In the first trimester of pregnancy, apart from the changes that your body undergoes, the psyche, your perception of the world, emotions and moods also change. You can expect nausea, sleepiness, and breast pain. Pregnant women react differently to their condition. Some are happy and start taking care of their he alth, while others are not. Much depends on whether the pregnancy was planned or accidental.
- A lot depends on what we, doctors, call obstetric interview - adds Dr. n. med. Witold Rogiewicz, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, ultrasound, assistant professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CMKP, Bielański Hospital in Warsaw. - So whetherpregnancywas a matter of chance or meticulous planning. We waited a month or several years for a positive pregnancy test. Each of the ladies will react differently to the growing abdominal circumference. Some want to hide their pregnancy and squeeze into tight jeans, others, after seeing two lines on the test, put on overalls and force a place for themselves on the bus. The element reacts differently than a woman who already has a child. Therefore, note: before each symptom described, please add the words "statistically speaking". Like the above text, what the ladies will read below may not apply to you, but to your friends. It is also important to realize that pregnancy symptoms do not appear immediately after conception. Most of them increase or decrease as the days or weeks of pregnancy go by.
What changes take place in your body in the first trimester of pregnancy?
General well-being. I can not find an explanation why GDR sportswomen got pregnant before the Olympics, which supposedly increased their efficiency and achieved results, because all my first trimester patients are sleepy, apathetic and do not feel like anything. They can't concentrate on work or anything at all. They cry in the C movies, if they existed, they would probably cry in the W movies. Nausea. They can happen at any time of the day or night. Most patients find it just nausea. For some, profuse vomiting continues until the second trimester. We do not know how to cope with nausea. Vomiting can be reduced by using suppositories prescribed by a doctor. It is important to replenish your fluids at this time. Eat noit is necessary, most pregnant women have supplies for a dozen, sometimes several hundred days of non-eating. At the time of the expected period, the breasts are painful as in any other non-stressful cycle. After a month the problem swells, after two it becomes unbearable. A woman will feel relief in the second trimester. Abdominal circumference. In the eighth week, it is impossible to fasten any pants, as the weight increases by 2 kilograms - this is the effect of water retention. Progesterone is responsible for increasing the circumference - a hormone that allows the uterus to relax and increase its volume. It also relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines, causing gas and constipation. Unfortunately, these are symptoms that will accompany the ladies until they are delivered. Alarming symptoms. Approx. 4 percent women lose their pregnancy. Most miscarriages are made by the eighth week. The most common cause of miscarriages are genetic defects of the fetus. Therefore, a miscarriage is often called a natural selection mechanism. Thanks to this, women do not give birth to children who are incapable of life. Of course, there can be many causes of miscarriage, so in the first trimester of pregnancy, you need to pay attention to abdominal pain. It is not true that as the uterus grows, it hurts. Of course, there may be occasional discomfort in the lower abdomen, but continuous pain is worrying, especially if it is accompanied by bleeding. There are patients who have bleeding at the time of the expected menstruation up to the 4th month of pregnancy. Each of these cases should be consulted by a doctor. Bed rest and progesterone preparations are able to reduce bleeding and the risk of miscarriage.
What is not allowed to do in the first trimester of pregnancy?
Tests to be performed at the beginning of pregnancy
You should do a number of important tests during your first trimester:
- for blood type determination, anti-D antibody level (serological conflict), blood count, fasting blood glucose (diabetes), urinalysis, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, rubella (diseases that can lead to miscarriage or fetal defects);
- USG around 11-14. week of pregnancy with an assessment of the translucency of the nape, nasal bone and venous flow to assess the risk of genetic diseases, e.g. Down syndrome. You can also do an ultrasound around the 7th week to rule out an ectopic pregnancy;
- PAPP double test - a blood test from a pregnant woman that assesses the risk of Down syndrome and other genetic disorders. It is a screening test, it is performed on young women under 35 who are not at risk - in order to identify those who need amniocentesis.
The first trimester ends at the 12th week of pregnancy.