In the 36th week of pregnancy you have already started the last month of pregnancy. This is really the last moment to plan which hospital to give birth to - if all goes to plan, you will welcome your baby over the next few weeks. But beware - if you are expecting twins, you will most likely give birth in the 36th week of pregnancy.
- 36. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
- 36. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
- 36. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
36. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
A fetus in the 36th week of pregnancy weighs already 2700-3000 g, measures about 50 cm (the parietal-suture distance is 34 cm). The child is fully formed, so there are virtually no changes taking place in his body. Except for one: the fetus continues to accumulate fat intensively in order to be able to protect itself from the cold right after birth. Until the moment of giving birth, it will also grow a bit - how much is an individual matter.
- How is the development of the fetus going?
The fetus looks more and more like a newborn. His skin has not been transparent for some time, has a nice pink shade, and less and less amniotic hair on it - tiny hairs circulate in the amniotic fluid and are swallowed by the baby - e.g. it produces meconium, which the baby expels right after birth. The delicate body is covered with whitish gunk, which not only protects the skin from excessive moisture, but also provides it with valuable lipids.
- Calculate your due date!
The bones in the skull slightly harden (compared to the 35th week of pregnancy), but are still soft enough for the head to pass through the birth canal.
The fetus perfects the reflexes it will need after birth. In the 36th week of pregnancy, she focuses mainly on grasping reflex exercises - she catches and releases the cord of the umbilical cord, touches her nose and ears, and even plays with her intimate organs.
- Umbilical cord problems can cause complications in labor
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36. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
In the 36th week of pregnancy, it is usually a little easier - compared to the last difficult weeks - to breathe, because the baby's head slowly drivesalready towards the birth canal. This allows the bottom of the uterus to lower and the lungs to expand more easily.
For the same reason, at 36 weeks of pregnancy, you can say goodbye to the unpleasant burning sensation in your esophagus, the so-called heartburn. The lowering of the uterus heralds labor, but not immediate - often even a month before delivery. Your belly is already the size of a large watermelon, which probably makes it difficult for you to walk, get up or sleep.
- Is abdominal pain normal during pregnancy?
Visiting the toilet at 36 weeks of pregnancy may be even more frequent than before, and you may now feel severe pain around your perineum. It all has to do with the lowering of the uterus. Don't limit your water intake though - it is better to give up only diuretic drinks, such as coffee or tea.
Your weight will no longer change drastically, which does not mean that the baby will not grow anymore - from the beginning of the 36th week of pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus will decrease. By the end of the 36th week of pregnancy, about half of them will be left.
- How does weight change in pregnancy?
36. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
From 36 weeks of pregnancy, you should visit your doctor every week. During the visit, he will check the fetal heart rate, calculate the height of the uterus, check if the cervix has started to dilate and if it is soft.
These are the last weeks of relative peace - enjoy this state, because when the baby is born, you will have to find yourself in a completely new role. It is worth resting and relaxing as often as possible.
- When pregnant, you have the right to lie belly up
Do not go on any trip, especially further. The 36th week of pregnancy is a magical border for most airlines - from that moment on, most carriers no longer let pregnant women board the plane, which is due to concern for their he alth and the he alth of their unborn baby. The flight itself is not dangerous, but the pressure differences that occur during the flight, as well as the subconscious stress, could trigger premature birth.
In the 36th week of pregnancy, it is worth checking with the gynecologist that there are no contraindications for natural childbirth. If they are, and your doctor will refer you for an elective caesarean section, you will probably know the due date by now.
- Convalescence after cesarean section
If you already have an older child, it is worth preparing them now for the fact that in a few weeks you will not be at home for a while, and then you will return with your younger brother orlittle sister.
In the 36th week of pregnancy, your feet may already be quite swollen. It is normal in this state, but if the swelling does not go away after a night or rest, or if not only the legs, but also the hands or face are swollen, be sure to tell your doctor about it, as it may be a sign of more serious complaints.
You should still exercise your Kegel muscles - it will avoid incision of the perineum. You can also massage the perineum - this procedure will also help avoid incisions.
Also read:
- Third trimester of pregnancy
- 35. week of pregnancy
- 37. week of pregnancy
- 38. week of pregnancy