Since it turned out that you are pregnant, your loved ones treat you like a princess. They don't let you overeat, they take care of your relaxation and diet. However, when you give birth, you will be on your own. The better you prepare for it, the easier it will be. The birthing school will help you with this.
Why is it worth signing up there?
Because almost all expectant parents have a lot of questions and doubts. And no grandmother, friend, film or guidebook will answer them so professionally, comprehensively and with such knowledge of things as a midwife or doctor who work with mothers and newborns on a daily basis.
What can you learn?
At the birthing school you will receive comprehensive knowledge about pregnancy and childbirth (both natural and surgical), how to calculate the date of your baby's arrival, what examinations you need to do and what medical appointments you have to do. You will also learn how to deal with pain and anxiety. You will be helped by breathing exercises, strengthening and stretching your muscles (you will feel their beneficial effects before, during and after childbirth). You will learn about the natural and pharmacological methods of anesthesia in labor and how you can communicate with your baby while it is still in your belly and when it is born. You'll know what to bring to the hospital with you - for yourself and your baby. You will hear how to breastfeed and what to do if any difficulties arise along the way. And also, how to bathe and inflatable a newborn baby (with an overview lesson during which the doll is "bathed"), how to take care of its skin, navel, etc. Thanks to the information obtained at school, you will understand what is the puerperium and how to deal with the so-called . baby blues (mood swings, disappointment and depression that often affect women after giving birth) or postpartum depression. You will also learn how soon you can get pregnant again and when to plan another baby, and what your rights and your rights are in public he alth facilities.
Who to attend classes with?
Ideally with the person accompanying you during the birth. And even if you do not expect the company of a loved one in the delivery room, it is worth persuading your husband (partner), sister or friend to participate in the classes together. For what? Because, in the theoretical part, noyou will need help from anyone, that is with the exercises - definitely yes, as they are mostly done in pairs. Attending classes with the child's father has the additional advantage that after giving birth you will be able to count on his professional help and composure resulting from knowledge of things.
How to dress for classes?
Comfortable first of all. The most suitable (especially for exercise) casual sports outfit made of natural fabric will be the most appropriate. So take with you, for example, a not too thick cotton tracksuit, and put on a short-sleeved T-shirt underneath. When it's too hot for you, just take off your sweatshirt. You will also need light sports shoes for a change, cotton socks and a headband or a hair tie.
According to an expertMariola Kowalczyk, MD, PhD, internist, head of the 3rd Department of Internal Diseases at the Grochowski Hospital in WarsawYou do not need a referral from a doctor for childbirth classes. However, not all mothers can benefit from practical classes. Contraindication to them is the threat of pregnancy. This happens in the case of placenta previa (due to the high risk of bleeding), with the risk of preterm labor (the cervix is shortened and dilated before the 37th week of pregnancy) and in gestational hypertension. Also, women who are at high risk of complications in childbirth should not attend birthing school. These include future mothers with an abnormal position of the fetus and the so-called burdened with obstetric history (i.e. those who have had premature deliveries, stillbirth or birth injuries).
How to choose the birth school?
It is certainly worth asking friends who have recently become parents. Birthing schools operate at clinics, hospitals and various foundations. They are also run by private individuals. However, it's best to choose the maternity hospital where you want to give birth first. If you use the birth school operating with it, you can count on a discount in the case of family childbirth. Another advantage of the school run by the hospital is that you will get to know the doctors working there (they often teach at school) and see the delivery room where you will give birth. This will not be ensured by classes conducted e.g. in the midwife's apartment or individual meetings at your home. The advantage of such courses is a nice, intimate atmosphere, which is harder to find in a larger group. Information and opinions on childbirth schools, workshops and courses for future parents can be found on the Internet, incl. on the website of the Rodzić po Human Foundation (
How to meet a good school?
Same as gooda restaurant or an attractive dance course, i.e. after the clients. If there are a lot of them and they are satisfied, it is a sign that you are in the right place! Also pay attention to who conducts classes at school - whether only midwives, or maybe also doctors (e.g. gynecologist, pediatrician, anesthesiologist, neonatologist), psychologist and physiotherapist or rehabilitator. Study the course program carefully and find out from which month (or week) of pregnancy you will be able to attend classes (there may be no restrictions in this regard).
How long do the classes last and how much do they cost?
The training cycles are very varied. They are usually 10 to 40 hours long and meetings are held 1-3 times a week and last 1 to 2 hours. The prices of the courses range from PLN 100 to PLN 500. Most often, however, they amount to around PLN 200. There are also schools where the fee is optional (ie "whatever you like") and free schools - run by volunteers or financed by the city authorities. You can also add that for an hour of an individual course at birthing school you pay about PLN 70, for a single class in a group course - about PLN 30 per hour, and for a weekend meeting - about PLN 50 per hour.
monthly "M jak mama"