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You may feel a lot of discomfort at different stages of your pregnancy. Some of them, such as heartburn, nausea, calf cramps, anal itching, and urine leakage are quite normal. Others - such as swelling all over the body, bleeding or itchy skin - can be cause for concern. See what ailments may bother you in each trimester of pregnancy.

Ailments in pregnancy: 1st trimester (from 1st to 13th week of pregnancy)

Some women feel that they arepregnantright after conception, but for most, the first sign of pregnancy is that they have stopped menstruating. Once you have confirmed your assumptions with the test, you will have 9 extraordinary months for your baby to develop. The first trimester is essential for this development - all the baby's organs are formed 8 weeks after fertilization!

This is normal:

  • Nausea, vomiting - although called morning sickness, can be annoying throughout the day, they are usually associated with an aversion to certain flavors and smells, also previously liked.
  • Tenderness of the breasts - they become fuller, heavy and slightly swollen. You feel they are tense and more sensitive to touch, which makes them more painful to pressure.
  • Fatigue and sleepiness - You may experience extreme tiredness, fatigue, and difficult-to-control sleepiness attacks. It is the body's reaction to turbulent hormonal changes.
  • Frequent urination - urinary tract congestion (caused by pregnancy hormones) and the enlargement of the uterus, which is then low in the pelvis and compresses the bladder, mean you need to go to the toilet more often.
  • Heartburn- under the influence of progesterone, the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach relaxes and the stomach contents retract, which results in a sour taste and burning pain in the esophagus, throat and behind the breastbone.
  • Constipation - it is also the effect of progesterone, which weakens the muscles of the intestines, making them less efficient. Problems with defecation may appear at the beginning of pregnancy and last until its completion.
  • Headaches and dizziness - may be caused by pressure surges; there are sudden drops in blood pressure at the beginning of pregnancy, especially when standing up suddenly or changing position.

You have to be careful about this:

  • Fainting - ifare the result of a sudden drop in blood pressure, it should not be a cause for concern, but you need to tell the gynecologist about them to rule out other causes.
  • Bleeding - especially profuse or a vivid, intense red color - may be a sign of a miscarriage or of an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Spasmodic lower abdominal pain, accompanied by shoulder and rectal pain, may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

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Ailments in pregnancy: 2nd trimester (from 14th to 28th week of pregnancy)

The child grows, its organs develop more and more. Around 17-20. of the week you can feel his first movements. During this period, many ailments related to the beginning of pregnancy disappear - you should feel and look much better. Your tummy is becoming more and more visible.

This is normal:

  • Constipation, heartburn, indigestion - these are ailments that can bother you even throughout pregnancy.
  • Back painand spine pain - at the end of the second trimester your tummy becomes noticeably larger and heavier, which of course puts a strain on your spine and causes back pain.
  • Leaving urine - stretching the muscles of the pelvic floor means that you can involuntarily leak urine when laughing, sneezing or coughing.
  • Swelling of the legs and arms - this is a result of water retention in the body, as well as pressure of the enlarged uterus on the inferior vena cava. Especially the ankles and hands swell. Swellings should subside after a night of rest.
  • Calf cramps - often occurring especially at night, are associated with obstructed circulation (pressure of the uterus on blood vessels) and possibly with a deficiency of certain minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium).
  • Dizziness, fainting - it is also a result of problems with circulation; they usually occur after a sharp change in body position.

You have to be careful about this:

  • Swelling of the whole body, including the face, which does not disappear after a night, may be a symptom of gestosis (other names: pregnancy poisoning, pregnancy-induced hypertension). This dangerous disease occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • High blood pressure (above 140/90 mmHg) - this is always a disturbing signal during pregnancy, it can also be a sign of pregnancy poisoning.
  • Headache with double vision or flashes in front of the eyes - when these symptoms occur together, it may be a symptom of gestosis.
  • Rapid weight gain (more than 400g per week) may or may not beassociated with pregnancy poisoning or gestational diabetes.

Ailments in pregnancy: 3rd trimester (from 28 to 40 weeks of pregnancy)

The baby is already very well developed - if he was born in the 28th week, he would have a good chance of survival. A big belly will probably cause you a lot of problems.

This is normal:

  • Pressure on the bladder and discharge of urine - The uterus leaves very little room for the bladder, forcing you to visit the toilet frequently. The pressure on the bladder and the stretching of the pelvic floor muscles causes the involuntary release of urine.
  • Back Pain and Back Pain - To balance the weight of your stomach, you can pull your arms back and flex your neck, resulting in a lower back bend, muscle tension and pain.
  • Heartburn - if you didn't know what it is, now you can find out about it (burning pain in the throat, esophagus, behind the breastbone).
  • Varicose veins - enlarged uterus hinders the outflow of blood from the lower limbs (and there is 2.5 liters more of it than before pregnancy), this blood dilates the veins, creating ugly, painful lumps on the legs.
  • Itching and pain around the anus, traces of blood on the stool are symptoms of hemorrhoids, i.e. anal varices. They are the result of constipation and an increased amount of blood in the pubic area. The closer to childbirth, the more hemorrhoids bother you.
  • Shortness of breath - the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm makes it harder for you to breathe, take a deeper breath, and you often run out of breath.
  • Pain and a feeling of distress in the lower abdomen and groin - this is a sign that the baby is inserting into the pelvic canal and the hips are widening to make room for him; loosening of ligaments in the pelvis and pressure of the uterus on the joints causes an unpleasant feeling of pulling or pushing in the groin.

You have to be careful about this:

  • Troublesome itching all over the body, especially in the hands and feet, is a sign of gestational cholestasis, a disorder of the liver that can be dangerous to the fetus and increases the likelihood of premature termination of pregnancy.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, burning when passing it - these are symptoms of urinary tract infection. When you often feel like peeing and still barely squeezing out a few drops of urine, which is dark, see your doctor quickly. If left untreated, a bladder infection can turn into a more serious kidney infection.
  • Acute pain in the groin or lower back, especially when accompanied by fever and chills - may indicate a kidney infection.
  • Swelling of the whole body, high blood pressure, rapid weight gain - these are symptoms of pregnancy poisoning that can occur both in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

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