Since your wife is pregnant, you don't recognize her at all. Where is this happy girl? Her moods change like the weather on a summer's day. What's going on? Hormones are to blame for everything. It is the increase in the concentration of hormones - prolactin, progesterone, estrogens - that is responsible for the cravings and sudden changes in the reactions, moods and emotions of a pregnant woman.

You will have a baby! Your joy would be limitless if it were not for the strange behavior of your partner: sometimes she is happy and satisfied with her condition, other times she acts as if she did not want to have a baby. Sometimes he bursts into tears for no apparent reason, in a moment he laughs, sometimes he whispers passionately in your ear that he loves you, and then makes an argument about the spoon you left on the table! Wondering how you will survive 9 months with this emotionally disturbed woman and whypregnancychanged her character so much? Let's try to justify her.

Hormones cause the mood swings

Hormones(chemicals produced by the endocrine glands) govern our organisms, especially the fair sex. They are responsible, among others for the woman's menstrual cycle, they also make a significant contribution to the fertilization, and then to the maintenance and development of the embryo. During pregnancy, their production increases sharply. This madness of hormones (especially progesterone, prolactin and estrogens) is not welcomed by the body of the future mother, so it begins to rebel.
A symptom of this rebellion are numerous pregnancy ailments, culinary cravings, as well as changingmoods . This is why your balanced and so far calm wife is sobbing for no reason, throwing pots and arguing about just anything.
So much for justification. Now read what awaits you and what else the crazy endocrine system of your pregnant partner can "come up with".

Fatigue and hormones affect the well-being of a pregnant woman

If your wife has suffered from PMS before, for the first three months you may feel like she has it permanently. She is irritable, gets frustrated quickly, but also easily becomes euphoric. Her mood swings can be manifested by crying for no reason or a sudden change of order in the restaurant: instead of a salad, she will take a chocolate cake.
Thisthe hormones, of course, but her bad mood is also caused by a bad mood: she has been nauseous since morning and feels weak.
Added to these "revelations" is a whole new symptom: anxiety and fear that feel most women expecting a baby. Even if she really wants to have them and has planned a pregnancy for a long time, she is afraid of what awaits her in the coming months and what will happen after the baby is born. The partner's eternal fatigue is also characteristic of the beginning of pregnancy. Sometimes you can't understand why your wife, who has been working so far, took care of the house, went to the gym and the swimming pool, and took several kilometers of cycling trips during the weekends - now she is still sleepy and weak. She has no strength to go to the cinema or shopping. When she comes home from work, she falls on the couch and takes a nap, yet she goes to sleep before the news. This is a normal symptom: a pregnant woman's body works more intensively, you could say: for two. This will continue until the 4th month of pregnancy, until the placenta has developed and taken over the task of keeping the fetus alive.
Due to constant fatigue, as well as hormones (specifically prolactin), your loved one also lost her desire for sex. There is hope that this will change in the second trimester, and if not - probably only after the puerperium, unfortunately.

Distraction and awkwardness is caused by an increase in progesterone concentration

In the second trimester, your partner still has mood swings, but you may have gotten used to them by now. Now, however, she additionally bothers you with her "imaginary" problems: did the glass of wine she drank when she did not know about her pregnancy harm the baby? And won't the fact that she gained 2 kilograms make you abandon her?
Joking aside, your beloved also has more serious fears: she is worried about losing her job, worries about whether she will be a good mother, will you give yourself advice financially and above all: will the baby be he althy?
These are the fears that torment every pregnant woman, when she is struck with all her strength by the thought that she will actually become a mother soon. And she finally realizes it, because she begins to see changes in her appearance: her belly grows, her breasts are enlarged, and her hips are rounded.
This is also a cause for further worry: what to wear? Your wife doesn't fit in her old clothes anymore, and she is too thin for maternity clothes.
She is also worried that she is starting to become less and less attractive, that she just plain ugly. This change in appearance for the worse is also caused by hormones: under the influence of progesterone, the woman's skin deteriorates and she may develop pimples.
If you noticed that your partner is recentlyvery distracted, don't blame her. The fact that she lost her keys three times, forgot to buy your favorite tea, even though you asked her several times, does not remember that your friends invited you - it's the progesterone fault that now makes her focus solely on pregnancy.
She's also become a terrible shit: she keeps dropping items and your tableware starts shrinking. Well, you probably won't believe that the increase in the concentration of progesterone and relaxin loosens your wife's joint ligaments - this way her body prepares for childbirth (the birth canal must be flexible), and destroys your glasses and plates at the same time.

You must do it

How can you help her

Now that you understand the reasons for your wife's changes in behavior, you will probably be more patient and understanding with her. Take comfort that someday everything will return to normal and she will be the same as before. Meanwhile, to survive these difficult months:

  • keep her rest and eat well
  • think about her mood - every now and then surprise her or give her pleasure on no occasion
  • let her cry or vent her anger - after a few minutes she will be calmer and in a better mood
  • bear her whims - run around midnight for cucumbers and put away cologne if she annoys her
  • be with her - support, listen to her problems.

In the last months of pregnancy, the level of estrogen increases - the woman is getting ready for childbirth

In the last months of pregnancy, you constantly hear her complaints: her back hurts (she has gained weight, her spine cannot withstand the change in posture caused by the growing belly), she has heartburn (the baby presses on the stomach, and the relaxed esophageal sphincters do not keep acid stomach contents in the stomach). in the right place), her legs swell (progesterone causes water retention in the body).
Besides, she is already bored and tired of pregnancy, feels like an elephant and dreams of finally giving birth. But on the other hand, the thought of giving birth scares her, so she tries to find out if it can be avoided somehow …
As soon as you manage to calm your wife's fears with a nice word or dispel back pain with a tender massage, she starts ironing of baby clothes or forces you to paint your baby's room. It is a flagella syndrome caused by an increase in estrogen levels. The woman's body feels the end of pregnancy is approaching and prepares herself for childbirth physically and mentally. That is why the expectant mother makes a nest for the baby: she buys a cot, cleans cabinets, renovates walls, etc.

monthly "M jak mama"
