In the 24th week of pregnancy, you may start to feel the nesting instinct typical of pregnancy and the desire to organize everything in your environment. The excitement may also be accompanied by more frequent worries about the future than before.
- 24. week of pregnancy: how your baby develops
- 24. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
- 24. week of pregnancy: what to look for. Top recommendations
24. week of pregnancy: how your baby develops
- In the 24th week, the fetus weighs about 500-600 g, and its length, the so-called the parietal-seat distance is approx. 21 cm.
24. week is the 6th month of pregnancy
- The baby looks like a newborn baby: his face and body are fully formed and from then on they will only grow. The internal organs are also fully formed, although of course they are not working yet - their functions are performed, among others, by placenta and umbilical cord.
- Although modern incubators are able to keep newborns alive weighing only 500 g, if the baby was born now, it would have 25 percent. chance of survival. He wouldn't be able to breathe on his own - his lungs still make very little surfactant.
- The awareness of the fetus grows with each passing day: although we do not know whether or not she already thinks, it is known that she already feels her mother's fear and reacts to her stress with a faster heartbeat.
- The uterus slowly begins to get tight, so to be able to move, the baby must push harder, which you will feel as sometimes not very pleasant kicks. Do not be afraid, however, that you may harm your baby by exercising or walking faster - it is protected against injuries by the amniotic fluid, which is currently about 500 ml in the uterus - as much as two glasses of water.
- The fetus at 24 weeks of pregnancy slowly begins to adjust its circadian rhythm to the way of mother's life: sleeps when you rest and awake when you are active.
- His eyes are already well developed, and when he is asleep, you can see rapid eye movements, which may indicate that he is entering the REM phase, in which dreams appear.
24. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you
The abdomen is now clearly rounded, the uterus has grown so much that it can be felt about 5 cm above the navel.
In the 24th week of pregnancy around the moutha dark outline may appear. This is the effect of hormonal changes, usually temporary - everything should disappear within a few months after giving birth.
- Skin discoloration during pregnancy - prevention and methods of removing pigmented spots
The uterus is already large and presses the adjacent internal organs and nerve connections. Therefore, you will need to use the toilet more than before, and you may also have heartburn and strange stinging sensations.
The mucosa of the nose may now start to dry out and you may suffer from a constant runny nose and even nosebleeds. Moisturizing the nose from the inside with seawater spray will help.
- CATHARY IN PREGNANCY. The best home remedies for QATAR in PREGNANCY
Usually, during this period, back pains appear stronger than before, especially in the lower back - if you feel them, try to rock your pelvis frequently, as if you were dancing, because it is a great form of relaxation.
- Spine in pregnancy - remedies for back pain in pregnancy
Be prepared to be distracted now. You can also drop anything you take into your hands - the cause of this condition is the loosening of the joint ligaments, making the hands temporarily less functional.
- CHEST in pregnancy: how to deal with it
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24. week of pregnancy: what to look for. Top recommendations
In the 24th week, you can already perform a blood glucose test - DTTG, or oral glucose tolerance test, which detects gestational diabetes. It consists in double-checking the level of glucose in the blood. First, blood is drawn on an empty stomach, then you need to drink a glucose solution of 75 and wait two hours, after which blood is drawn again. You have until the 28th week of pregnancy for this test, but it is better not to delay it too much.
- SWEET PREGNANCY or why too high BLOOD GLUCOSE is a threat to the baby
Many expectant mothers begin to complain of pain, tingling and numbness in their wrists, especially in the evening, after working at the computer, when they are 24 weeks pregnant. This is called carpal tunnel syndrome: a condition caused when a nerve in the wrist of the hand is compressed by adjacent tissues that swell with excess water. Frequent breaks and gentle massaging of the sore area help, you can also apply a warm compress.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy: symptoms. What are the causes of numbness and pain in the hands?
- Second trimester of pregnancy
- 25. week of pregnancy
- 26. week of pregnancy
- 27. week of pregnancy