Bacterial vaginosis is primarily vaginal discharge - there is probably no woman who would not suffer from it at least once in her life. Unfortunately, these common ailments like to keep coming back. Why do bacterial vaginosis infections recur and what can I do to avoid trouble?
Vaginal bacterial infection( bacterial vaginosis ) is manifested primarily by a change in the appearance and smell of vaginal discharge. Physiological discharge from the genital tract that moisturizes and keeps the vagina clean should be odorless, clear or white (depending on the phase of the cycle), slippery to the touch, and creamy when dry.
Bacterial vaginosis: upset
The vagina is home to many bacteria that make up its natural flora. Lactic acid sticks give the environment an acidic reaction, which protects against the invasion of pathogenic bacteria (which die in an acidic environment). But when there are too few or no lactobacilli, this body's defense system ceases to function. The natural balance between the various types of bacteria is disturbed. Some (most commonlyGardnerella vaginalis , anaerobic bacteria,E. colior streptococci) excessively multiply and irritate the vaginal and vulvar mucosa. Inflammation develops.
Common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis
When the discharge is white-gray or yellow, watery and has a fishy smell, it may be because bacteria have attacked us. If it has a white color and a lumpy consistency like cottage cheese - it means that mushrooms have attacked us.
ImportantWhile it may seem paradoxical, washing yourself too often is not good either. It threatens to wash out the natural bacterial flora, and the chemical ingredients contained in deodorants and toilet body soaps can also change the pH of the vagina and irritate the delicate mucosa.
Sometimes the infection affects the urethra - then vaginal discharge is accompanied by pain while urinating, and pressure on the bladder. There may be pain in the labia and a feeling of dryness in the vagina. The symptoms usually worsen before menstruation. The infection must be cured as soon as possible in order not to cause yourself too much trouble. Chronic vaginitis usually leads to infection of the canalcervix. Bacteria can also travel further - to the endometrium, attack the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
When the risk of vaginal infection increases
Infection is favored by: taking antibiotics, bacterial infections of other organs (not only the bladder, but also the throat or ear), dryness in the vagina as a result of hormonal disorders or menopause (reduced estrogen levels can lead to atrophic changes in the vagina and vulva). Due to hormonal displacement, pregnant women are also exposed to infection.
Women who have sexual intercourse get sick more often. During a sexual intercourse, it is easy to transfer bacteria living in the area of the anus onto the genitals. And while they are completely harmless there, they cause inflammation in the vagina.
Lack of hygiene can cause infections, especially during menstruation. Menstrual blood neutralizes the acidic environment of the vagina, weakening the defenses of the intimate areas. In addition, accumulated in the vagina and perineum, it is a good breeding ground for bacteria.
The disease happens more often in stressed women because prolonged mental stress weakens the immune system.
For the treatment of vaginal infections to be effective
You can't win by yourself with bacteria. Even if the ailments decrease or disappear, in some time they will certainly come back with redoubled strength. Therefore, go to the gynecologist as soon as possible before the disease can take its toll. What medications he or she recommends depends on the severity of your symptoms and the cause of the inflammation. Bacteria are fought differentlyE.coli,differently anaerobic bacteria.
To determine the type of inflammation, your doctor will look at the reproductive organ during a routine gynecological examination and recommend that you culture the secretion with an antibiogram. The laboratory test also assesses the presence of lactobacilli. Little or no amount indicates a disturbed immunity of the organism. Based on the result, the gynecologist will select the treatment and the dose of the drug.
Infectious vaginosis is usually treated with antibiotics (orally or vaginally) and with intimate lubricants. The ointment or cream should also be used by the partner to lubricate the glans of the penis and the inner plate of the foreskin to prevent the multiplication of bacteria living in the urethra.
The treatment lasts about 7 days. The antibiotic treatment prescribed by the doctor must not be shortened, even if the symptoms improve earlier. One week after the end of treatment, a follow-up culture test should be done to make sure everything is in order.
How To Relieve The Symptoms Of A Vaginal Infection
If you noticefirst disturbing signals, start working as soon as possible:
- You can use, for example, vaginal preparations that restore the proper bacterial flora with live lactobacilli.
- Washing with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (kali) or chamomile infusion will also help.
- Take a shower twice a day. Use colorless and unscented soap (preferably gray or glycerin). Always start washing from front to back to avoid transferring bacteria from the anus. Also remember to use a separate towel for drying the perineum.
- Avoid irrigations and vaginal irrigations without consulting your doctor.
- Change sanitary pads frequently (at least 4-5 times a day in moderate bleeding). If you are prone to infections, give up tampons - they dry out and irritate the mucosa.
- Don't go overboard with your pants. Wearing them for hours causes the perineal area to sweat, which promotes the multiplication of bacteria. If you love jeans, change into a loose, airy skirt when you come home and change panties.
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