While waiting for a baby, many women experience shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, leg swelling, abnormal rhythm and palpitations. These ailments result from the displacement of the diaphragm and pressure on the internal organs, including the heart, in the developing pregnancy.

Pregnancyis a period of many changes in the functioning of the circulatory system. First of all, by 40-50 percent. the amount of blood circulating in the body increases. In order to pump it, the heart must speed up its work - even by 10-20 beats per minute before the birth. Since the mainly plasma arrives, the blood is thinned out, it is said to have physiologicalanemiapregnant. As the fetus grows, the mother's heart gradually increases in size, especially its left ventricle. Its weight increases in proportion to the increase in the weight of the mother and the fetus. The diameter of the coronary vessels also widens. After delivery, when the placental circulation is shut down, the woman's heart decreases, but during lactation it is still larger than it was before pregnancy. After giving birth, the amount of blood circulating in the veins also decreases. After resolution, hormonal changes and clotting disorders can provoke thrombosis. Therefore, a woman must start walking as soon as possible.

When the pressure rises

10-15 percent women inpregnanthave hypertension. The pressure usually returns to normal within 1-3 weeks after resolution. Sometimes, however, during pregnancy, hypertension that developed earlier is revealed. If it is not treated, the so-called pre-eclampsia or eclampsia - serious for both mother and baby. How do I know if the rise in pressure is physiological or heralds disease? Hypertension in pregnancy is considered to be a pressure that exceeds 140/90 mmHg in the second and third trimesters, or when it rises - compared to the period before pregnancy - by 25/15 mmHg.
Note :During blood pressure measurement, the woman cannot lie on her back because the enlarged uterus compresses the vena cava, giving an underestimated result.

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