For nine months of pregnancy, happiness grew along with your belly. And now… You feel tired and helpless. You don't know if your newborn baby is developing well or you are taking care of it properly. Don't worry - you just have to learn a lot. It will get better every day.

You are constantly caring foryour newborn baby , even though you feel like you are not making it. You don't know a lot, you don't understand. You do not know how to put your newborn to sleep, you are not sure ifbabyis developing normally, are you concerned about the screening results ?. In moments of breakdown, you ask yourself: am I a bad mother?

All young moms have similar problems. It will pass. Meanwhile, be understanding with yourself. Don't play the role of a strong woman. Ask for help from family, friends, neighbors, do not hesitate to involve your partner. You don't have to be at the station all the time, no one would be able to stand it. Let everything fall into place.

Don't worry about the baby making too little progress

Like all new mothers, you tend to worry that your baby is making too little progress compared to others. Anxiety makes you believe what other, more experienced people say. Don't listen to the girl's stock exchange! Do not compare yourself or your child with anyone else. Don't panic.

Better consult a guide or ask your pediatrician. Write down any questions that come to your mind for the doctor. First of all, do not be stressed - it is bad for your lactation and for the quality of your milk. And this food cannot be replaced by any, even the most expensive mixtures.

Breastfeeding problems

In the beginning, when the nipples are unaccustomed, they hurt. But it is worth it for a few days (special creams will help heal irritations). Make sure your baby covers the entire nipple. Find a comfortable position, but change it so that the baby grips the breast differently each time. This way, it better extracts food from all tubules.

Breasts must be emptied regularly and completely. Learn to express on your own, or ask your partner for help to prevent milk stagnation. If it does, massage the thickened area and try warm compresses as well.

Observe the changes in your breasts for inflammation. It is evidenced by large red streaks. The breasts become hard, swollen, it accompanies itfever. You should then use cool compresses and medications prescribed by the doctor, express as much milk as possible and massage and massage. Unfortunately, it hurts a lot, but an abscess must not be allowed to develop. It is much harder to heal and this requires you to stop feeding.

Don't do that

When feeding, avoid:

  • alcohol
  • caffeine
  • chocolate
  • spicy spices
  • garlic
  • peanuts (contain very strong allergens)
  • foods that cause colic in babies (e.g. broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, leeks - check which foods cause this in your baby)

What is not worth worrying about in a newborn?

The longer you breastfeed your newborn, the better

The World He alth Organization recommends that you feed on demand - at least six months, but the longer the better.

  • Feeding is not only good for the baby, it is also good for the mother: it accelerates the loss of excess weight, regulates the endocrine system and thus allows you to recover faster after childbirth, breast-feeding women are less likely to develop breast cancer. Note: Remember that lactation is absolutely no protection against pregnancy!
  • Milk is born in your head - if you really want to breastfeed your baby and submit everything else to it - you will definitely succeed
  • A woman is not born with the ability to feed. He has to learn this. Some moms practice quickly, others need more time. But it's worth the effort.
  • The breasts produce 500-900 ml of milk, and your fluid requirements increase with this amount. So don't forget about still, low-mineralized water - drink a glass slowly before each feed.
  • Milk is the most valuable food for a baby, but from the sixth month onwards, you should introduce other products into the baby's diet and develop other flavors. When and where to start - ask your pediatrician.

Warm newborn rearing

Sometimes you hear that the baby has to scream and that carrying him in his arms is dissolving. Do not believe it: it is impossible to dissolve a child who is not yet one year old in this way. Now what he needs most is caresses, hugs, rocking in his arms, carrying them. It accelerates physical, mental and mental development.

Do not let the baby cry for a long time, meet the needs quickly. It is not true that crying ventilates your lungs and teaches you patience. The infant loses his sense of security because he learns that his appeal may go unanswered.

The most tenderly cared for children grow into people full of trust in others and the world, and this is a valuable capital for the restlife.

Newborn: your most diligent pupil

Make sure you have a regular schedule throughout the day. This ensures a better development of the baby: activities repeated at fixed times, familiar gestures allow the baby to learn more easily and give a sense of security.

  • The first weeks of lifeThe baby learns to distinguish shapes, colors, sizes, sounds. So make the surroundings interesting, provide stimuli, hang colorful pictures by the crib, while carrying your baby, show him different things. In this way, you will arouse a growing curiosity, and at the same time you will make the baby, active during the day, sleep better at night.
  • Fourth weekThe little one begins to look you in the eye, between the fourth and eighth weeks, he smiles for the first time. Smile at him! Express emotions with facial expressions, mimic his expressions. You will notice moving your eyes, better distinguishing sounds. Already a few weeks old baby is learning to speak, although he does not speak yet. That's why you talk a lot.
  • Seventh, eighth weeksThe baby is clearly recognized by its mother's voice and face. He can see from a distance of 50 cm and can focus on objects. He bites them, grabs them, shakes them, makes noise with rattles. This way he gets to know his surroundings. He likes to play with his body. She puts her fingers in her mouth. You can show him pictures.
  • Third, fourth monthGuganie goes into the babble that gets richer and richer. Therefore, sing a lot and read to your child. By the end of this period, the baby is already able to predict what his memory is developing. He gets angry when he can't get something. During this period, his temperament is already revealed. After the fourth month, he brightens up at the sight of an object, and shows reluctance at the sight of another, unknown. Before, you were not afraid of foreign faces, now you can cry at the sight of them. He likes to hit the crib with his toys and analyze the sounds they make.
  • Fifth, sixth monthWhen your baby is disturbed by something, he looks for confirmation in your face. You are an oracle and a support for him. The more time you spend with your baby now, the more it will develop an attachment for you and a sense of security. The child also has moments of sadness. Then, he looks for comfort in the presence of people to whom he is attached, or in the vicinity of his favorite toy. Appreciate the fun. The child loves laughter and jokes and begins to provoke them by himself. Laughter has a huge influence on the formation of a cheerful disposition. Enjoy just being together. Remember that you don't always need toys. Know that the best, most developing, attractive, interactive toy for your childyou are - his mom.

Good to know

Young parents have a lot of strength but lack patience with their children. Scientists filmed the behavior of mothers and fathers towards babies using a hidden camera. People in their 20s did everything automatically, in accordance with textbook rules. But when they bathed or changed the baby, they didn't put any affection into it. On the other hand, the older ones, in their thirties, were very committed and able to focus on developing a psychological bond with the child.

You must do it

Allow yourself a bit of selfishness

  • Rest and sleep as much as possible, especially in the first weeks after giving birth, when the baby is still not very active
  • Eat he althy - avoid deficient foods and empty calories (sweets)
  • Don't get upset that you're not doing well and compare yourself to other moms. You'll learn everything - it's only a matter of time
  • Eliminate bad moods with deep breaths, relaxing music, remember that a walk in the fresh air relieves tension
  • Let your partner bathe and change your baby as he or she can, bottle-feed your expressed milk, but also do a lot together - it gets you closer
  • Take advantage of whatever help these people can give you. Don't try to be a samosha. Focus on the role of mom, and leave cleaning or ironing in other hands
  • Socialize with people you really care about, not because they're appropriate; give up what is not important to you
  • When the hardest weeks are over, make time to go to the hairdresser and beautician. Well-groomed mom smiles more often

Symptoms of postpartum depression

  • lack of maternal feelings (or the belief that you can't be a good mother)
  • low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, self-blame
  • feeling exhausted
  • tearfulness
  • despondency
  • strong anxiety and fear
  • hypersensitivity, nervousness, impatience
  • concentration disorders
  • sleep disturbance
  • lack of appetite or excessive appetite
Be careful!

With increasing mobility, there is a danger: the child may roll off the couch or changing table. Never leave him unattended!
