What are the nutritional values of walnuts? It is true that five walnuts have the same calories as a donut, but it is worth choosing them - instead of empty calories, we have wholesome protein and a large portion of the noblest fat. If you don't eat meat and fish, you should eat them to replenish your protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Why is it worth eating walnuts?
Did you know thatwalnutscan successfully replace fishin the diet ? Both of them contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol and act as an anticoagulant. Already 3 nuts cover the daily requirement for omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain L-arginine, a substance that helps to dilate the coronary vessels. That is why it is worth munching them prophylactically and in heart diseases. Ellagic acid contained in nuts increases immunity, and also binds and neutralizes carcinogens.
What we crunch is a seed, the so-called the core, hidden under a beige woody stone, i.e. a shell. In 51.5 percent. walnut is made of fat, it also has high-quality protein (10%), which is why vegetarians eagerly eat it.
All nuts are high in calories and walnuts hold the record: 100 g equals 645 kcal.
Walnuts protect the circulatory system
Polyunsaturated fatty acids and plant sterols, which are abundant in walnuts, have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system - they lower the level of bad cholesterol, have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce blood viscosity and the tendency to blood clots. In addition, coenzyme Q10 helps inactivating LDL cholesterol, and L-arginine contributes to the dilation of blood vessels, so as a result, blood pressure is lowered and the risk of a heart attack decreases.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreWalnuts reduce cancer risk
Scientists are still researching it, but it is already known that acidsphenolic and ellagic have anti-cancer properties - they bind and neutralize carcinogens. Both are found in walnuts.
Worth knowingNutritional value of walnuts (in 100 g)Energy value - 654 kcal Total protein - 15.23 g Fat - 65.21 g Carbohydrates - 13.71 g (including simple sugars 2.61) Fiber - 6.7 gVitaminsVitamin C -1.3 mg Thiamine - 0.341 mg Riboflavin - 0.150 mg Niacin - 1.125 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.537 mg Folic acid - 98 µg Vitamin A - 20 IU Vitamin E - 0.70 mg Vitamin K - 2.7 µgMinerals
Calcium - 98 mg Iron - 2.91 mg Magnesium - 158 mg Phosphorus - 346 mg Potassium - 441 mg Zinc - 3.09 mg Sodium - 2 mg
Fatty acids
saturated - 6,126 g monounsaturated - 8,933 g polyunsaturated - 47,174 g
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database
ImportantWalnuts for students and pregnant women
The richness of minerals in walnuts beats the head of hazelnuts. Due to the large amount of phosphorus, which perfectly affects the work of the brain, nuts are recommended for learners. They are also a good source of iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Vitamin E, in which they are abundant, has a positive effect on the skin, and B6 is involved in the formation of antibodies and red blood cells. Nuts are also recommended for pregnant women, because they contain folic acid necessary for the proper development of the fetus. The oil, pressed from walnuts, has similar advantages, it is perfect for cold use, e.g. in salads.
Walnuts fight hyperhidrosis
A large amount of tannins and compounds with antibacterial properties make the infusion of walnut leaves an excellent means of effectively combating excessive sweating, especially of the feet. However, you can not only soak your feet in it, but also add it to your bath - then the infusion will soothe the skin and soothe various types of irritation.
Read also:
- Which nuts are the he althiest? Dietary overview of nuts
- Do nuts make you fat or help you lose weight?
- Beware of nut mold
Walnuts heal varicose veins and hemorrhoids
This is due to the: astringent tannins present in the leaves of the walnut, anti-inflammatory flavonoids and compounds that inhibit small bleeding from damaged vessels. That is why all these substances are used in preparations intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids or varicose veins. The infusion prepared from the leaves is also effective - it can be used for nappies, compresses, and rinsing.
Walnuts improvecomplexion
The content of zinc and substances with antibacterial and astringent properties means that walnut extracts can be found in many creams and masks for oily and acne-prone skin. But not only in them, because in cosmetics intended for mature skin, vitamins A and E and coenzyme Q10 derived from nuts are used, which fight free radicals, retain water in skin cells, give it energy and stimulate renewal processes. In bronzing balms, juglone is commonly used - a natural dye that gives the effect of a golden-brown, delicate tan.
This will be useful to youPeeling mask
5-7 dag of peeled nuts, crush as little as possible and pour warm milk to form a mush. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to it, mix it and wait for the nuts to swell and the pulp to cool. Apply it on your face and décolleté, leave it on for 10 minutes. Before you rinse off the mask, gently massage your skin.
Walnuts alleviate stomach problems
Strong bactericidal properties of walnuts - they work against streptococci, staphylococci, typhoid bacteria - and fungicidal, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying are very helpful in the case of gastroenteritis, poisoning, bacterial diarrhea. In this type of stomach ailments, you can save yourself with decoction of leaves or homemade tincture of green nuts. It may also be helpful in fighting gastrointestinal parasites.
Walnuts strengthen the nervous system
Thanks to the content of lanolinic acid, walnuts have a beneficial effect on nerve cells. This action also strengthens a significant amount of folic acid and magnesium. That is why nuts are recommended for people who are hyperactive, exhausted, stressed and who have trouble sleeping.
Walnuts improve brain function
Thanks to the large amount of phosphorus, walnuts have a great influence on the efficiency of thought processes, they are especially recommended for learners. The work of the brain is also positively influenced by copper and manganese as well as linolenic acid - polyunsaturated fat from which the body produces omega-3 acids, which are one of the main "building blocks" of brain cells.
Walnuts take care of your hair
Thanks to its astringent and antibacterial properties, nut extract can be found in many cosmetics for the care of oily hair, as well as for hair prone to dandruff, because it has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp. On the other hand, its coloring properties are often used in shampoos and rinses for dark hair, also colored, because they support it.color.
Anna Starmach's recipe for a tart with a walnut base
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN
ImportantWalnuts: storage
Due to the high fat content, nuts quickly go rancid. So better not buy shelled nuts; if stored improperly, they easily become moldy or, on the contrary, they dry up, and sometimes pieces of shells can be found among the halves of the nuts. They are often sulfurized, so they can be stored longer. Do not be tempted by ground ones - they can be made from moldy ones, and grain pests develop easily in them. It is best to grind them just before use, but you must have a special grater-grinder. A normal grinder, e.g. for coffee, grinds them too much, they become greasy. Buy nuts in their shells, which are a natural packaging for them. Store them in a cool, dry place, such as a can or jar.
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