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The leading placenta is always a reason for increased vigilance both by the gynecologist and the future mother. But is placenta previa a cause for panic? Sometimes placenta previa will resolve by itself, although it can also lead to complications. Check what the problem is, what procedure the doctor chooses and how labor is going when you have placenta previa.

Forcing placenta - symptoms

Although, according to the statistics, in approx. 20 percent. placenta previa is not accompanied by spotting and bleeding, but this is most often the way the expectant mother learns about the problem. You must not underestimate the situation when vaginal mucus changes color and even small stains appear on your underwear. Then immediately go to the doctor in charge of the pregnancy, and if he does not admit patients that day, then to the nearby maternity hospital. Don't worry too much about the worst, 99 percent. cases of pregnancies with monitored placenta previa are successful, but also do whatever your doctor tells you to do.

Forward Bearing - Handling

If the bleeding is profuse, you will most likely have to stay in the hospital. You will need tests to check the condition of the fetus and yours, and give you some measures to control the bleeding. When blood loss has been significant, a transfusion will be needed. If you are bleeding before 34 weeks gestation, you will likely be given steroid injections to speed up the development of your baby's lungs so that the pregnancy can be terminated earlier by caesarean section if necessary. If the situation is under control you will go home, as long as you have not been bleeding for more than a week and are close to a hospital. After returning home, you will have to change your lifestyle. You will definitely not be able to commute to work and play sports. You also need to give up sexual intercourse and rest a lot. A high-fiber diet and lactulose in syrup are recommended to avoid straining when passing stools

Remember: to follow the doctor's prescription is to be or not to be for your unborn baby. Not all, but much is in your hands now. The idea is to allow your baby to develop in your belly until at least 36 weeks of pregnancy.

What kind of delivery with a prominent placenta?

If the bleeding doesn'tstops, your gynecologist will probably decide to terminate the pregnancy by caesarean section. The baby has a great chance of survival and further development in an incubator in the neonatal intensive care unit. That's better for him than staying in the uterus with placenta previa bleeding. Physiological delivery is possible if, at 38 weeks of gestation, the placenta does not cover the cervix. According to statistics, however, as many as 2/3 of pregnancies with placenta previa end in a cesarean section before natural labor begins.

Before you panic, you should know that the so-calledplacenta previais a concept that is sometimes abused, mainly by pregnant women. Many of them say that they have a placenta previa when it is really only placed low. Meanwhile, the problem is when the placenta is in the wrong place in the uterus, i.e. it is seated at the bottom of the uterus. And then, depending on how low the placenta is, one can talk about a greater or lesser risk of complications. The age of pregnancy is also of great importance here; the younger the pregnancy, the greater the chances that everything will "fix" itself.

Placenta - a movable organ

Bearing does not stand still. It can move around as the lower uterus stretches and grows. Therefore, if you are before the 20th week of pregnancy and the ultrasound scan shows that your placenta is near the cervix, know that this is quite common (occurs in 30% of women) and usually goes away on its own (the placenta moves up, towards the uterine body). The doctor will probably write it down in the card, so that during the next examination, they will pay more attention to this fact, they will sense you for possible bleeding and that's it.

In fact, after the 20th week of pregnancy, the placenta previa, when it is located in the lower part of the uterus and covers its opening. When the edge of the placenta does not cover the inner mouth of the cervix, but is only a short distance from it (2 cm), the situation is not very dangerous, although it requires special measures. However, if the placenta completely or partially obstructs the cervical opening, this is a serious complication. Then the lower part of the uterus is too stretched and also thinner. The spasms can detach the placenta, and can damage blood vessels and cause heavy bleeding. And this can endanger the life of both mother and baby. However, a lot can be done to prevent this from happening.


You are at risk of pregnancy with placenta previa when:

  • you have already had one such pregnancy
  • you had a cavity cleaneduterus (after a miscarriage or an abortion)
  • have had a caesarean section
  • you've had several pregnancies
  • you gave birth to twins or multiple babies
  • you were in a complicated pregnancy with fetal malformations
  • your placenta in the previous pregnancy had some defects (so-called annular, window-shaped, membranous).

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