You can get infected with HPV very easily. HPV virus or Human Papillomavirus - the human papillomavirus has over 100 varieties, some of them are responsible for warts and warts, others for genital warts, and two types: HPV 16 and HPV 18 are responsible for the majority of cervical cancer cases. How can you get infected with HPV?

It is not difficult to get infected with HPV . Each of us will find a person withkurzajkiorwarts . In addition, experts estimate that up to 80 percent of sexually active women had contact with one of the types of human papilloma in the reproductive organs.

How can you get infected with HPV?

  • during sexual intercourse
  • through intimate contact of the partners' genital skin (that's why a condom, although it can reduce the risk of infection, does not provide full protection against HPV infection)
  • through contact with sick skin (e.g. warts)
  • in the case of warts, the swimming pool, sauna, solarium, shared towels and even pools disinfecting paddling pools (despite the sanitizing fluid), which you have to go through when entering the swimming pool, can be dangerous.

What is conducive to HPV infection?

  • young age (children, adolescents),
  • minor skin injuries
  • borrowing pedicure tools
  • multiple sex partners
  • impaired cellular immunity

Consequences of contracting HPV

Depending on what type of HPV you get infected, you may be at risk of developing:

  • warts
  • kurzajek
  • condyloma
  • cervical cancer
