In the 15th week of pregnancy your baby is already 100-110 mm from the crown to the end of the torso and weighs about 50 g. If you could watch it constantly, you would see that it flips the flips like a real acrobat. You, in turn, have a greater appetite, so during this time you should pay more attention to what and how much you eat.

15 weeks pregnant: how is your baby developing?

The baby is getting more and more agile, and because he has a lot of space in the uterus, he swims, turns and moves his limbs. His hearing begins to develop.

  • Eyebrows and hairs are growing that cover the entire head, but the skin is still transparent - bones, organs and blood vessels are clearly visible underneath it,
  • the ankles in the middle ear begin to harden, thanks to which the baby will soon hear sounds reaching him through the uterus,
  • baby's legs get longer and more proportional to the hands,
  • the baby learns to swallow amniotic fluid.

15 weeks pregnant: what's going on with you?

In the 15th week of pregnancy, you may suffer from bleeding gums. This is a common symptom of the 2nd trimester and is caused by a hormone storm that dilates blood vessels and makes them more prone to rupture.

  • How to deal with bleeding gums?

Gums become swollen, painful and may bleed when you brush your teeth. Buy a soft brush and eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C to strengthen the blood vessels.

Other typical symptoms of the 4th month of pregnancy are increased appetite - the morning sickness is over, and your body and your baby need more and more energy. However, remember to be careful, because it is not true that you can eat as much as you want during pregnancy. The truth is, being overweight during pregnancy can do more harm than good - for you and your little one.

  • How much can you gain weight while pregnant?

In the second trimester, you should gain 1.5-2.5 kilograms per month.

The more advanced the pregnancy, the larger the mother's uterus is. In the 15th week of pregnancy, you can already feel it at hand if you lie down on your back and relax - the hard bulge between the symphysis and the navel is where your baby "lives".

You are now in week 15, ie in month 4pregnancy

The growth of the uterus is also finally visible in your figure. By week 15, many women have a pregnancy belly.

The moment of the appearance of pregnancy curves varies and depends on many factors - the future mum's build, her body, and even anatomy.

Pregnancy can be seen later in obese women (generous shapes "hide" the uterus more effectively), in tall women with a relatively long torso, and in athletic women, whose abdominal muscles are strong. The abdomen is visible earlier, of course, in a twin pregnancy.

15 weeks pregnant: the most important recommendations

The bigger your belly, the more your body posture changes. For now, you are only pushing your stomach forward a little, but in a few weeks your spine will curve in a way that is typical of pregnant women. Firstly, it is conducive to back pain, and secondly, it increases the risk of divergence of the white line.

  • Causes of back pain in pregnancy
  • Exercises for back pain in pregnancy

Kresa is a slit that runs through the center of the abdomen and separates the two parts of the rectus abdominis muscle. This stretch mark increases during pregnancy, making room for the growing uterus, but should return to its former size after delivery. Unfortunately, sometimes it does not happen, which causes an unfavorable change of the figure.

  • Straight abdominal muscles stretch - symptoms, treatment, exercise

To prevent this from happening, try not to stand with your belly up. When assuming a standing position, such as cooking or even walking, move your hips back and 'tuck' your ribs to shorten the distance between the fossa of the sternum, where the end begins, and the symphysis pubis, where it ends.

Also try to breathe not the abdomen, but the lower costal tract (stretching the chest to the sides, forward and backward).

  • When is it possible to do white line exercises?

If you have not signed up for exercises for mothers-to-be so far, you should definitely do it. You can also go to the swimming pool, take regular walks or do Nordic walking (minimum one hour a day).

The most important thing is to stay fit during labor, which requires a lot of effort, and that your muscles do not become lazy during the 9 months of pregnancy.

If they are flexible and strong, you will give birth easier and faster. By exercising regularly, you won't gain more weight than you should.

Also read:

  • 2nd trimester of pregnancy
  • 14. week of pregnancy
  • 16. week of pregnancy
ABOUTauthorMałgorzata Wójcik The editor in charge of the website. Journalist with 25 years of experience. From the beginning, she was associated with the subject of children and he alth - she worked, among others. in the magazine "M jak mama". At, she specializes in pregnancy and childbirth. Privately - mother of three adolescent children. He is eager to read and walks in the woods with his dog.

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