Chickpeas, also known as chickpeas or chickpeas, have numerous he alth benefits. Chickpeas, in addition to being a treasury of protein, contain large amounts of other ingredients that prevent constipation, promote weight loss, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, it is considered an aphrodisiac. Check what other properties chickpeas have.
Chickpeas , also known aschickpeasor chickpeas, is a legume withhe alth properties have long been appreciated in the countries of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. In Arabic cuisine, chickpeas are used to prepare the famous falafels or hummus, i.e. spreads for spreading on bread. In Egypt, chickpea seeds are considered an aphrodisiac because they have a strong stimulating effect.
There are two types of chickpeas: kabuli and desi. The grains of the most commonly consumed variety, Kabuli, are large and cream-colored, while desi seeds are small and come in many colors: cream, red, black, brown, yellow and green. Each of these types of chickpeas is characterized by a slightly sweet and delicate flavor with a nutty note.
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Chickpeas as a source of protein
100 g of cooked chickpeas contain as much as 8.86 g of protein, which has a relatively high nutritional value, incl. because it provides those amino acids that proteins found in cereal products do not have. However, despite this, it cannot be 100 percent. replace wholesome animal protein, e.g. milk protein. Specialists from the Food and Nutrition Institute argue that in such a situation it is enough to combine chickpeas (like all legumes) with other plant products in one meal (e.g. groats) to create a good source of wholesome protein.
As doctors and nutritionists argue, in the diet of an adult human, half of the protein needed should be animal proteins, and the other half protein derived from plant foods. In turn, in the diet of children and adolescents, as well as pregnant and period womenwhile breastfeeding, vegetable proteins should account for 1/3 of the correct amount of protein.
GOOD TO KNOW>>Falafel - chickpea recipe
Average nutritional value of cooked (without s alt) chickpeas in 100 g Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Chickpeas reduces the concentration of the so-called "Bad" cholesterol, which is the cause of atherosclerosis, and thus many heart diseases, incl. coronary heart disease or heart attack. This is confirmed by a study conducted by scientists from the Harvard School of Public He alth on a group of 40,000 men, it shows that a daily high dose of fiber reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease by as much as 40%. Chickpeas not only lower the level of "bad cholesterol", but also blood pressure. The potassium contained in it (291 mg / 100 g) makes the blood vessels more open, and thus the blood circulates more freely, which results in a drop in pressure. In addition, potassium accelerates the excretion of excess sodium from the body, which also helps to lower the pressure level. In addition, chickpeas, thanks to their iron content, prevent anemia. It can also be used as an aid in the treatment of anemia. It is also recommended for women during menstruation. Ashkar method, i.e. chickpeas, garlic and cabbage against cancer "Therapy" recommended by dr. Ashkara is designed to get rid of cancer-causing factors from the body. In order to carry out such a cleansing treatment, for example, place crushed garlic on the leg and wait a few hours for a bubble to form. Then you have to cut it and put chickpeas on the oozing wound. On top, in a double folded cloth, put a cabbage leaf. Bandage the whole thing. For the method to work, chickpeas need to be replaced twice a day for at least two months.In this way, it is allegedly possible to cure not only all types of cancer, but also rheumatism, arthritis and even AIDS. Dr. Ashkara argues that the treatment is more effective when chemotherapy is abandoned. Doctors warn against this "therapy" - it is not a therapeutic method. It should not be used because it is dangerous to he alth and life. Dietary fiber deficiency is the most common cause of constipation. And of this nutrient, chickpeas contain large amounts, as much as 7.6 g / 100 g. Fiber - and specifically its insoluble fraction - after entering the body absorbs water in the intestines and increases the volume of stool, which in turn has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis and proper bowel movements. In addition, it binds excess acid in the stomach, which is desirable in people with hyperacidity or gastroesophageal reflux. It will also help with intestinal diseases, incl. intestinal diverticulosis, haemorrhoids. Some argue that it can also prevent colon cancer. The daily fiber intake should be between 20 and 35 g. ATTENTION! Chickpeas cause gas. The reason for this is the gas-forming oligosaccharides contained in chickpea seeds, which cannot be digested by humans. They are broken down by colon bacteria, and the final stage of this process is gas. You can get rid of this effect (or at least minimize it) by soaking chickpeas in water with baking soda and pouring off the soaking water (the seeds should be boiled in fresh water). The use of herbal spices (e.g. marjoram, caraway, oregano) can also help. Author: Time S.A A balanced diet is the key to he alth and better well-being. Use JeszCoLubisz, the innovative online dietary system of the He alth Guide. Choose from thousands of recipes for he althy and tasty dishes using the benefits of nature. Enjoy an individually selected menu, constant contact with a dietitian and many other functionalities today! Chickpeas have a low glycemic index (IG=30), therefore they can reach for it without fear, especially since the fiber contained in it stabilizes blood glucose (sugar) levels and reduces the absorption of carbohydrates. In addition, according to a 2007 study in the British Journal of Nutrition, a diet rich in chickpeas can reduce visceral fat and reduce insulin resistance. At least this was the effect that the researchers achieved in obese rats caused by laboratory-induced obesity. So they concluded thatthat a diet rich in chickpeas can prevent the onset of diabetes. Unripe chickpea seeds can be eaten raw, only ripe chickpeas can be cooked or preserved. Chickpeas intended for cooking should be soaked in water with a teaspoon of baking soda for 10-12 hours, the one to eat raw - for 24 hours. Then drain it, put it in boiling water and cook, covered, until the seeds are soft - usually about 1.5 hours. Some people recommend that during cooking, due to contamination, change the water up to 2 times. The fiber contained in chickpeas extends the time of chewing food, which results in an earlier feeling of fullness, which lasts for a long time. In addition, fiber reduces the absorption of energy from food and increases the excretion of fat from the body. In addition, chickpeas contain B vitamins and magnesium - substances that regulate the work of the nervous system, which will allow you to survive the crisis during weight loss. Therefore, despite the fact that chickpeas are not low in calories (164 kcal / 100 g after cooking), you can safely include them in your diet. Consumed in moderate amounts, it will certainly contribute to weight loss. Researchers at Banaras Hindu University in India argue that their chickpea ointment may be helpful in the treatment of vitiligo. Chickpea owes its healing properties to the amino acids contained in it, which affect the synthesis of melanin, i.e. the skin pigment, and then regenerate pigment cells and help in the treatment of chronic dermatological disorders. Chickpeas - what can be made of it? In addition to the famous hummus and delicious falafels, chickpeas can also be used to make warming soups, pates and cutlets. It also works well as a stuffing for dumplings or croquettes. It can also be used in salads and ratatouille dishes. In addition, chickpea seeds can be used to make flour for baking bread or pancakes. Its great advantage is that it does not contain gluten, therefore it is recommended for people who are allergic to this ingredient or suffer from celiac disease. Spices that perfectly match chickpeas are, among others rosemary, thyme, coriander, curry, turmeric, nutmeg and even cinnamon. Aquafaba, liquid from a can of chickpeas, whipped, will give a perfect, stiff foam, added to the cream will make it fluffy. The content of aquafaba from one can of chickpeas (150 ml) corresponds to 3 large or 4 small proteins. Aquafabacan also be obtained by boiling dry chickpeas and strongly reducing the liquid to a gruel-like form. It is perfect for people suffering from egg allergy, vegans and everyone who likes to experiment in the kitchen.See the gallery of 7 photosThis will be useful to you
Chickpeas lowers blood pressure and cholesterol
Chickpeas for constipation
Chickpeas can prevent the development of diabetes
Chickpeas - how to cook?
Chickpeas and slimming
Chickpeas for vitiligo?
See the gallery of 7 photos