Dilation contractions occur in the first phase of labor. They cause the cervix to shorten and open. Stretching contractions are like waves: they come in, build up, and then gradually subside. You may feel them as severe menstrual pain, pain in the lower abdomen, stretching or wrapping the abdomen with tape. How do you deal with the pain of your break spasms and when to go to the hospital?
Stretching contractionsappear regularly, and with time the intervals between them gradually decrease, while the contractions themselves lengthen. At first they occur every 10 minutes and you feel them for about 30 seconds, and at the end of this stage of labor, they appear every 3-4 minutes and you feel them for about 60 seconds ( although they actually last longer). Note: When your contractions increase in frequency, it occurs every 5 minutes - a sign that your labor has started and it's time to go to the hospital.
How to recognize dilating contractions?
You may feel the stretching contractions as severe menstrual pain, pain in the lower abdomen, stretching or wrapping the abdomen with tape. Some women describe them as pains reaching the lumbar region. Contractions begin in the upper part of the uterus and last the longest there: they end in all parts of the uterus simultaneously. This stage of labor lasts about 8-18 hours for the first child, and for women who have already given birth, 6-12 hours.
How to survive the first stage of labor?
Remedies for dilating contractions
- Hypoxia in the body increases the feeling of pain, so now try to breathe in the rhythm of the contraction: when the contraction approaches, breathe in more slowly, then a little faster, then slower again. Breathe calmly, slowly and gently between contractions.
- Choose a position that relieves pain: you can walk, lean over, lean on your husband, use a beanbag, birthing bars or a ball. In the vertical position, you are supported by the force of gravity. Lying on your back at this time rather increases the pain.
- If possible, take a bath or a warm shower. This will reduce the feeling of pain, improve the blood supply to the placenta, the baby and increase the concentration of endorphins, popularly known as "happiness hormones". The water temperature should be 35-37ºC, not higher. Make sure you don't get cold. Sometimes a lot of relief is provided by compresses on the lower abdomen, perineum or the lumbar area. If warmdoes not help, try the effects of a cool compress.
- You can ask your partner to massage the lumbosacral area: this often alleviates unpleasant sensations. It's best to make a circle with the heels of your hands, and then small circles with your thumbs. You may also feel relieved by making linear movements across your back - this is an individual matter. Inform the massager of the desired pressure strength and pace so that the massage is a relief for you. However, if you feel uncomfortable with the touch, give up this method of relieving tension.
- Don't worry about groaning, sweating or swearing. Childbirth is not the time to deal with such little things.
- If you feel the need to do so, scream. Clenching your lips tensing the perineum and the whole body, which greatly increases the pain sensation.
- The contractions use a lot of energy, so if you feel like it - have something sweet or grab a piece of chocolate.
- When the pain is severe or you just don't accept it, ask for an epidural. It will help you stay conscious throughout your labor. Be sure to tell your doctor in advance so that he can administer anesthesia at the right time (preferably when the dilation reaches 3-5 cm). If done too early, it may silence the birthing action, and if used too late, it will not bring the expected effect.
- At the end of the first phase of labor, you will feel some relief for a while. This will be associated with sleepiness or fatigue. You can fall asleep for a while if you like. Such a short nap will allow you to regenerate. In a moment, due to the adrenaline rush, you will feel a surge of energy and the second phase of labor will begin.
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