Spine pains happen to almost every pregnant woman, even if the pregnancy is textbook-like and the expectant mother is an example of good he alth. However, lifting extra pounds puts a lot of strain on the spine, especially when pregnant.
Growing belly bends the thoracic and lumbar spinethe spineforward, which leads to an unusual load on the individual vertebrae of the spine. As a result, the position of the center of gravity changes and in order to maintain balance, the pregnant woman sticks out her stomach, bends her neck and tilts her arms, and at the same time tightens the paraspinal muscles. In addition, under the influence of hormones, incl. relaxes, the sacroiliac joints relax to make it easier for your baby to come into the world. No wonder the result isback pain , which can become a real nightmare, especially when it also comes with pressure on the nerves. The pain may worsen with each extra kilogram, but it is usually harmless, but it can be so severe that it prevents you from working normally or even moving freely. Fortunately, there are ways to relieve the spine. Appropriate sleeping positions, sitting, and following certain rules during everyday activity will help to avoid them or alleviate this ailment.
Walking during pregnancy - self he alth
They have a relaxing effect, oxygenate, and can also help relieve pregnancy ailments. But how do you walk with a rushing back pain? First of all, make sure you have comfortable shoes. Although in Hollywood ladies with big bellies wear Manolo Blahnik heels, do not imitate the stars if you do not want to pay the pain for this fashion. Replace the high heels with comfortable slippers with a wide toe, non-slip sole and a maximum 2-4 cm heel. Shoes should be made of natural, breathable materials, e.g. leather. If you have a tendency for your feet to swell, wear shoes one size larger. Do not carry heavy shopping bags. Better to go to the store twice than come home laden like a camel. If you are already carrying something, distribute the weight between both hands. Avoidpregnantcarrying a large bag over one shoulder. Try to reduce the resources of the treasures that you carry in your purse every day. Their excess causes the spine to be loaded only on one side and it bends unnaturally. Reach for a backpack - it's always in fashion. ANDmost importantly, thanks to it, the weight of 1001 women's trinkets will be evenly distributed on the shoulders.
ImportantA doctor's advice is necessary when pain:
- prevents you from walking freely, sitting
- radiates to the bottom of the abdomen or is accompanied by a fever (this may indicate an infection of the urinary system)
- also covers the area of the pubic symphysis and hip joints, making it difficult to move around
- radiates to the buttocks or one or both legs
- it is accompanied by a sensory disturbance and a weakening of the strength of the legs.
You don't have to seek help from a gynecologist right away. Seek advice from your family doctor - he will examine you and order tests if necessary.
During pregnancy, avoid long standing and sudden movements
Long standing causes not only back pain, but also swelling of the legs, especially the calves. Makes the legs appear to weigh a ton. If you do have to stand, load your legs evenly and don't slouch. Whether others like it or not, the pregnant woman has the right to be handled out of sequence. Do not hesitate to use this right at the post office, shop or bank. If you have to stand for a while, get rid of the weight, e.g. put a shopping net on the floor. Don't hesitate to ask for your seat on the bus. When ironing or other activity while standing, bend one leg over the knee and rest it against a toddlers footrest, or put a few books or a shoe box under your leg. This will ease the burden on the lumbar spine. Juggle in place, bend your knees, step from foot to foot to stay motionless for as long as possible. When you have to pick up something, stand slightly apart, bend your knees, but do not bend your back by bending at the waist. Grasp the object firmly and while straightening your knees, lift it with the strength of the muscles in your arms and legs, not your back (you will feel the strain on your leg muscles). Avoid sudden movements during all housework.
Avoid too comfortable armchairs during pregnancy
Sitting strains the spine more than other activities, which you probably have the opportunity to find out now (especially if you have a sedentary job, e.g. in the office). Every 30-60 minutes, take a break for a walk (even if in place) and a few bends. Avoid armchairs that you sink into and chairs without backs. Choose chairs with a hard seat with adjustable height, contoured backrest and armrests (they will make it easier for you to get up). Do not cross your legs: this increases the pain, unevenly stresses the spine and pelvis, and disrupts blood circulation in the legs.
ProblemThis will help you
1. Use your free time to rest. Try to rely every now and then 2. Take care of your diet. Eat for two, not for two. Status altereddoes not justify greed - extra pounds overload the spine. 3. Don't overdo your work. You don't have to give up on it, but don't work too hard. Don't move everywhere with a brisk, marching stride. 4. Warm the sore spot with a blanket or hot water bottle. If possible, take a warm (not hot!) Bath. This will help relax your tense paraspinal muscles. 5. Ask your partner to massage your spine. You can also massage your back with a stream from the shower. 6. Don't go overboard with the cleanup. When you are pregnant, you shouldn't hang curtains or wipe the dust on tall furniture. Also, don't bother vacuuming and cleaning floors. 7. Go to the swimming pool. Swimming, especially on the back and with a breaststroke, relaxes, massages and relieves the spine. 8. When non-pharmacological back pain relief has failed, you can take a paracetamol tablet as needed. You should not take other painkillers such as ibuprofen, aspirin. 9. Do exercises such as cat's back. Kneel down, put your knees and feet hip-width apart, lean on your hands. Inhaling the air, round your back and pull your buttocks down, and when you let it out, lower your tummy and raise your head. Repeat 10 times. Or: get on your knees, then contract your buttock muscles and slowly, alternately stretching your arms several times upwards, as if you are climbing a wall.
When pregnant, sleep in a position favorable for the spine
Sleeping with your tummy is a real challenge. You probably think at times that it would be best to sleep… standing up. But right now you should get enough sleep and rest. You can forget about sleeping on your stomach, because it is like lying on a ball. It is best to lie on your left side, put a small pillow between your legs near the knees or toss one leg over the other. This position is good for your spine, internal organs and also for your baby as it does not interfere with the blood flow to the placenta. But don't panic when you wake up lying on your back during the night. A few minutes of lying on the back did not hurt any pregnant woman. Calmly change position. The mattress you sleep on should not collapse under your weight.
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