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Heartburn (also known as gastroesophageal reflux) in pregnancy is, next to nausea, the most common complaint of pregnant women. Some expectant mothers are teased even throughout pregnancy, and more than half - in the last months, when the significantly enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach.

Where does heartburn come frompregnant heartburn ? Progesterone is to blame for everything - it prepares the lining of the womb to receive a fertilized egg, and then allows the pregnancy to be sustained. Progesterone, however, relaxes the circular muscle (sphincter) that closes the esophagus to the stomach.

What happens then? Normally, the food you chew goes to your throat, then to your esophagus and stomach. From here it should go to the intestines. However, due to the relaxation of the esophageal sphincter, an open gap is created through which the gastric contents, forced by the enlarged uterus, return to the esophagus.

In addition to food, there is also the hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach and digestive enzymes. They cause unpleasant ailments: burning in the throat and breastbone, sour-bitter taste in the mouth, persistent belching, and even sour vomiting.

Gastroesophageal reflux in pregnancy - how to avoid it

If heartburn is making your life difficult, first of all pay attention to your diet, as some foods and stimulants make your symptoms worse (see box). So try not to eat fatty, sour, highly spiced, but also sweet food - that's why, for example, you should give up sweets.

It has also been proven that the symptoms of heartburn are exacerbated by carton juices, so it is best to drink the freshly squeezed juices (from apples, beets, carrots). In addition to what you eat, it is also important how. So you should eat often (5-6 meals a day) but little to keep your stomach from overfilling. Eat without rush, chewing every bite very carefully.

After a meal, rest in a sitting position so that the food can move in the right direction more easily - lying down makes it easier for stomach acids to flow into the esophagus. Eat dinner at least 2-3 hours before going to bed. You should be relieved to sleep with your head and body held high and in an almost half-sitting position. Also remember not to put pressure on the abdomen and waist with too tight clothes.


It hurts you:

  • fatty, fried, sour and spicy foods
  • yellow and mildewcheeses
  • carbonated drinks
  • acidic fruit juices, especially citrus juices, but also tomato juices
  • sweets, chocolate
  • coffee and black tea
  • alcohol
  • smoking

Heartburn in pregnancy: proven ways

To help ease your symptoms, you can take over-the-counter medications to counteract excess gastric acidity. Just check (in the leaflet) whether the preparation can be used by pregnant women and, of course, be moderate. Before you reach for medications, however, try some treatments for heartburn that have been known for years. Here's what experienced moms recommend:

  • ginger - you can eat ginger cookies or drink an infusion of the root of this plant;
  • chamomile, mint - the infusion of these herbs should be drunk instead of black tea and coffee, which intensify the symptoms of heartburn.
  • linseed - pour a teaspoon of seeds into half a glass of boiling water, wait until it cools down, and then drink it (preferably overnight), adding a little warm milk or water; the linseed should have the consistency of thick kissel - then it will create a tight protective layer on the esophagus wall;
  • milk - drink fresh milk not too fatty - preferably 1.5%; you can also replace them with buttermilk, natural yoghurt or kefir;
  • Vichy s alt - in the pharmacy you can buy it without a prescription in the form of effervescent tablets. The solution prepared from them should be drunk after more abundant meals. Vichy s alt improves digestion and acts as an antacid to the acidic contents of the stomach.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease: when to see a doctor

If your symptoms are so bothersome that it is difficult for you to function normally, accompanied by severe vomiting or weight loss, be sure to see a doctor. Also tell him about any other illnesses and medications you are taking, as some of them make acid reflux worse. This is how, for example, preparations for hypertension from the group of the so-called calcium-blockers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Worth knowing

Good rules versus acids

  • In the morning, don't get up right away. First, eat something light - a cracker, half a banana - or drink a few sips of warm milk. Get up after a quarter of an hour.
  • Eat often, but in small portions (5-6 meals). You will not overload the stomach and let it be empty - then the excess acid can take its toll.
  • After eating, do not bend down and do not lie on your back.
  • Drink a lot - preferably still and low-sodium water - but not right after a meal.
  • You can also drink herbal teas, chamomile, lemon balm, and mint are especially helpful.
  • Eat dinner no later than 2 hours before going to bed.
  • Eat light foods (steamed, baked, not fried).
  • Forget fast food and powdered soups.
  • Avoid very cold and hot meals.
  • Not for you: strong broths and stocks, marinades, spicy, s alty and spicy spices (horseradish, mustard, paprika, maggi) - add herbs instead.
  • Watch your weight. Heartburn and overweight often go hand in hand.

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