The third trimester of pregnancy is marked by impatience. Even though there is so little left to do, you get the feeling that the days are much longer than normal. On the one hand, the vision of imminent birth appears like a salvation, and on the other hand, it is a source of fear and anxiety. Check how your body is changing and how your baby develops between 27 and 40 weeks of pregnancy.

3rd trimester of pregnancyis a monstrous belly, sweet, but at the same time a heavy burden to carry, pregnancy ailments, clothes like tents, fear of childbirth, and especially a huge desire to finally hug your heart baby - all of this together makes it difficult to simply be patient. Unfortunately, there is no other way out. Your baby needs every day in your tummy and it will decide when to leave the cozy shelter. But it is also a good, though sometimes tiring period for you. You don't worry if your baby is warm, you don't need to get up when it's hungry or wet. You don't take the night. You can catch up on film and book backlogs, because everyone recommends you to rest. Use this time, because you will miss it soon. Observe calmly and carefully the changes that are taking place in your body in the last period ofpregnancy . You can read about them in our pregnancy calendar.

27. pregnancy week

MAMA You feel really hard now. No wonder your uterus itself is the size of a pumpkin. If you don't think your partner understands you, buy him this vegetable and ask him to hold it on his stomach for an hour. When colostrum, the first milk, begins to flow out of your breasts, don't squeeze it out, as this will only stimulate the glands to produce more food. Better stock up on nursing pads to avoid wet surprises. Some women experience other, more unpleasant, moist ailments. Stretching the pelvic floor muscles sometimes causesincontinence , e.g. when you sneeze or laugh out loud. This is nothing to be ashamed of, and an incentive to exercise your Kegel muscles regularly, which will improve your muscles and speed up your recovery after giving birth. Every day, use sanitary pads that effectively reduce the discomfort associated with this ailment. CHILDREN usually weigh a kilogram, which is as much as a sugar packet, and slowly begin to grow overgrown with fat. Crouched, it measures 24 cm, and from the top of the head to the big toe of the foot -approx. 34 cm. On a slim face you can clearly see eyebrows and eyelashes, and on the head - hairs. The baby opens his eyes and their irises are blue. The retina is developing, i.e. the part of the eye responsible for receiving light stimuli and transmitting them to the already folded brain.

28. pregnancy week

MAMA Do you sometimes feel as if you are short of breath or are tired of the pressure of your ribs "from the bottom"? The bottom of the uterus is now 3 cm above the navel and hence the symptoms. They are not threatening, although not very nice. The best medicine - a short rest and change of position. Lubricate the tense skin on the stomach with olive oil or a special cream for pregnant women. From this week to the end of pregnancy, pay more attention to the fetal's daily movements. The weakening of a child's mobility may (but does not have to!) Be the first sign of problems. You should feel at least 10 movements per hour while your little one is active. CHILD Your little one is getting their first speech lessons. Premature babies born on the 28th week of pregnancy not only recognize their mother's voice, but also know its rhythm and tone, and clearly react to the mood that these sounds reflect. The toddler no longer gains nerve cells, but the ones that do improve and specialize. The shaping of the skeletal system and joints is also coming to an end. So the baby, which has just over a kilogram of weight and measures 35 cm, in many ways resembles a completely normal baby.

29. pregnancy week

MAMA Increase the consumption of whole grains: groats, rice, brown bread, cereal grains. They cover the increasing caloric requirements, provide the necessary B vitamins and, moreover, prevent constipation. It is a common complaint in the last trimester, sometimes leading to the formation of haemorrhoids, i.e. haemorrhoids. If the diet alone is not enough, defecation will be facilitated by glycerin suppositories, and the doctor may additionally prescribe lactulose syrup - a safe preparation that improves the functioning of the digestive system. Sometimes he also recommends taking fiber in tablets. Against hemorrhoids, you can also use suppositories: glycerin or special, homeopathic suppositories, on which it is clearly written that there are no contraindications for pregnant women. However, there is a long storage process ahead of the baby - at the time of term delivery, fat will account for approx. 15 percent. the weight of the child. It is very necessary because it protects against heat loss. Already now, the baby, who is approx. 37 cm tall and weighs 1.2 kg, has a well-developed sense of temperature. The sense of smell has also developed. After giving birth, your body and milk will be therethey smelled the most beautiful to him.

30. pregnancy week

MAMAN Even if your pregnancy is going smoothly, you will likely see your gynecologist more often from now on. Most doctors recommend visits every 2-3 weeks, and in the last weeks, even every 7 days. You are bursting with energy unexpectedly? Perhaps you are feeling the so-called nesting instinct. Many mothers-to-be suddenly decide to scrub the windows and floors, rearrange the furniture … If you don't want this madness to end prematurely in the delivery room, it's better to get your relatives to work. For swollen feet and ankles, gentle massages with cooling gels or leg balms for pregnant women and rest with your legs raised up will help. If the swelling is severe, there is swelling on the face, it is accompanied by headache, visual disturbances, nausea - see your doctor.

The baby's house is starting to get cramped. For convenience, the baby crouches down and crosses the handles and legs. His movements are no longer as jerky as before, but the active baby fidgeting almost constantly. Some babies are already standing upside down and remain in this position until delivery. The others will do so in the coming weeks. The child weighs over 1.3 kg and measures 27 cm from head to bottom (approx. 38 cm in total). Muscles and lungs mature. The blood vessel mesh is no longer visible through the skin.

31. pregnancy week

MAMAC When you walk, you sway characteristically from side to side? This is the effect of loosening the ligaments in the pelvis (the hips widen to make room for the baby). Even though you have gained at least 7 kg, you feel tired and you would rather stay at home, do not give up exercise to stay in good shape. Walking and swimming are great for your well-being, although it's so hard to make an effort. Of course, don't forget to rest. If painful leg cramps wake you up, make sure that your diet does not run out of rich sources of magnesium (nuts, groats, beans, bananas), calcium (dairy products, fish, cruciferous vegetables and legumes) and potassium (tomato juice). is gaining weight intensively. It already weighs about 1.6 kg. Another centimeter has also come to him. He constantly drinks amniotic fluid, which provides him about 40 calories a day. According to scientists, swallowing fluid is not only a way to diversify the diet and training the digestive system, but also anti-stress therapy. It has been found that some toddlers absorb more fluid when they feel restless. The baby's nails are already growing. The umbilical cord that connects you is quite a thick cord - it has a diameter of about 1 cm. At birth, it will be 2 cm in diameter and 40 to 60 cm long.

32. weekpregnancy

MAMA The uterus, the capacity of which has increased 500 times since the beginning of pregnancy, fills almost the entire abdominal cavity, and its bottom is located just below the ribs. Pressure on the diaphragm makes it difficult to breathe. These ailments are relieved by sleeping with the head held high. There may be an increased amount of whitish discharge from your vagina. It's natural, at this stage of pregnancy, the mucus plug that closes the entrance to the uterus, sometimes lets some mucus through. However, if there is really a lot of discharge or has an unpleasant smell, consult your doctor. It could be a bacterial or fungal infection worth treating before giving birth. If the vaginal discharge is watery and you are concerned that the amniotic fluid is seeping along with the mucus, or the fluid is greenish or colored with blood - do not hesitate and go to the hospital as soon as possible. for survival and a he althy future. His lungs are now able to expand and have enough surface area to allow oxygen to pass into the blood. There is no pulmonary circulation yet, which will not start until after delivery, but all the blood vessels are ready. Dzidziuś, who already weighs 1.8 kg and measures 29 cm (with straight legs - 41 cm), has no more room for jumping and dancing. Since they give him great fun, he does not give them up easily. Therefore, now his movements may be unpleasant and even painful for you. Fortunately, the little prankster doesn't try to evolve as often as before. If your little one still hasn't head down, don't give up hope. Babies are able to independently assume the best position for childbirth almost at the last moment. If you carry a guy under your heart, his testicles finally take their place.

33. pregnancy week

MAMA As your growing uterus presses against your stomach, you may experience more and more heartburn. You will effectively get rid of it by eating often small portions, drinking plenty of still water, and not going to bed immediately after a meal. If these measures do not help, go to the pharmacy for an over-the-counter antacid. Are you irritable, do you get angry, cry for no reason? This is the result of the fact that you think about giving birth with fear more and more often. But you also often feel the happiest in the world. Most women experience rapid changes in mood towards the end of pregnancy. CHILDREN At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's belly turns into a smooth, plump baby, because fat makes up 4 to 8 percent of its weight. And the weight itself is impressive - the little one weighs over 2 kg. Measured from the top of the head to the feet, it is 43 cm.Preparations for childbirth are gaining momentum. The developing organism absorbs a significant amount of mom's antibodies, which will protect it against postpartum threats. Iron is stored in the liver to allow the circulatory system to function efficiently. It is an essential building block for red blood cells. The heart has an individual rhythm of work, the pupil constriction under the influence of light has developed, and the hearing has improved. The baby not only recognizes and likes your voice and the sound your heart makes (which is why a hug is soothing after giving birth), but can also recognize a simple melody. Isn't that a proof that the toddler already has memories and associations?

34. pregnancy week

MAY You can gain weight faster than before. You probably experience the so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions - it is the uterus that prepares for childbirth. These contractions are painless and do not get worse, but they often cause anxiety to mums. At this stage of pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen often occurs, associated with the increasing pressure of the growing toddler on the area of ​​the birth canal. CHILD Development is slowing down, as his body is almost fully formed. Now the body deals mainly with growing and gaining fat (each day a child gains 14 g of fat!) Now its weight is approx. 2.3 kg, and the total "height" is approx. 44 cm). The child opens his eyes during waking periods, closes them when he is asleep. He is not idle, 80 percent can. time to practice "breathing in" and "exhaling" the amniotic fluid. His skin turns a nice pink color. The fluff covering the body almost completely disappears, it is replaced by a thick layer of protective fetal fluid.

35. pregnancy week

MOM The skin on your stomach is already very tight, but it has its benefits. You probably laugh more than once at the sight of the bumps sliding under its surface. The pressure in the lower abdomen may have increased - this is normal as the fetus' pressure increases on the lower uterus. If you were in danger of preterm labor, you can now breathe. 99 percent babies born in the 35th week of pregnancy are able to survive outside the womb without any serious problems. Don't worry if your swollen gums are bleeding while brushing your teeth. Change the toothbrush to a softer one and brush your teeth gently, and if that's not enough - visit the dentist. CHILD The length of the toddler is 45 cm, and the sweet weight to carry - 2.5 kg. Every day, a baby is able to pee half a liter of urine, and the metabolic products contained in it are filtered through the placenta and sent through the bloodstream to the mother's kidneys. As much as 60 percent the child's sleep time is occupied by dreams. However, he probably does not dream of pictures, butsounds, touch, movement.

36. pregnancy week

MAMA The capacity of the uterus is 1000 times greater than before pregnancy. Have you noticed the change in its shape and position yet? The bottom of the uterus, which has so far been steadily moving upwards, lowers a few weeks before birth as the baby's head is positioned in the upper birth canal. It will be easier for you to breathe. However, nothing for free. Other problems may arise: more frequent urination, difficulty moving, pain in the perineal area. To reduce the number of visits to the toilet, it is worth avoiding diuretics (coffee, tea). However, it is not advisable to drink smaller amounts of other fluids. Rest and the awareness that it will not be long helps with other ailments. CHILD has already accumulated so much fat that it is possible to specialize in it. Deep around the organs, there is brown fatty tissue responsible for supplying heat, and under the skin there is already a thick layer of white fatty tissue that keeps you warm. The child weighs approx. 2.8 kg, from the crown to the seat it is 34 cm (total approx. 47 cm). The fetal sludge is slowly disappearing (only a little bit of it remains in the skin folds and on the back), the nap is trace. The child swallows the shed fluff and dead cells of the fluid, which will settle in the intestines and be excreted as meconium (first poop: black-green and liquid). If you are one in 80 mothers who are expecting twins, you can expect a birth any moment, or maybe you've already welcomed babies into the world. They are usually born between 35 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. It does not have to have a negative impact on their development. Nature made sure that children with multiple pregnancies matured faster to life outside the mother's body.

37. pregnancy week

MOM A baby can be born at any time. And although it is assumed that the right date of delivery is around the 40th week of pregnancy, only 5 percent. children are born on the prescribed date. Labor usually starts up to 3 weeks earlier or later. For obstetricians, your little one is already termed and safe. What's left for you? Rest, rest and rest again! As much as you can and whenever you can! Don't forget about a dream - you will miss it soon. Some women, under the influence of pregnancy hormones, now have unusual, colorful dreams. CHILD Your baby has probably already reached about 2.8 kg and is 50 cm long. His face is quite smooth and chubby. The little one doesn't do anything about it, because taking care of the line is not the domain of babies, and he still gains weight about 30 g a day. The baby appreciates the calmness of the uterus. Avoids disturbing or distressing stimuli. He is already trying to pass on his needs to his mother with the help of various needsmovements and you, intuitively, can usually judge his mood (anxiety, contentment, anger at the noise). Scientists call it prenatal communication. As the adrenal glands produce cortisol - a hormone that affects the way the lungs work - they are fully prepared to breathe the atmospheric air.

38. pregnancy week

MAMAA maybe a bit of a trick? Although you are sluggish and don't feel like moving, sex can shorten your torment. Sperm contains prostaglandins that accelerate the opening of the cervix, so if you want to … But how do you think about frolicking in bedding when a person is more than a meter waist (usually the waist is 101-107 cm at this stage of pregnancy). Side positions work best. The feeling of increasing pressure in the lower abdomen is a sign that the little one is consistently inserting into the pelvic canal. The toddler weighs 3 kg and is approx. 50 cm. It is surrounded by a liter of amniotic fluid and a placenta, which is more than 15 cm in diameter and weighs between 0.5 and 1 kg. Did you know that your little one's mood still depends primarily on you? You supply him with hormones along with the blood. They are intensely released in times of fear, tension or aggression, but also in euphoria, relaxation or joy. So your toddler passively accompanies you in your experiences. When you unexpectedly start to squirm vigorously in your tummy, as if trying to stretch, it means that the day of delivery is close.

39. pregnancy week

MAMA It's actually time for the final, but a perfectly normal pregnancy may take up to three more weeks. Now your mood is the most important thing. It has been proven that pregnancies are often prolonged in women who are terrified of giving birth. Usually, childbirth announces the departure of the mucus plug from the vagina, i.e. the thick mucus that has so far closed the cervix. If the plug is colorless or whitish, it usually takes a few days for delivery. If stained with blood - within 24 hours, then you have to go to the hospital. CHILD One centimeter more. Another 150 g of weight. State of anticipation and fatigue. The baby is also uncomfortable. A great adventure awaits him. For a baby, childbirth is also stress and effort.

40. pregnancy week

MOM "You haven't given birth yet?" - this question can upset the most composed pregnant woman. Relax, you'll be a mom soon. Nobody can take away from you the moment you take your baby in your arms for the first time. Does it make such a difference in which week this moment will come? After completing the full 40 weeks of pregnancy, you need to do CTG every day, sometimes doctors decide to keep the pregnant woman in the hospital.born at that time is - with straight legs - over 50 cm tall and weighs about 3.5 kg. It is said that for the rest of his life he will have the first moments after birth in his subconscious mind. So greet him with a smile. After all, you got the most precious treasure from fate.

"M jak mama" monthly
