Sex during pregnancy is no longer taboo, but the question of how to make love during pregnancy to keep your baby safe remains open. It turns out that a woman's sexuality varies depending on the trimester of pregnancy. The comfortable and safe position also depends on the age of your pregnancy. Learn how to have sex in the next trimesters of pregnancy?

Sex , no matter whatpregnancy trimestercan be rewarding, often even more enjoyable than usual. Butpregnant sexalso plays a different role - it is an expression of your emotional closeness that strengthens your bond. And this during these nine months will be very necessary to both of you. Besides - it gives the woman the feeling that although her figure has changed, she is still attractive to her partner.

Sex in the first trimester of pregnancy: she doesn't always feel like it

In the first months of pregnancy you are constantly tired, everything irritates you, you feel sick. And how do you find sex in here? And yet! After all, unpleasant ailments do not last all day! The bed is not only for resting and sleeping. And even if not for love, at least for hugs. After all, sex is not only a physical act, but also gentle caresses, words of love, kisses. Anything that will emphasize that you love each other. And such confirmation is necessary for you in this new situation. One thing is important: sex cannot be a chore. Forced is just as unhe althy for a relationship as complete abstinence. Are you avoiding intercourse because you feel unwell? A loved one can explain your behavior as a lack of interest in his person. So if you don't feel like having intercourse, you should tell him openly, stressing that it is about how you feel, not your aversion to him.

Sex in the second trimester of pregnancy: pleasure and intensification of sensations

Many women experience the sex of their lives between four and six months pregnant. They get excited easily and experience orgasms more intensely than usual. This is because they can then enjoy intercourse without fear without worrying about being protected against pregnancy. Also, the physiological changes that occur then can intensify the sensations. The pelvic and vaginal areas are more supplied with blood. Hormones in turn trigger more mucus inside the vagina, which makes itthe walls are more sensitive to stimuli. Breasts and nipples are also more sensitive. Then even the most gentle caress stimulates them. The most important thing is that you remember that you are still exciting to your loved one. A loving man does not really mind that your figure changes. He will, however, admire your lush shapes, full breasts and the aura of sensuality that surrounds you. Do you want to make love often and your growing tummy only bothers you more and more? This can be de alt with easily. Nobody expects you to be capable of acrobatic stunts now. All you need to do is choose a position that is more comfortable than usual, in which the abdomen and breasts are not subject to pressure, and the penis does not penetrate the vagina too deeply. In this position, you can control the intensity of movements and, lying comfortably, indulge in pleasure. Remember about the added benefit of physical love: during pregnancy you will probably cut back and then give up sports altogether, so you can consider sex as a form of exercise. Don't be afraid that your little one will be unhappy with the "swing" that accompanies intercourse. The amniotic fluid absorbs shocks, especially when the baby is not yet big and is surrounded by a lot of fluid. In addition, sex can strengthen the emotional bond that connects you with your unborn baby. If you feel relaxed after successful intercourse, your baby will benefit from your satisfaction.

Sex in the third trimester: important position and hygiene

It cannot be denied that the expectant mother is getting thicker and heavier every month. In the third trimester, she often dreams only of rest and thinks more and more impatiently about giving birth. No wonder her interest in sex may decline. But such a scenario does not have to apply to all ladies. Still want a moment of oblivion? Also in the third trimester, you can afford it if your pregnancy is going well. You just need to choose a comfortable position.
Note: You should not lie on your back during intercourse as a heavy uterus can obstruct blood circulation. It happens that at the end of pregnancy, the cervix opens a bit and germs can get inside. In such a situation, the doctor, in order to prevent infection, recommends sexual abstinence in the last 3-4 weeks before delivery.


Why do people give up sex when pregnant?

A pregnant woman is less willing to reveal her body. A man subconsciously begins to treat a pregnant woman as a future mother, and not as a mistress. A pregnant woman ceases to be interested in her partner, is not interested in sex and focuses all her attention on the developing baby. May beAlso, they both still want sex, but are afraid they will hurt the baby.

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