C-section on demand has been controversial for many years both among women giving birth and among doctors. One thing is certain - a cesarean is a serious abdominal operation and its consequences are not always pleasant. So why are more and more women ready to do whatever it takes to avoid natural childbirth and give birth by caesarean section?
C-section on requesthas its supporters and opponents who have been discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this method of pregnancy termination for a long time. The welfare of the child and the mother's he alth often take a back seat
- In extreme casesa caesarean on requestis a matter of fashion, because many stars decided to have a caesarean section - says Tatiana Ostaszewska-Mosak, a psychologist. - Some women come to the conclusion that "ordinary" childbirth is for commoners, and the emperor, on demand, will bring them closer to the elite. Others want to keep a perfect figure at all costs. For those who lead a very intensive professional life, the most important thing is to be able to accurately plan the date of delivery. However, most often we are simply afraid of the pain and the fact that the anesthesia will not be given on time or it will be too weak. Hence, the only solution seems to be to talk to the doctor, of course for an appropriate fee.
Caesarean section: complications upon request
It is primarily private clinics that make their money, although on internet forums you can also find out which doctors from public hospitals are ready to set the date of childbirth. Because there is no official cesarean section in Poland. The decision to perform it must always be medically justified. And for good reason. - Many women do not notice the fact that it is a serious operation, and convalescence takes much longer than returning to full strength in the case of natural childbirth - emphasizes Dr. Andrzej Micuła from the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw. - After natural childbirth, the mother usually gets up after two hours, after the surgeon's intervention only after 6 hours, and sometimes after a few days. The wound is painful and the sutures "pull" for many more months. In addition, the risk of complications during caesarean section is two or even four times higher than in natural childbirth. It may lead to unexpected bleeding, damage to the bladder, ureters or intestines. Post-operative adhesions that form in the uterine cavity can also make it difficult to conceive again anddoubling the risk that the next pregnancy will be an ectopic pregnancy. Keeping the figure can also be different, because often after a transverse cut on the abdomen there is an ugly "overhang" over the scar.
Caesarean section - what does it look like? Look! [TOWIDEO]
Is Caesarean section good for the baby?
It also turns out that, contrary to some opinions, a caesarean performed without clear medical indications is not the best solution for a child. We often think that squeezing into the world is a great and unnecessary effort for him. Meanwhile, it is then that his body releases hormones, which enable the proper development of the lungs. In natural childbirth, this child is a sign that he is ready to be born - with a caesarean, we have to believe in the reliability of the apparatus and the doctor's experience. A premature caesarean section, performed too early, may cause breathing disorders in a child (the so-called iatrogenic prematurity) - one of the main causes of death in newborns.
Experts agree that efforts should be made to perform a caesarean only when the risk is lower than the expected benefits. However, every pregnancy is different, and the psyche and pain resistance are very individual matters. Therefore, despite all the complications that can be caused by a caesarean section, we should have a chance to officially benefit from it in a public hospital for psychological reasons. Those of us who are paralyzed by fear would have a greater comfort of giving birth, and the "gray area" in delivery rooms would cease to exist.
ImportantA caesarean section cuts the walls of the abdomen and uterus and extracts the baby. Usually, the doctor makes an incision horizontally above the pubic hairline (called the bikini line). The operation takes about an hour. Partial (epidural) anesthesia is most often used - thanks to it, the woman is conscious and the risk of complications is reduced. General anesthesia (full anesthesia) is administered primarily in emergency cases, when the child's life and yours depends on the speed of the doctors' action. The stitches are removed after a week or so. A tailor-made cut costs from 4,000 to 8,000 zlotys. In a private clinic, this amount is paid to the cash register, and in a public hospital, it is usually given in an envelope under the table.