A caesarean section scar does not have to disfigure, but the wound needs to be properly cared for. Learn how to care for a fresh cesarean wound and what to do when the wound is healed, making it as little visible as possible.

Fortunately, the days are gone whencaesarean sectionwas performed along the dark line that runs through the center of the abdomen. Such a scar could not be masked. The caesarean section is now performed across, just above the symphysis pubis.The scarafter such a cut will be a maximum of 15 cm in length and 2-3 mm in width. Don't worry, you can easily hide it under your underwear and showing up on the beach in a bathing suit will not be a problem at all. However, it takes several weeks for the cut skin to heal and form a scar. During this time, you need to take special care of the areawound .

Wound hygiene after cesarean section

After the operation, the doctor stitches all the layers and abdominal integuments. There are non-absorbable (non-dissolving) sutures on the skin, which are usually removed on the eighth day after surgery. For the first 24 hours, the incision site is covered with a dressing that helps to close the wound. It must not be soaked, so when you get out of bed after a few hours and want to take a shower, cover it with a towel. After removing the dressing, you must keep the wound and its surroundings perfectly clean. Otherwise it is easy to get infected.
The cut site should be washed with water and intimate hygiene gel at least three times a day. You can also use gray soap or a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic baby washing bar. After washing, dry the wound gently with a disposable towel (cotton sheets contain too many germs, even if they are freshly washed). Then you can wipe it with salicylic alcohol or ready-made cotton swabs soaked in spirit.
Until the wound is completely healed, wear light, airy underwear. Panties cannot compress the wound - so hipsters fall off. The best ones are made of cotton, high enough so that the elastic band runs at the waist level.
You also need to remember about careful intimate hygiene and washing your hands after each visit to the toilet. Bacteria multiply in postpartum faeces and can easily be accidentally transferred to the scar.


XXL size scar

Sometimes in the place of the scar, thickenings, the so-called Keloids. It is caused by overgrowthtissue. The scar then looks unsightly. If this bothers you, consult a surgeon who will remove the keloids or recommend a special ointment to reduce the scar.

Wound after cesarean section - which can be worrying

After removing the stitches at the cut, you will have an intensely pink line that will begin to fade with time. When the wound is healed, it is worth applying a smoothing onion ointment twice a day (eg Cepan or Contratubex). For a few weeks after giving birth, the wound will be itchy, and you may also feel pain in the area around it, gradually getting weaker.
You will not feel at the cut site - it is the effect of cutting the nerves. You may also experience other ailments for a while, such as tingling or numbness. They are perfectly normal. However, purulent discharge or fever are disturbing. They prove that there was an infection. You must then see a doctor who will prescribe you an antibiotic.
It happens that a special dressing with a drain must be applied to the wound, which drains the secretion outside. In this case, you will have to report to the midwife to change the dressing every two or three days.

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