In the 35th week of pregnancy, the typical pregnancy ailments are probably taking their toll on you. The good news is that after the 35th week of pregnancy, they will all be forgotten.
- 35. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
- 35. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
- 35. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
35. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
35. the week of pregnancy is the 8th month and the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. A fetus in the 35th week of pregnancy may measure up to 50 cm and weigh about 2300-2500 g. In the following weeks it will not grow fast anymore, but it will gain a lot of weight - it will gain at least one kilogram by the time of delivery.
There is already enough surfactant in the baby's lungs to allow it to breathe independently outside the abdomen. Therefore, if the baby was born right now, most likely he would not have to stay in the incubator (only some premature babies born in the 35th week of pregnancy have to get the surfactant directly into the lungs).
- How does the fetus develop week by week?
The placenta continues to supply the baby's blood with antibodies necessary for protection during the first weeks of life through the umbilical cord. Apart from them, the fetus also intensively accumulates iron stores - thanks to them, during the first six months of life, the baby will also be protected against anemia (to which children with multiple pregnancies and premature babies are particularly vulnerable).
- Multiple pregnancy is a higher risk pregnancy
The baby is now training sucking intensively - in this way he prepares himself to receive food in a way other than through the umbilical cord. He likes to suck his thumb, although if you had an ultrasound now, you might be able to observe a situation where the fetus is trying to stick its fist in its mouth.
- 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound: what's the difference?
The fetus also continues to drink amniotic fluid - up to 600 ml a day - and then excrete it, thus training the urinary system and kidneys. Waste products in his urine are sent through the placenta through the bloodstream to your kidneys.
Malec very clearly reacts to stimuli coming to him from the outside. If you knock your tummy, there's a good chance you'll get a quick reaction from the other side - the toddlerwill push out the handle or the leg, or give you a nudge.
The fetus in the 35th week sleeps a lot - sleep takes up to 50-60 percent. time. During this period, he quickly develops his brain cells.
- What does the baby like in the stomach and hates?
Everything about pregnancy ultrasound
35. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
In the 35th week of pregnancy, shortness of breath and trouble breathing are the norm. The uterus already takes up so much space that the diaphragm and lungs are compressed, so it's hard to breathe.
You may also suffer from heartburn most of the day. It is also an effect caused by a huge uterus. As in the previous weeks of pregnancy, it is worth eating less with heartburn, but more often, and not lying down immediately after eating, and avoid spicy foods.
- How can a pregnant woman deal with heartburn?
You also know stress incontinence and night wake-ups for a visit to the toilet from the previous weeks of pregnancy. Now, however, they can become more frequent, because the pressure of the uterus on the bladder is so great that it cannot expand to its proper capacity and holds much less urine than before the pregnancy.
To reduce the risk of involuntary urinary incontinence, it is worthwhile to exercise your Kegel muscles intensively, flexing them for a few minutes as if you wanted to stop the flow of urine.
- Kegel exercises also important after childbirth
35 weeks pregnant: top recommendations
Painful leg cramps that you may start to feel again are the result of a magnesium deficiency. To avoid them, it is worth enriching your diet with tomato juice, buckwheat, almonds - or ask your doctor for an appropriate dietary supplement. Every day before going to bed, it is also worth doing simple exercises to relax and stretch: lying on your side, push your toes towards your knees.
- Iron - an essential element in pregnancy
Involuntary urination is easily mistaken for leakage of amniotic fluid. If you want to be sure that no fluid is leaking from the fetal bladder, buy a special test for the presence of amniotic fluid at the pharmacy. If it turns out that it is not urine, but water, go to the hospital.
Do you remember about the tests you should do between 33 and 37 weeks of pregnancy? It is true that you still have some time, but it is worth asking your doctor for a referral if you have not already done so. So we remind you: these tests are blood counts, general urine test, vaginal cleanliness test, HBs antigen, as well as HIV test.
- Visits to the gynecologist and tests during pregnancy
You also need to perform a culture from the vaginal vestibule and the area around the anus for B-hemolytic streptococci and cytology, if you haven't had one before. VDRL and HCV tests are also performed in women at increased risk of infection.
Have you forgotten what is bleeding gums, but are they starting to feel again? Change the toothbrush to a soft one, and if that doesn't help, make an appointment with your dentist.
Also read:
- Third trimester of pregnancy
- 34. week of pregnancy
- 36. week of pregnancy
- 37. week of pregnancy