a bruise. The color changes within a few to several days, gradually becoming bluish, then yellowish, and finally disappears. This phenomenon is related to the breakdown of hemoglobin contained in extravasated blood cells. The body usually has no problems absorbing (resorbing) raspberries, as it is a relatively small hematoma.
How to make a raspberry on your neck, stomach, breasts?
To "seal" a partner, first choose a suitable place on their body. The most popular locations for a raspberry are the neck and the nape of the neck, but it can be done virtually anywhere, such as on the stomach or on the chest. Then you need to put your mouth in this place and suck the skin. At this point, however, it is worth showing a bit of feeling, as too much suction will cause pain. The test can be performed earlier on your own arm.
Depending on how long we suck and howwe catch a large piece of skin with our lips, the raspberry will be larger or smaller, paler or more intense in color. You also need to be aware that it will not disappear the next day, but may persist for a long time (it also depends on the strength and suction area), so it is better to do it in a place that is relatively easy to hide.
How to get rid of raspberries?
In moments of excitement, it happens that we do not consider the consequences of our actions. And although in the evening we had nothing against passionate and at the same time disastrous kisses, in the morning we look at the matter with a much more sober eye. And what do we see? For example, bloody marks on the front of the neck. What to do?
Do not expose the raspberry to the sun - under the influence of sunlight the hematoma may turn into a permanent discoloration!
Help can come fromneckerchieforhigh turtleneck , but when it is summer and the window is 30 degrees in the shade, such solutions are not come into play. Then you can reach for a concealer or cream powder, the one we use for makeup, although the best in this case would be a shade lighter, because the skin on the neck is usually just lighter than the skin on the face.
Importantly - even if we are proud of the raspberry, remember that it is still worth covering it, because exposing the hematoma to sunlight may result in a permanent discoloration.
This will be useful to youHomemade ways to get rid of raspberries
If you really want the hickey to disappear as soon as possible, you can try:
- lubricate it with vitamin K ointment- this will speed up the skin healing process. Additionally, you can also take a vitamin K supplement orally for several days.
- cool it , e.g. with ice cubes wrapped in a towel - low temperature will cause the broken blood vessels to contract and subcutaneous bleeding will end faster.
- rub peppermint oil into it(the sooner after a bite, the better) - it improves blood circulation and supports the regeneration of damaged blood vessels. However, remember to apply the oil no more than two or three times a day, because its excess may damage the skin.
- use aloe- if you grow this plant on the windowsill, this is where you can make use of it. Cut off a piece and brush the raspberry with the squeezed juice. Aloe has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.
- use a banana peel- when you eat the fruit, don't throw it away - cut a piece and put it on the hematoma for half an hour.
Remember:do not heat up your skin . It can onlyincrease the size of the hematoma and even lead to the development of inflammation.
Is the raspberry dangerous to your he alth?
Raspberries have their staunch supporters, but also quite a lot of opponents. Some people even think that the raspberry can be carcinogenic! While this is utter nonsense, there are circumstances in which a small hematoma can be dangerous - it is important to realize that it does damage blood vessels and tissues.
An inconspicuous hickey can turn out to be very dangerous, especially when we make it close to the carotid artery. Sucking too much, or even biting the skin in this place, may damage this vessel. A clot can form as a consequence, and then an embolus can form, blocking the transport of blood from the heart to the brain. Such a situation leads to an ischemic stroke. There is a known case of a 17-year-old Mexican, who a year ago in such circumstances - because of "trivial" raspberry - lost his life. Especially people suffering from atherosclerosis should never allow themselves to make raspberries.
Worth knowingRecently, traditional bubbles that are placed on the patient's body to speed up the healing process are returning to favor. Proponents of this method claim that the healing element here is the ecchymosis resulting from the suction of the skin into the bubble. The mechanism is as follows: a petechiae appears - the body immediately mobilizes all its defenses to fight it - so it also heals the infection.
If you stick to this theory, you may be tempted to say that the raspberry can in some cases have a beneficial effect on our he alth …