Water birth is becoming more and more popular. No wonder - it's usually shorter and less painful than the traditional one, and also less stressful for the baby. What is a water birth like? What are the contraindications? Where in Poland can you give birth in water? What is the price of such a delivery?
Water birthhas been known for millennia (it is said that Cleopatra in the 7th century BC had already given birth to two children in this way), but in Poland the first birth of this type took place only in 1996. Since then, water birth has been made possible by more and more hospitals, also in small towns. No wonder - water birth is much more comfortable for a pregnant woman and less stressful for the baby.
Water birth - what does it look like? What is it?
The woman in labor stays in a bath with water at a temperature of 36-37 ° C and 50-60 cm deep. The birthing room is heated to a temperature of 24-26 ° C. All the time, the pregnant woman is connected to the KTG machine, which is a device used to monitor the fetal heartbeat. In the first stage of labor, the stay in the bathtub should not exceed 30 minutes.
If you decide to give birth in water in a state-run facility, you have to pay between 200 and 400 zlotys. In private clinics there are usually no additional fees, but there the price of a water birth is several thousand zlotys
You can return to the bath after a half-hour break. Before the finale, the woman in labor usually leaves the bathtub. The transition to a cooler temperature causes the fetal displacement reflex, which means that the baby is born faster. Some women ask for an epidural, which also interrupts the water delivery.
However, if the child is born into the water, then for several seconds, supported by the midwife, it floats in the water, and when it starts to move more strongly, its head rises above the surface. The umbilical cord is usually cut after the baby is taken out of the water. The placenta is born outside of the water. All medical activities are performed in the bathtub. If a perineal incision is necessary, it is performed underwater.
Water birth - how to prepare?
You cannot give birth in water "on the go" - as is the case with most traditional births. The pregnant woman must theoretically be prepared for this childbirth. Therefore, in most centers where you can give birth in water,it is advisable not only to meet the doctor and midwife before the delivery, but also to complete the hospital childbirth school. Both by the future mother and the accompanying person (it may be the child's father or mother, sister or friend of the child in labor). When planning a water birth, you need to know that it should be a family birth.
The presence of an accompanying person is one of the conditions (apart from he alth conditions, of course) that must be met. It is necessary mainly because, unlike in traditional delivery, the woman in labor cannot be left alone for a moment because she is in the water. If, for example, she fainted, it brings with it a greater risk. The accompanying person does not enter the bathtub, but helps the mother in labor with getting in and out of the bathtub or taking the right position.
An enema is required before giving birth in water. Otherwise the water would become dirty, which could cause infection in the mother or baby.
Advantages of water birth
Duringwater birththe beneficial effects of warm water on the human body are used. It relaxes the muscles and relieves neuromuscular tension, which significantly reduces the perception of pain, has a soothing effect on the nervous system, calms and relaxes. All of this is important for the course of labor. Women giving birth in this way are more easily able tolabor contractionsand feel more at ease than in traditional births. They rarely experience hyperactivity or panic attacks.
Water birth is usually shorter (the first phase is faster), and the amount of medications administered is smaller. The loss of weight experienced by the woman in labor enables her to assume any position during labor, which also helps in relieving pain sensations.
During water births, injuries and incisions of the perineum are also less frequent - the perineal tissues in the water relax more easily.
Water birth is also beneficial for the baby. It allows for a significant reduction in birthing shock as the baby is born into an environment that is not much different from the nine months in the womb of the mother. After being taken out of the water, it begins to breathe gently. The influence of external stimuli, such as sounds, light or temperature changes on the newborn is less aggressive, which reduces its stress, and this in turn makes it adapt to the new environment faster. Babies born directly into the water cry less and are calmer. Right after the birth, the midwife lays the baby in her mother's arms, who can start the first feeding while still in the bathtub.
According to an expertAnna Skotnicka,midwife with 23 years of experienceLess pain, more peace
Water birth is a conscious, even celebrated birth. It is chosen by women who feel a strong need to give birth to a child in a unique way. They are prepared for childbirth, they understand and accept what is happening with their body, they handle contractions better. In fact, water birth is an alternative to an anesthetic - giving births take less medication, and yet feel less painful contractions. They experience each moment more fully, they are focused on themselves and the child. Despite the fact that childbirth in water is a serious challenge for medical personnel - the rules are strictly defined, the midwife performs all activities in the delivery (e.g. incision of the perineum, CTG connection) in a squat position or on the knees - it is worth conducting it. For example, to see that giving birth does not have to be a painful and stressful experience. It can be a beautiful experience - for both mother and baby.
Water birth - contraindications
Can all pregnant women give birth in water? Unfortunately not. Only women qualified by a doctor with full-term pregnancy (over 37 weeks) can give birth in water. One of the main contraindications to this type of delivery is the abnormal course of labor (e.g. prolonged I or II stage of labor, disturbed heart rate in the baby) and abnormal position of the fetus. If the expectant mother suffers from cardiovascular disease, dermatological or blood pressure problems - she will also not be able to take advantage of the benefits of water birth. It is also excluded from improper position of the fetus, bleeding, drainage of amniotic fluid, child's weight (approx. 4 kg and more) and birth defects in the child. Women with multiple pregnancies and those who had a Caesarean section in the previous delivery will also not receive approval from the doctor for such a delivery.
According to an expertdoc. dr hab. Jarosław Kalinka, MD, obstetrician gynecologist, Department of Perinatology, Medical University of ŁódźWith the consent of the doctor
Despite all the advantages of water childbirth, it should be remembered that only women qualified by a doctor can give birth in this way, i.e. relatively he althy pregnant women, without risk factors. Only then will such a delivery be safe for both the mother and the baby. Strong motivation of the pregnant woman is important, as is the belief in the rightness of such a choice. The decision cannot be taken lightly.
Risks and complications
Each birth carries certain risks. It is the same for a water birth. As water dilates peripheral vessels, increased bleeding may occur in the woman in labor, especially if the patient is injured (e.g. around the perineum). It can also be temporaryacceleration of heart rate or drop in pressure. If labor is not performed properly, there is a risk that the baby will draw water with the first breath. When the water temperature is too high, the newborn may overheat and become hypoxic. It is also important to remember that in the event of complications, it is more difficult to provide quick help to the mother and child in the water. When You Cannot give birth like this If you do not qualify for a waterbirth, you do not have to give up all the benefits of water. While not every woman in labor has a chance to give birth to a child in water, each of them can benefit from a water bath in the first stage of labor (when the cervix is shortened and dilated). The only difference is that then the second stage of labor (i.e. the pressure and the birth of the baby itself) will take place traditionally. Doctors recommend that women in labor stay in water, especially in the case of very painful contractions of the uterus, overstimulation and very poor progress of labor.
Here you will be born in water, hospitals:
● Bełchatów, Provincial Hospital of them. Jana Pawła II, ul. Czaplinecka 123. ● Bydgoszcz, City Hospital of them. dr. E. Warmiński, ul. Szpitalna 19. ● Bytom, Clinical Hospital No. 2, ul. Batorego 15. ● Gdańsk, Provincial Specialist Hospital for them. M. Kopernika, ul. Nowe Ogrody 1 / 6. ● Gliwice, Multispecialist Hospital, ul. Kościuszki 1. ● Łódź, Szpital im. M. Madurowicza, ul. Wileńska 37. ● Opole, Gynecology and Obstetrics and Newborns Hospital, ul. Reymonta 8. ● Poznań, Szpital im. F. Raszei, ul. A. Mickiewicza 2. ● Puck, Szpital im. F. Żaczek, ul. 1 Maja 13. ● Sieradz, Hospital of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, ul. Armii Krajowej 7. ● Sokółka, District Hospital, ul. Sikorskiego 40. ● Tychy, Provincial Specialist Hospital No. 1, ul. Edukacji 102. ● Wołomin, County Hospital, ul. Gdyńska 1 / 3.
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