There are many opinions about intimate diseases that we accept without reservation, although some of them are untrue. Do tampons protect against infection in the bath? Only sexually active women are infected with infections? We debunk these and other MYTHS about intimate illness. Check which ones you have believed in so far.
Intimate infections only affect young, sexually active women.
MYTH.They happen at all ages, but most often they bother two groups of people. The first is young women leading an intense sex life. The second group consists of women in the perimenopausal period, in whom the number of lactobacilli in the vagina decreases due to the decrease in estrogen levels and changes the mucosa of this organ.
People who do not care about their hygiene suffer mainly.
MYTH.Intimate infections also annoy women who strictly follow its rules. Many factors contribute to the development of these diseases, incl. mechanical injuries, frequent change of partners, hormonal disorders, stress, drastic slimming diets. Some diseases, such as allergies, diabetes, anorexia, are also conducive to intimate infections.
It is worth using special liquids for washing.
FACT.Intimate hygiene fluids protect the natural pH of the vaginal vestibule and the vulva area, prevent irritation and help maintain the bacterial balance in the vagina. They support the natural defense against microbes. But don't expect it to prevent you from contracting STDs.
You can catch a trichomoniasis in the swimming pool.
FACT.Not only troublemaker, but also chlamydia. We catch them mainly during sexual contact, but it is also possible in the swimming pool, because these microorganisms like a humid environment. The consequence of the bath may also be bacterial or thrush vulvovaginitis. Chlorine in the water destroys the normal bacterial flora of intimate parts.
Wearing a tampon before bathing protects against infection.
MYTH.Not only does it not protect, but it also favors it. Removal of the dry acid tampon causes abrasions to the epithelium that can become a gateway for infection. Such hygiene measures should only be used during your period.
Eating sweets nois associated with relapses of mycosis.
MYTH.A diet rich in simple sugars promotes yeast infection, i.e. vaginal mycosis. Its main culprit is the yeast Candida albicans, for which sugar is a good medium.
Bacterial inflammation is the result of a disturbance of the vaginal ecosystem.
FACT.This ecosystem consists of several hundred species of bacteria and yeasts. It should be dominated by lactobacilli. They keep anaerobic microbes that cause inflammation in check. If the amount of lactobacilli decreases, pathogenic bacteria multiply rapidly and the vagina becomes inflamed.
Drinking yoghurt prevents infections.
MYTH.There is no scientific evidence for this, but gynecological probiotics have this effect. They contain selected strains of lactobacilli, which maintain the correct (acidic) pH of the vagina, which prevents the development of yeasts and pathogenic bacteria. Gynecological probiotics therefore play an important role in restoring the normal vaginal flora, which protects against intimate infections. They also support their treatment.
Using tampons promotes recurrence of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infection.
FACT.If we are prone to these diseases, we should use sanitary napkins. Blood is a good breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, so it should not stay in the vagina, and tampons block its outflow and become a "canteen" for microbes.
The type of underwear has no influence on the risk of infection.
MYTH.We should wear airy cotton panties. Linen made of synthetic fibers impede the access of fresh air. In heat and humidity, microbes develop faster, and abrasions in the epidermis heal more slowly. Remember that underwear is supposed to protect intimate places from the outside world. Strings do not do this. During pregnancy and menstruation, we have more intimate he alth problems. Fact The vaginal environment is changing from acid to alkaline - ideal for microbes. Therefore, in such moments of life, we should especially take care of personal hygiene.
The woman's partner must also be treated.
FACT.Otherwise the treatment will not give the expected results. Treatment of the partner is necessary not only in the case of chlamydia or trichomoniasis, but also in recurrent fungal infections. It is not only needed for bacterial vaginosis.
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