Chlamydia tests can detect chlamydia effectively, but in order to order them, you must suspect infection. Due to the usually asymptomatic course of the infection, this is not always obvious. What tests detect chlamydia?
Chlamydia testsare not cheap, but some of them are reimbursed by the National He alth Fund. They can be performed with blood, a swab taken from the cervix, the vulva area or the urethra.
If you suspect that your symptoms may be a Chlamydia infection, it's worth getting tested.
Chlamydia testing: types and efficacy
- blood test that checks the level of IgM and IgG immunoglobulins - reimbursed by the National He alth Fund
- the cell culture test is effective up to 80%, which means that it may not detect the presence of bacteria although they are there (e.g. due to cell death during transport) - reimbursed under the National He alth Fund
- tests consisting in viewing the preparation fixed on a slide under a microscope or in a spectrophotometer are 80% effective - reimbursed under the National He alth Fund
- enzyme tests - they can be performed in the gynecologist's office, but their sensitivity is low and the result is not very reliable - reimbursed under the National He alth Fund
- molecular test (DNA test, also known as PCR test or genetic test) is the most reliable, but it is not reimbursed by the National He alth Fund - the cost of the collection kit with the test is about PLN 160